
i got reincarnated at the wrong side

a person moving normally on the street was about to be hit by truck-Kun but was able to dodge it as he was sad normally people wouldn't be but this guy is different from the others as he wished to be reincarnated into another world and live his life with his harem

Mohamed_Moonwriter · Võ hiệp
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20 Chs

Chapter 8

We finally reached the village that we will stay at until we exterminate the ruler around this area {so the ruler is a bull this time with strong tusks that can tear anything at it's way so what the plan} that lady isn't insight right now but I'm sure she is looking at me right now but thanks to her I was able to reach the barrier between the low and middle telekinesis skill and the number of swords increased at the sky as well thanks to that so I can't say anything other than she is amazing person to motivate others Clark snorted {well I thought we would just charge toward it} I put my hand at my head (I don't know how did this person remained at his position until now but then another boar came forward with a map of the region as I can remember maps are a treasure at this era since you can't really know where you are without them or a scout who is from that spot without it even the map that Raphael had was handmade and it was very rough that I'm still wondering how does he able to read it so because of my hands are far better than that I would be the one who will continue to draw our maps it's normal for adventurers to draw their own maps all the time whenever they return to that region they can use it once again and if they have multiple maps you can have a clearer image of the geographical state of the region so it's very rare to see one having this detailed map at this boar kin's hand as a drawing of a bull was at the right side of the map the boar made a circle around him as we are at the other side with the village that we are staying at with a small village that is within few hours walking from here in the north but it's out of the danger zone so all the villagers are safe {this is the zone that the hunting zone of the bull he doesn't get out of it mostly because it doesn't need to since it's followers are the one who bush any intruder outside of it people from the yggdrsil branch will be the one who will take care of it's followers they are strong but with the members around here you will manage to defeat them with low sacrifice rate while the boar tripe will deal with the bull ourselves} that's better plan than what this guy had said {I think you should be the tripe leader and not this guy} he laughed a little with embarrassed face (it looks weird though because of his boar face) {you think so well I look up to my father but I don't have cool muscles like his so I'm using my head instead} I between the two of them {he is your father} Clark nodded to me with pride {yep even though my son is only twenty year old he is already the vice leader and will be the next in line after I die with the approval of all of the tripe} as he laughed I looked at his son {can you take over now I think the tripe will be ruined soon if this guy stay much longer} but he heard it though I called in a low voice I meant to let him hear it {h-hey but I made it this far without any problem} I looked surprised {wow that's a miracle in itself if you asked me} his son signaled for me to listen to him as I went closer {well you see after the tripe leader is chosen we can't change him until he is dead so we all worked hard to get to his shortcoming} I nodded to him {now that's acceptable I can understand now} I got a handshake with the future tripe leader and I left the tent of the leader as I was chosen as a representative for the yggdrsil branch well I'm not the strongest out all of them but I'm the most versatile and I'm used to talk to higher ups or that's what they said about me (and let's forget about them shaking whenever I tried to say no and about them saying that Clark is very scary one) I went toward them and said the plan out to them not the charging like a bunch of suicide squad or something but to take care of the small fries and leave the boss to the leader since none of us can actually make a confrontation with a ruler I was an idiot to get to him but I knew that I would be dead a that time I would choose to turn my tail and run away if I ever saw another ruler until I reach the high level I doubt I can scratch them let alone winning against one all alone after hearing that all the people from the branch came and hoorayed for it {I just went to talk with him it's not that big of a deal you know} but Raphael was by the side with them {well to them he is a crazy person who will charge at anyone who will do anything against the law why do you think that there aren't anyone who even try to steal they all got the experience to meet the monster of the law or that's what they are calling him} I looked at the tent every boar is standing at his position like the alphabet I (well at least he is good at his job) as they left me down literary at the ground they left me to hit the ground as they left me while Raphael extended his hand {good joke right} I nodded and got his hand {it hurts a bit though so be careful later on} he nodded but as he moved forward a chain was at his leg and he hit the ground {told you to be careful} as I laughed at him I went forward to help the others looking for their armors and equipments I don't need weapons but I changed my light armor to get a more sturdy one to be able to withstand the hits of the bulls charging toward us Raphael will support from the back since he is the only one who can use supporting magic at the personnel while magician got specialized gems to increase their fire power according to their elements a girl came holding a small gem as she gave it to me {here Is yours} I took it got a pale gem though my magic is considered a blacksmith one it's very rare that I thought they wouldn't have specialized gem for it I got it and got it around my neck I looked at the young girl {are you outsider of the village} since this is the village of the giants I didn't see a single person who I could actually look face to face other than the regular ones but she shook her head {no I'm a citizen of this village} as she ran away I looked at her while another three girls came toward me {don't look for her she is a failer of our village} I looked at them though I wanted to I looked away though I don't want to be considered a pervert from what they are wearing I got my swords stuck at a tree as I jumped and then got another one my telekinesis isn't high enough to withstand my weight I then stood at one of the swords that are stuck at the tree {oh how a gentleman you are} I laughed a bit for that then I looked at the other two (yep this is much better for my heart} {so you were saying} she looked at the young girl who is still running {well you see that one have the opposite skill of what we normally have} I tilted my head {sorry but I'm not that knowledgeable of giants skills so can you say it for me that I can understand} she giggled a little {well you see our most useful skill is that we can get smaller whenever we want to but hers is that she can get bigger} I tilted my head {how is that a problem and you are saying you aren't using your skill right now right then why is her skill that bad if she is smaller that doesn't mean she is weak} she shook her head {no because our strength come clearly from our shrinking bodies if we reached the same height of the human we will have enough strength to fight on equal ground with a captain of the demon race} {well that's actually amazing but I still can't see what kind of problem does that make with that girl} she sighed {you aren't that smart right} I shook my head {no not that much} {you are quite open with that right okay I will tell you her strength decreases whenever she increase her size but unlike ours she doesn't consume that much Mana all the time to maintain that shape she just say that her father was from this height so she wanted to remain like that we on the other hand can only withstand the human height for about five minutes more than that and we will collapse at our place and there are some cases that we die from it so she doesn't really have anyone she can play with} I nodded to her (now I understand she is lonely just like how I was) looked down as I saw Raphael calling for me I said my goodbye to them and went down {oh our Michael finally found a girl he like or what} I was sent aback from that {w-what are you talking about it's not like that} and that was the biggest mistake I ever did that day since he stuck with me trying to squeeze information out of me and after a day of fully preparing we went to the frontline (thank goodness that that spy information searching ended I'm beat) I barely slept from all the questions I didn't train yesterday because of the questions and I'm preserving my Mana for the fight right now I don't know how much I need as we got our positions I was at the frontline with all the others but unlike the tanks I was behind them with the group that will thrust using spears but my weapon are different from theirs as we moving slowly we already left the boar tripe on their mission as we continued a sound came from the bushes and then a bull came toward us {prepare the shields they came} but before the bull reached us two swords appeared from it's sides cut it's legs and a spear at the front stuck it's forehead {one down} all the troops got their spirit to another level I heard that the spirit of the army is an important asset but I didn't understood it until now as I roared with them the rest of the first wave came toward us as I sent my swords flying I can only take one at a time and they are coming within two digits so I won't be of much help at this large scale raid but I was worrying for nothing as the tanks got their feet at the ground even after the bulls charged with at them with the magicians started shooting their magic and archers started shooting their arrows as the raid started I kept hitting the ones I see as the ones who try to go through them My Mana is huge now so I can manage within this time but I still don't know how long will it take us to finish it so I'm keeping only three weapons at the moment as I control them one after the other with my blocking skill activate which is still at only the half of it's way to reach the middle level is helping me greatly only searching and finding the right target with Raphael buffing me and putting barriers here and there to slow them down to let the archers and magicians to kill several of them at the same time

