
i got reincarnated at the wrong side

a person moving normally on the street was about to be hit by truck-Kun but was able to dodge it as he was sad normally people wouldn't be but this guy is different from the others as he wished to be reincarnated into another world and live his life with his harem

Mohamed_Moonwriter · Võ hiệp
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20 Chs

Chapter 6

After I increased the level of my weapons creation skill I went to the library that sword I think I saw it somewhere at one of the myth at earth {I'm sure of it I need just to look at it once again} as I got a paper and a pen and sat at one of the chairs looking at the paper as I started to start drawing the sword it's more like a drilling machine if I looked at it from here on but the signs were like it's a computer electric directions with a golden handle with round look it isn't created to attack at the same way as usual swords I looked at it for some more time but I didn't remember anything new I sighed {maybe I should leave it for later I'm sleepy anyway} as I left the library with the paper with me (I should go to the palace later on tomorrow since it might be at this world) as I made a time to go there tomorrow I went and slept the next day I found Raphael standing at the door of my room with excited look at his face but since I'm not at the mood right now I shoved him away from me and went to brush my teeth and I found him standing there as I was drinking some water {hey I found what that sword is-} all the water inside of my mouth went flying at his face I was surprised but I blew them toward him because he is annoying right now I like to be in peace without any sound he ran and started to clean his face {why did you do that man that's disgusting} {because you are annoying anyway what is that sword called} he looked annoyed (now you feel me) he looked away {I won't tell you} I nodded to him got my clothes {okay then see ya later} and I left him standing there but I found him beside me the next second {hey don't you know what is that sword called at least it's a very powerful one so that you know} but I didn't care if someone like him found it already then Dalf would have got it as well and with better information than this one I shoved him away again {you won't tell me so it's annoying to clink to someone who won't even tell me after all the trouble it's easier to ask around} he looked down as he was disappointed {you really are joy breaker} I looked at him with a clear smile {thank you} I then headed toward the guild he sighed {okay I will give you a hint at least you will have to thank me for that} but I shook my head {no thank you I will figure it myself} he heard that and he started to get some of his hair outside of his head but then he gave up {it's one of the ten blades at the palace they are legendary weapons from the previous era that a legendary blacksmith made after he surpassed the high level} now that's more like it I patted his back {thanks pal now I can just use that as a foothold for my research} but then I thought a demon blade I think I heard it at some place before yeah for sure it's a sword I saw it at our world was it starting with exca or something like that well I should see it myself {well shall we go to the palace then} he looked at me as I was moving full of confidence since the guards are one of the people who know who I really am so they won't stop me as I went at the gate of the palace or I thought so as I looked at the guards in front of me who refused to let me inside {what is your business here} I looked at him blankly this is a new guy so he doesn't know me {I'm here to thank the wolf tripe leader for his prize from yesterday} well it's true I want to do that too he was a live saver back there but the new guard didn't budge from his place {I will tell him your message you can go now} as I looked at him with more angry eyes (this guy won't let me inside no matter what right) I sighed {just let me inside and I will give you a golden coin} well I can just run when I enter as I looked at Raphael who was crying to stop right here well it's justified since I don't have a copper coin at the moment even my breakfast I let Raphael paid it for me I just need to check this sword then I will try to get money fast but the guard looked at me as he unsheathed his battle mace and looked at me {you dare try to bribe a guard of the royal palace you are an assassin for sure} as he swung his mace but I conjured a sword and blocked him I touched the sword (yep it's much better right now) as I pushed him forward he flew and took the door that was fully made of steel I looked at my hand {did I get stronger or what} I know that you get stronger the bigger your Mana pool is but not this much in a single breakthrough (that is game breaker you know) but it did the job so I went inside with guards running with their weapons on the ready to cut anything come beyond the door but when they saw me going through the door they lowered their weapons as I removed my illusion magic it became like a second nature of me to use it right now even when I'm sleeping it's always active well even if it's active I still get Mana so it doesn't make any problems from me as long as it's within my body parts that is {Michael what are you doing here} as the queen squeezed herself out of the guards it was funny scene to tell the truth but seeing her once again made myself calmer as I sniffed the air (ahh her smell is as eloquent as I can remember) but then the guard got up {that guy is pretty tough} but then as he was about to rush at me Clark came and stopped him with a hit at his face {welcome back} this guy isn't like before huh well not that I care for him or anything {so why did you came here for are you already at the point} but I shook my head {no but I can say that I'm not that far away I just to see one of the legendary blades that you have} she tilted her head but not from surprise but from the staff that hit my head {why the hell didn't you tell me that you are a human} Raphael this bastard I kicked him in the face {I was thinking of telling you soon} as he was at the ground {anyway I'm a human will you try to kill me now} he looked at me giggled and stood up [kill you stop joking now I can understand why I can heal you but not the other demons I was about to go crazy from that} I nodded to him as I helped him getting up but he held his staff tight {do you have any other secrets} he is ready to hit me again right {well other than I came from another world-} and another hit came at my head {you bastard come here} as I ran toward him {seems like he is living well} as Clark said that the princess nodded to him {yeah I happy for him after all he shouldn't be here to begin with} I stopped from running after Raphael and conjured four fists to beat him in my