
i got reincarnated at the wrong side

a person moving normally on the street was about to be hit by truck-Kun but was able to dodge it as he was sad normally people wouldn't be but this guy is different from the others as he wished to be reincarnated into another world and live his life with his harem

Mohamed_Moonwriter · Võ hiệp
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20 Chs

Chapter 2

after three days of searching with Clef I found that I'm very weak at the moment the total count of my success rate is very law with that weird stone that he gave me but the good thing that I can actually have skills just that my slots are empty the skills at this world get into three categories those are the main three there are more above them but above them are very hard to do it so Clef only said the main three they are very easy ones to remember but hard to train the low medium and high level of skills and I knew why not another +1 appeared above my head when I tried to hit that tiger kin commander it's easy as you gain more success points it become harder that mean I need to hit more time to get another +1 after it I will need three hits and so on I went with Clef to get my slot skills from what he said I can only have four at my level I may gain more as I level up and the total of skills I can have are four it's not much but since one of them is a medium level it's not that bad as I stood in front of the giant stone tablet {so I just need to put my hand and choose the skills right} I said that and he nodded to me {yeah that's all to it just be prepared from what I learnt from you these things are new to you so it might give you a small headache} I nodded went and put my hand at the tablet but then way too many words appeared inside of my head that I was forced to remove my hand but the words didn't disappear as I felt the pain and put my hand at my head I heard Clef's words {concentrate you have to choose them or the pain won't disappear} I closed my eyes stopped putting pressure on my head as I tried to understand every word after about ten minute of agony I got the skills that I found useful as they flew into the stone tablet Clef looked at them {there aren't any battle oriented skill at any of them} he said that but I didn't answer right away since I still felt pain at my head after I took a deep breath and the pain started to fade {well that depend on how can you use the skills} as I was tired I left the room it's the time to learn from the queen about the past of the humans past she is the princess of the human king and the queen of the demons she married the king of the demons to stop the war but unlike how she thought the king her father said that the demons manipulated her into this marriage I already read the history of the two races and it was as I thought well not totally but the humans were the one who were defending until few months ago where they summoned their hero after he appeared with his skills he won one after the other the demon king still think of stopping the war since they really aren't that blood thirty at least not him the humans started this war for one reason recourses their land is vast but they just keep breeding like animals so the number is too big for them to live on so they started this war to take over their land the demon king didn't really make much thought about it since he made a deal with the humans that they can cultivate the lands but they take half of the crops they get it's a fair one since the demons will handle the defending and the fields while the humans will live and cultivate their lands at that spot but the humans just got too greedy when they attacked the demons and took over the farms and they didn't stop at that time they started to devour every place they set their feet at without stopping from killing demons to beast kin so they made the demon alliance to fight of the humans with them staying with each other they made platoons fighting them and defending as the hatred deepened on the races I don't really think the war will just end with them getting their fields back since the demon alliance already got it in the past but they continued on they wanted to annihilate the human from existence I'm not really against that since I heard it but then the summoning of the human hero came and they were forced to go back again and again {and that's all the past I know of is that enough for you} the queen said that to me I looked at her shining face and sighed (I still can't believe that this gorgeous woman is married already) well that's is that and this is this I looked at the book {yes I just need to know the important figures from the human army you didn't say anything other than the hero doesn't the human army have any strong individuals or what} she looked down is she embarrassed or what {w-well you see I don't really interested into the army so I don't know other than the hero who stayed with the humans the few months that I was at the palace} hmm so that's the loop hole of her {well don't worry the other's from the alliance should know one or two of them at least} I left her and went into my room I went down right away as I extended my hand (is it like this) as I conjured one of my skills it's a summoning one I can make a weapon as long as it's not bigger than my own body it still need Mana but I can manage to make up to ten swords without problem it's a skill specialized for blacksmithing but I got it because if I can combine it with my other skill telekinesis I can make the swords I made fly in the air but I can only control four at the moment it's not much but if I got it like this as I shot one of them into the ceiling it hit it and stuck there I smiled {but at this state the best is one since my feeling keep me from doing it} I thought about the third skill as it block status effect's from appearing but since it's at low level it get to rarest kind that make it hard to be activated normally at games these kinds of skills are very useful at the beginning but not here it's mostly useless to me but if I choose to make it block my feelings I then felt it all the happiness sadness and any excitement that is within my body vanishing away I then looked at the other three swords that are at the ground I let them fly and stuck at the other one then made all the four of them fly in a circle as me at the center {it's working} I stopped the skill and only one sword remained