
i got reincarnated at the wrong side

a person moving normally on the street was about to be hit by truck-Kun but was able to dodge it as he was sad normally people wouldn't be but this guy is different from the others as he wished to be reincarnated into another world and live his life with his harem

Mohamed_Moonwriter · Võ hiệp
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20 Chs

Chapter 3

I was inside of my room with blood dripping down from my forehead as I was hitting my face with the wall as both of Clef and the queen looking at me with the curious looks at the almost closed door (ahhh Damn it all I became the person that I didn't want to be all along) I didn't want to be a muscle head who all people came around him just because he can beat some people as I remembered what I promised them I hit my head once again {m-my dream is all ruined now is it too much to ask for a peaceful life} as I sat down looking at the walls Clef and the queen came inside of the room the queen got a handkerchief from her pocket and started to remove the blood that is still coming down from my forehead after she finished it Clef looked at me {I'm sorry to force you onto doing something like that} I looked at him I grinned my teeth against each other but he didn't do anything there well nothing wrong I thought that they will refuse since I'm a human but I forgot that the tiger tripe only let the strongest person be their leader their kind doesn't matter and since I fought Liger fair and square I'm considered and won I'm their chief at the moment I sighed once again {no it's fine I can't really get my dream if we are at war so I have decided} I got up with my body getting in heat with me as I fired up {I will end this war in hurry to live my life in leisure} Clef nodded to me as he got a paper from his pocket {then shall we start} I looked at the paper it's English as well well it's the main language of the demons and all the other races learnt it when they went and lived here the war have been going for more than thirty year already when the current demon king got the throne the humans thought he will be easy to defeat since the power of the demon come from his rank not just a title but that title will give him a power as well but it will take some time to take it but they still lost to this new king well he was a child at that time not even reaching the two digit age I as I entered the full information of the elves alliance's branch or the yggdrsil branches since the world tree have been burnt the elves ran away while taking branches of it and made a new world tree's foothold it's like they are preparing to raise another one but until that happen they are using the branches to send information with it and that's how they made the first yggdrsil guild it's the same as any other guild you see at the novels you get up the rank as you get more missions with you getting down a rank whenever you fail three constructive missions I got all of it other than the name {oh right until now you didn't tell us your name} as the queen said that Clef looked curious as well I laughed a little {well you see my name is the same as the archangel at our world so I'm always reluctant of saying it to most of the people} they tilted their heads {you have angels there} I shook my head {no more like a folklore of them from religious I don't really believe in them but I'm just interested in them so I know few things about the archangels} I then wrote my name Michael then I went to sleep after they left and the next two days I got used to the first few missions information that Clef prepared for me at the third day I got a bag with few silvers that is equal to few hundred coppers with that I can manage for the time being all the alliance will keep silent about the death of Liger until I be famous enough but I don't think someone as important as him won't have people looking at him if he just disappeared like that so I don't have much time as I went inside of the yggdrsil branch I got the paper with my application into it the elf looked at it nodded to me {thank you for coming back alive and we wish you a long life} a usual thing they say for anyone who come to the branch the elf got the paper and put it at a tree behind him that is the branch they are trying to plant here it share information with the rest of the other branches like that I'm now registered into all of the other branches I got few papers with missions to exterminate some wild animals and set of outside to the dark forest at the north this forest is very huge that it surround the whole kingdom with few spaces for big army to move at that's one of the reasons that the humans couldn't come in a huge number and kill them with their movement being slow and with fast races around the forest hunting them the humans were forced to go back many times over the years but I doubt that the hero will who have seven skills just when he appeared at this world will be hunted down that easily I looked down {just at the time he appeared he have almost double of what I can get and all of them are middle rank} my middle rank skills are the illusion for me to hide my real look and the telekinesis skill the other two are at the low rank I went inside of the forest looked around killed the animals and came back with their bodies I should make records at every single thing I do I gave the pieces that proof my killing to them and got few coppers and like that I went on my days after seven days I went up a rank as I went back at the eights day {damn it's very hard to rise your rank even though I do many at the same time} even Clef can't help me with the ranks he have to be neutral at this time since he only help the others to get his own race to safety well I can manage with that much money isn't a big problem with me getting much more missions than the others since I get more skills but there is one odd ball at the branch it's that demon that Is always alone even when I see him at the forest he is always all alone so I went and asked about him from the people around but no one wanted to talk about him I left him as well I don't want to get into trouble as I only wanted to have good impression around me all the time but with that guy being with me it might be good in the look of some people but most of them aren't going to be happy about that so I left him as I left the place and went to the as I was thinking that the people who enjoy adventures are weirdoes but then I myself was one of those people not that far away in the past I went inside of the inn slept the next day as usual I went to the branch got my mission like the usual and went to the dark forest this time I will go to hunt down a demonic bird it's my first time fighting this kind of monsters I usually hunt down normal wild animals that lost their rationality but this time I will just see how strong I'm after getting used to the skills I have my Mana should be okay now to manage to use more than twenty sword at the same time but I can only make up to four to fly at the same time so more than that will be useless I went inside of the high ground it's normal sighting place and I looked around until I saw it coming toward me I went down from the tree