place as I moved toward the two of them {what are you two talking about my life didn't actually have a meaning I'm happier here} as I stopped the fists and removed them {just that I hope that guy wasn't like that all the time he is a pain to deal with some times} as Raphael stood up Clark laughed while the queen nodded {the legendary weapons right okay I will lead you} as she headed forward me Clark and Raphael went after her as Clark is her personal guard for today at least since everyone of them is always with here for one day as they deal with their kind for the rest of the week well not all the twelve of them are doing that since the crow tripe leader is always at the borders for any problems they will rush back to the nearest yggdrsil branch to call for help from the other alliance masters everyone of them have their own job like Clark here his job is to keep the city and the places that is under the demon king's rule safe so he is busy most of the time other than days like this which is more likely his holiday Dalf is working in keeping the monsters in check so seeing him inside a city for a long time is very rare even his family rarely see him I heard that he left the city today morning we went inside of a room and I found few weapons here and there but he queen didn't stop there and continued on these weapons are very sturdy that you can easily break metal using them but they are inferior than the weapon I'm looking for as the queen put her hand at the seal at the end of the wall and a wall appeared from it we went inside of it and then we saw the sword and as I saw it the memory of two powers clashing inside of my memory {hmm now I remember where I saw it} as I went toward it but Raphael stopped me {wait a minute why didn't anyone take it if it's too easily just flying there} I removed his hand {don't worry it's better to see what it want for me to be able to wield it} he looked at the sword nodded to me as he held his staff tightly {be prepared to heal me right away and please use your barrier this time I don't like being beaten all the time} as he nodded once again {I will keep that in mind} I sighed as I was moving forward (I might die from this guy's recklessness one time) as I was in front of the sword {welcome Ea the sword of Rapture need a new master right then let's make a contract} as I wielded it a strong pressure came and I was able to withstood it but it was getting stronger by the second but then light started to appear around my body as Raphael used his buffs and barriers I got the handle of Ea with my whole strength but the pressure was still getting stronger I then heard a sound coming from somewhere {you aren't worthy for me yet} and I was pushed away as the sword remained at the air Clark was there as he held me I was safe but I looked at the sword with a smile {heh okay then I will make you want me to wield you} and after I told the queen about what the sword told me she gasped {w-what the sword is trying to make another person it's master that never happened other than the fifth demon king and he was consumed by the sword after the fight} I looked around my body (no nothing wrong with my body) {well I think I have potential to have it but not unless I reach the high level at my skills right now I can't make it accept me} Raphael sighed {do you know how amazing that is to reach the high level and you say it like it's something like it's a normal stroll} I smiled at him {I think I'm just that amazing} {do you want to be hit or what} I was surprised but not because that Raphael but because the queen is the one who said that but then she sighed and calmed down {well I can't help it with you two now get out I'm busy} as she said that Clark pushed the two of us outside of the palace {what was that for} I raised my shoulders {no Idea well we have some work to do anyway so let's make some money I'm broke} but then my stomach made some sound as I put my hand at it {but let's get launch first} {you just said that you are broke} {well it's of course on you mister rich man} as I got my prize he got his own to so he can afford to let the two of us eat with ease but I will pay him back for sure {the interest rate is ten percent per meal] this guy sometime I want to beat him pretty strong {at least make it per day if it's per one meat I won't be able to pay you back no matter what} but he shook his head {sorry can't do that this business will go bankrupt if I do that for every guest} {doesn't charity increase your healing proficiency then you can at least help me with it} but he shook his head as we started to move away from the palace {you aren't within the criteria to be considered to increase my proficiency so no I won't help you} I gritted my teeth as the two of us went on to get our meal at the palace the queen was sitting beside a sleeping demon with runes all over his body with a woman appearing behind her { your majesty it's dangerous if you stayed her for too long I suggest that you leave soon} as the woman said that the queen put her hand at the demon {what do you think of him Lydia} as Lydia got into the shadows {he is very weak to be considered an asset for the country for the moment but if he is nurtured in the right way he will be the one who will be the one who will stay toe to toe with the hero but if he continued like that he might lose his motivation soon} the queen nodded to him {I understand prepare a great motivation then} as she looked at the man sleeping in front of her with painful expressions {but my lady you might break him like that he still didn't see how horrible the war is} the queen looked at the shadows even though she couldn't see Lydia she was sure where she is {you said it yourself he might lose motivation soon I have to make my move soon and don't forget why I got him here in the first place it's to use him as a tool to end this war and that's what I will do} Lydia went away from the shadows bent down and kissed the queen's hand {as you wish your highness} as she disappeared once again the queen looked at the demon king who is suffering from the curse that was put at his body as she clinched her fists strong enough that blood started to come out of her palm into the ground {I will save you for sure just wait a little longer I promise you that the war will end soon enough} as she kissed him and left the room as Clark was behind the door standing there {prepare an expedition to the village of the giants and get the help of Michael at this one} as Clark nodded his head and left the place with tears pouring down from her eyes {sorry Michael but I have to get you dead for this country}as she removed her tears and moved on as she looked back to the closed door {I will rescue you at all cost that's my promise and curse I will be hated by him and might be killed but it's okay with me if I can bring you back}