flying (the best at the normal state is one or two swords but I can manage with that much for now) as I slept after the four days passed it's the time for the match between the two of us I stood in front of the tiger kin commander Liger I was wearing a light armor under my cape since my muscles aren't that developed like theirs as he saw me he was smiling at me {you didn't run away you are brave I will give you that} as he stood with his two axes I wasn't holding anything the queen stood with the people at the stadium it's a special training field for the demon king and his children well he was the one who was training at it since he didn't have any brothers or sons well for now I didn't really saw him until now or even heard any thing about him but from what I have heard about him from the queen's way of talking about him he is a nice person the match started as the queen stated that Liger rushed toward me as I stood at my place with my cape hiding most of my body I then removed it with four swords were flying around my body Liger stopped at his place as the swords rushed toward him he blocked two of them as the other two flew away with a miss appearing at it but the swords didn't stop as they came toward me {it's not enough huh well I was prepared for it} as I got another two swords at my hand with the rest four of them rampaging at the whole arena and a +1 keep appearing above my head all the time as the crowd became surprised by it the wolf kin leader Dalf {he is using the whole arena as his target} and he was right the whole arena is my grinding zone right now I got my swords at hand and swung them in above and the side but Liger stopped them with ease as the swords got destroyed and disappeared I bit my tongue as he was about to cut through my chest I jumped back he was smiling at me as he was about to get a deadly injury I summoned another two swords as the number +1 slowed down (I reached the maximum for now it's the time to end this match I might die soon) as I rushed toward him once again he was about to swing at my head two flying swords with one at my hand were able to stop him but the three of them broke into pieces the other two flying swords went toward his head he blocked one with his remaining axe but the final one reached and made a cut at his fur I jumped into the space between his legs as I cut his leg he fell down he couldn't believe what happened just now as he looked back he didn't saw me but he saw a small young tiger playing around with another who seems to be very older and thinner than the young tiger he looked at them then he got teary of course they are his dead family the thin tiger is his wife she was playing with her child that happened before the humans came and killed the two of them without any inch of mercy Liger looked at his wife and son who are now dead he got angry with blood vessels starting to appear around his body even though the fur hid it well you could clearly see them as Liger roared at the humans and rushed toward them {you damn humans I will kill every single one of you} but he went inside of them and he found me standing behind the illusion that I made with my fourth skill since they said that humans are the enemy it's normal to fight any of them if you saw them in front of you so I mainly will use this skill as a camouflage while I'm going outside of the castle but it's useful at these kind of situation as well I got enough information about Liger before the match even started so I made a plan to make him go into disarray like that with me being able to cut him then making him see his family being killed in front of his eyes it was a tragedy and I sympathies with him but he wanted to kill me and still want to so I will do the same I got him this time and now he will die I got a mace I made with my Mana and hit his face with it he felt the pain and fell down {sorry but I won't let you} I got a sword and was about to cut him apart but then he got the axe from his back and swung it around a strong wind appeared and pushed me back I got the swords to stop me I can barely make five right now that mace took too much of my Mana I can barely withstand it it's now the time to finish it Liger is at a disarray now is the time to finish it I rushed toward him as he did the same while roaring with his axe at hand as he hit the ground to it four out of the five swords blocked it and they failed I was pushed back once again but this time I hit the walls of the stadium while coughing blood I stood in front of him I removed the blood from around my mouth I stood looking at him while my sword is at hand and rushed as I swung he did the same but before our weapons clashed I removed the sword and slipped to the side and with a Katar at his mouth which was still roaring around like a crazy person the Katar went from his mouth to his brain and he stopped moving as his eyes went blank as he died and his body fell down I removed the rest of my skills from being used I'm beat right now I sat down looking at him {sorry but your families death was of my creation I couldn't find anything to help me other than this} it seems he heard me even though he is dead his body twitched that's hella scary man the other people from the demon alliance came to meet me as well some have a smile at their faces and it's only three people the queen the wolf tripe leader Dalf and the elf leader Clef while Clark the boar's tripe leader was afraid but he came nevertheless {w-what will we do now the strongest of the alliance is dead we are doomed} as Clark said that all the others realized it well I thought about it anyway I wouldn't have killed him if it wasn't that I appeared to be stronger {well I have an answer for that I will be announced as the new strongest person at the demon alliance but I know that I'm not ready yet since I'm not famous so} I looked at them one after the others as Clef nodded to me {we already prepared for something like this to happen so we will hide Liger's death for few months it will only lower our motivation if our strongest fighter is announced as dead at the moment} they looked at themselves one after the other but they looked at me {I'm sure It will be enough if I demonstrated myself as a strong person rather than someone who only killed a single general I need more recognition} they heard that and they agreed to do it and like that I will try to fight hard to be known through out the place