I was standing at waiting for it to come closer but then I heard the sound of it's wings flapping going away from me so I started to run toward where it should be but what I saw was that demon with white rope I tilted my head as he saw me he was getting herbs from the ground I left him and went away looking for the bird I then heard it's voice roaring toward my back I jumped away but nothing went toward me I looked back and I heard a loud cry of the bird I went toward that place then I remembered that demon with white rope was there gathering herbs he will make a good story for me if I just helped him so I went running toward that guy but I did saw something weird there I saw the bird being injured but that guy didn't run away but went toward him without any fear at his eyes he got closer to him until he went toward his leg that was injured he bent down and put his hand at the injured leg {you must have suffered a lot it's okay now I will heal you so calm down} his voice was very calming that the bird stopped looking at him with wary eyes and some light appeared around the bird's leg as he was using magic the first kind of magic that I saw and it's a healing one from what I can see his wounds are being closed after all is that a healer I thought that demons can't heal since it's a granted power from the goddess or whatever the queen said to me I thought I will need potions for every kind of mission I would go to later on but now I found this one I will get him in my group no matter what I looked a bit sad though (i-it's not because I just wanted him to be a cute girl or anything nothing like that) I moved from the bushes I was hiding at and went toward the two of them the bird looked wary of me as it cried toward me I raised my hands up {I don't have any weapon don't worry} he looked at me but then calmed down he was still observing me though as I went toward the healer guy as he was still healing the bird {you are a healer huh} he nodded to me {yes you can laugh now} I tilted my head {why would I laugh it's very useful ability if you ask me} he looked surprised as he looked at me {don't try to trick me I know your kind too well you just want my hope to go up before you crush it once again I won't be deceived by it again} seems like he went through tough times well I'm not that kind of a guy well not at the moment since I hate muscle heads not thinking people {well do whatever you want I will just stay here and so that you know I'm not like the others as well} as I went at one of the trees and leaned on it he looked at me for a moment then he continued to heal the demonic bird the bird himself stopped looking at me after a bit as well I just waited there until he finished the bird looked at it's leg before it got it's head around that healer playing with him as the healer smiled at it and patted it's head {I finished now you can go} and I looked at them as he left I went after the healer {that was cool you know you should teach me a bit} as I said that I looked at the bird who was spinning around us before he left {don't try to be nice to me and what mission did you have to begin with don't tell me it's just to gather some herbs you are pretty strong from what you get from the quests} so he have been observing me as well huh well not bad even though he know he can't join my team since demons can't agree with the goddess's help they are forsaken from her after all so they will be hurt from it so this guy here will be only hated from all the demons but it's lucky that I'm not a demon to begin with {well it was to hunt that guy} he looked at me with angry eyes {were you the one who made that cut at his leg} I don't know why he is angry but I shook my head {no I was still chasing it down I didn't confront it yet at the time I found it you were already healing it so I change my mind and decided I will just let go of this mission} well I would normally be killing and getting back now but losing a mission and getting an important healer at this region would be a great win for me {you really are odd one} I nodded as he laughed a bit but then the two of us heard a loud voice coming from behind us and one of them is clearly the demonic bird I looked at the healer and the two of us ran toward that direction we then saw a tiger fighting of the bird the two of them are demonic kind but the tiger is clearly winning this fight so I ran toward him {back me up} I got my four swords flying toward the tiger with a mace at my hand I won't be able to cut his skin with what have at the moment I still looking for a good weapon for stronger opponent but I don't have any at the moment so a blunt weapon is best at this moment the four swords scratched the tiger as I smashed the mace at his stomach the bird get free and flew away as the tiger looked at me {your opponent is right here} as he jumped at me I got two swords to scratch his back legs as I changed the mace with a spear with spikes coming out of it's head my Mana is being drained at crazy speed but I will die if I don't finish it fast anyway the spear went inside of the tiger's mouth but he still was able to cut my hands as I jumped back {hey heal me I will die faster like this} since healing will give me some Mana it's perfect for my Mana draining machines I will end up flat like this I might withstand a minute or two at most {b-but you will be hurt if I did that} I dodged a slash from the tiger {I will be dead if you don't now hurry up} he hesitated for a moment then nodded his head he extended his hand toward my direction and muttered some words before light appeared around my body I smiled {that feels much better} my Mana is being filled with a big amount right now so I can rampage as I want I jumped at the tiger he was about to hit me but a shield appeared in front of his paws preventing him from attacking me as I was at his back with a Katar at both hands {now who is your father as I got the Katars at his stomach and then jumped into the air with a chain going around the tiger's body as I went down I used my whole strength to stop him from moving {hey big guy it's your turn} as I said that the demonic bird appeared and lifted the tiger into the air I let the chain from my hand but he was still stuck with it around his body he still struggled but with the man behind me healing the bird the bird went up in the air and then left the tiger into the air all alone without being able to do anything he hit the ground with a splash his whole body got blown with blood everywhere around our bodies (well I got my chance to try my power and I can say I still have a long way to go) but I then looked at the healer at my back looking at me I smiled {thanks for the support} he nodded to me he was still surprised so I went toward him {you see I don't have much Mana at the moment so how about the two of us make a team and hunt together from now on} he didn't answer right away {well you can find me at the guild the big guy here can protect you so I'm going to have a shower I stink at the moment} he stood there without saying anything and looked back only when I left {d-did that really happen} the bird answered him with a loud roar he smiled at the bird {I think I have made a good friend here}