At another place was a group of four was walking inside of the forest[author note; the human language is Arabic so I will write it while translating it to English if you ask me why I'm doing that it's just because I can] <هل انت متأكد ان هذا هو الطريق الصحيح> {are you sure this is the right way} as the youngest one of them said that an old man was holding the map nodded to him<نعم المجموعة التي تحتاج الاعشاب قريبة من هنا نحن بحاجة الي مساعدتهم حتي يعودو> {yes the group that needed to get that rare herb is within this vicinity we need to help them until they come back} as the old map got the map down and started moving forward with a big sword at his hand the young boy sighed <ازا فقط كنا قادرين علي ايقاف الحريق لم يكن علي هاولاء الناس ان يتعرضوا لهاذا الخطر> {if only we could stop the burning of it that time we wouldn't have gotten those people into this dangerous place} the healer went toward him and said<ا-انت لم تفعل اي شيء خاطي بل فعلت افضل ما استطعت عمله لقتايك كلا من الحاكم و واحد من الاتحاد فقط لتحمينا انا اشعر بالعار من نفسي لانني تركتك كل هذا الوقت> {y-you didn't do anything wrong you did your best that time to fight both a ruler and one of the alliance to protect us I'm ashamed of myself to leave you at that time} the young hero looked forward <انا ماذلت افكر عن هذه المرأة التي ظهرت فقط عندما كنا علي وشك السيطرة علي تلك المنطقه>{I still am thinking about that woman who only appeared when we were about to take over that area} he started remembering them going to an open area that is full of the herbs that they needed to get the potion created to heal the princess but before they were able to get the herbs the ruler appeared and killed everyone at the area that left the hero to charge at him to stop him while the others went to get the herbs he was pushing the ruler by that time but then he reached a village at the north with that woman appearing there and pushing them back she tried to fight them and the battle went into three groups everyone trying to kill the other he was able to return without any problem after injuring that woman heavily at her mouth and killing the ruler he went back he heard that all the people that came with their group died and the demons came and put the place on fire as he looked at the whole area that was still burning he bent down to look at the burning herb with tears coming down from his eyes the young man hit his back<لا تعر الامر اي اهتمام سوف نحصل علي العشب هذه المرة لنكمل هذا الدواء فقط اترك اي شيطان لي و ل فنون سيفي > {don't mind it we will get the herb this time and make that cure for sure just leave any damn Demon you see for me and my great swordsmanship} the young boy smiled at them <نعم لازال لدينا فرصة>{yeah we still have a chance to get things correct}

After few hours of fighting on the bulls was everywhere lying down with the groups looking very exhausted with some of us being dead here and there but we managed to decrease the deaths into only fifteen personnel {we did great at this one} as Raphael came closer to me who was gasping for air I was forced to charge to the frontline to help decreasing the numbers of the bulls but their numbers were too great for us {y-yeah it went on better than I thought} but then another explosion happened at another place {isn't that} Raphael nodded to me {yes seems like the ruler is rampaging there} (but isn't that explosion pretty close) and my thoughts were right as the giant bull appeared in front of us as he was charging toward us with it's body bleeding all over as I charged forward {magicians and archers support me} with a light appearing around my body with Raphael's buffs I made a big shield as big as my skill allowed me to with Raphael's barrier behind me I used it as a foothold not to be bushed back I then heard a voice coming from my back it was the bald guy who loved muscles {get up guys and back him up} they got up with their shields at their hands as they charged toward the barrier and stuck it with their whole body and then the magicians and archers attacks reached us as the explosions came from the sides and above it's body but the arrows all came from beside me (are they doing that on purpose) as the spirit of the army got even higher we were able to push it back few steps but then it breathed and it's body started to get redder as it starting pushing us all back but then like a chain being broken a light appeared around all the people at the area and Raphael's buffing spell went into every single one of them (did he really surpassed the middle level within the fight is he the main character of a novel or what) but it was enough to let us starting to push the bull backward then a person or to tell the truth a boar appeared from the air with a chain at hand with one ending was a big hammer at it he swung it and it went straight toward the bull's head as Clark went downward {you damn animal your target is here} as the bull hit the ground and Clark was standing still with his chains being ready to hit once again as the bull got up and started charging toward Clark who was looking toward him {please don't miss right now} as he pulled his chain forward but his chains missed it's target and a +1 appeared above his head he looked at the bull who was still charging at him {ah damn it I'm dead} but I was already beside the bull at that time as I sent two spears thrusting through the bull's eye {don't you damn stay there jump away} with the bull's eye being gouged out like that with the spears getting outside Clark jumped to the side and the bull kept on charging even though it hit the tree in front of it Clark started shouting with his armor starting to get destroyed (is he using a skill right now) his muscles started to appear he then charged with his chains starting to gain red light around it he jumped and standing above the bull he swung his chain downward and a chain of explosions appeared at the bull's back with that he fell down and I'm barely withstanding with what remained Mana I have {it finally finished}

this story has two main languages the first one is english with the demons mainly talking it while the humans talk in arabic but i will make most of their speech in english

Mohamed_Moonwritercreators' thoughts