
i got reincarnated at the wrong side

a person moving normally on the street was about to be hit by truck-Kun but was able to dodge it as he was sad normally people wouldn't be but this guy is different from the others as he wished to be reincarnated into another world and live his life with his harem

Mohamed_Moonwriter · Võ hiệp
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20 Chs

Chapter 20

I went to eat launch with the marquis family I found Mohamed and Hera eating there as well {oh you finally came out I thought you will remain until tomorrow} I stretched a bit before sitting beside him {well I found an amazing number of books I couldn't read for a long time so I was craving for a good one} I saw his younger sister waving for me as I waved back to her I saw her shadows moving a bit as a hand appeared and waved to me as well {anyway why are you family talking in the demon language I thought no one at the human region speak it} as he at a spoon full of rice {well it's for you} {hmm for me I don't understand} as he swallowed it {well I know that you don't fully understand the human language yet so I sent a message before we went on to let all the people to talk using this one while you are around} (if only he know that my mother language is Arabic to begin with) but I nodded to him {thanks for that} then the doors at the other side opened and I saw two women that look a like came into the room one of them looked annoyed as she saw us while the other was overjoyed as she rushed toward me Hazem got up from his spot and went running toward her {mother I'm back-} but she ignored him as she came toward me (I feel danger for some reason) and I got why I felt that right away as two giant watermelons hit my head I was knocked at the ground right away {w-what was that for} but I saw her looking at me with a puzzle look at her face (she doesn't get it right) {s-sorry I forget about my body some times} I got up looked at my clothes which is full of what remained of the food at them I sighed {I wanted to eat that} I went down toward a nearby chair as I sat down that woman came beside me I looked at her {what is one time not enough with you} but then I saw the other one waving at me from afar as she sat beside Hazem who was sulking then this one is {sorry for my mother's doing she is a bit clumsy} {hey Kana that's harsh thing to say to your own mother} {well I see why you are apologizing but keep In mind that your family is around} as Hazem became the one who tried to calm his mother right now as his sister looked amused as she looked at me {you understand that even though you are a commoner} Hazem stopped calming down his mother as he was about to jump at her but was stopped by his mother (are those two at a comic show or what) {well yes I should be considered a commoner but I know more etiquette than you} {are you sure about that} I ignored her and started to eat with both the fork and knife that I created myself since the ones that were with me were sent flying away by that clumsy mother and I got Hazem's food he wasn't near it anyway as I started eating cutting the food into small pieces and then eating them one at a time {you know some things so what of it} {so what do you care for anyway if I'm just a commoner of a noble I don't really think your family is all that noble crazy or something like that} she looked at her father which is eating using his hands while her younger sister was trying to do the same but her shadow moved and hit her hand so she started to use the fork but then the shadow moved once again and caught it as she was being eaten at her mouth with tears at her eyes she then looked at her mother and son who are still playing with each other {well they might not be but I'm are you saying that I'm not a lady like} I nodded to her right away as I swallowed a piece of meat {yes so that you know if a woman sat beside a man at the army it's like they are asking them to stay beside them at the bed for the night} her face turned red as Hera's face turned red as well {s-so that's why they were tailing me} (did she really did that and did she just said they not he) but I shook my head {and you can't speak to someone before asking him if he Is interested in you even if he is a visitor you didn't even announced your coming when your father the head of the family was here so don't talk like the perfect noble in existence okay} she got the knife in front of my face I didn't care and continued to eat {b-but you did that as well} I munched some vegetables {as you said I'm a commoner so it's expected of me to be like that but not for someone of high standing like you} and I finished the food in front of me {well then If you understand so don't try to perfect everyone while you aren't perfect one yourself} I moved away {hey where is the training field I want to stretch out a bit} as Sei came out of the shadows {I will show you} but then Kana stood up {no you should stay with my sister I will show him around} as all the others looked at her as she moved outside {is it another one} as Hazem said that his father stood up {this will be amusing} I sighed as I went after her (I made a mistake talking like that to her right) with all of them moving behind me we went outside of the mansion toward a small place with four pillars around it {this is our training field} I looked at the pillars {defending mechanism} she nodded to me {yes those pillars are enhanced with Mana to make a powerful barrier that almost block most of the attacks that come to it} as she was wearing a pair of gauntlet {okay then I will spar against you} I looked at her {are skills permitted} she tilted her head {yeah but since it's your first time against me I will restrict my Active skill} I smirked to her {sorry but no need come with everything you have} as I created five swords she was surprised by that {y-you are} but I already charged at her blocking three swords coming toward her she was hit by two of them but she already deflected it using her armor I was in front of her as I hit her face with my fist she hit the barrier and fell down {hey Lucifer hitting a woman at the face is of prohibited you know} I looked at him {yeah I meant to hit her at the face to begin with} as she got up I retracted my swords {y-you are Lucifer} as I moved toward her {yes so will you continue} but a clear smile appeared at her face as she came at me with a paper and a pen {can I have your autograph} {what} she turned one hundred and eighty percent just after hearing my name {but wait I thought that Lucifer was the other person that is with Hazem right now} as she looked at Mohamed {oh that he is the Hero of the human race} her mouth fell down as she looked at Hazem {how the hell did you know those two big shots} (she is annoying with that voice) I removed the swords from around me as I prepared my fist {super strength} as I hit the barrier destroying it I went down {I'm going away} a I stood away from them they can still see me though I was looking at a boulder it's full of scratches all over I then made my swords {I still need to improve more} as I closed my eyes (sculptors normally know the shape they want to create before they even start from the head to the toe they already know how much deep or shallow they want to create it) as the swords started to move up and down scratching the boulder all over one slash come after the other as it's shape started to change from a giant boulder into a woman extending her hand as I looked at the smaller rocks that remained from the boulder I started making some knights using them as they were wearing heavy armors and holding various weapons from one handed swords to wands they came beside me looking at the woman {who is this one} I looked at her (it's still not good enough I need to train to control my blades better later on) as I got the person from the Suzuki clan with her soldiers as she commanded them {my mother using her knights} I looked at the off spots and observed her from all directions I cut the more spots and tried to get the less ones but the stones fell down {it's no good I need more boulders} as I moved away I stood at the empty space as I got the small swords from my pocket and made them flying all over my body as they hit each other resulting in them injuring me and the area around me became dangerous as I'm training to control them toward specific moves like moving inches away from each other and combining each attack hitting the same spot and many more It wasn't easy one though as I continued on for two more hours as I looked at my tattered clothes I went toward Hera who healed me and I changed my clothes washed my body and then went to the library got another patch of books about sword control and started to read them one after the other I'm still reading the others from time to time of course and the next day I went toward that empty space as well the grass at the ground was replaced already and I could see Kana at the side with some women looking at me (are they her friends) ah whatever I summoned my swords and tried to get them to move around my body at every kind of direction that can be used as an attack toward me I looked around me {it's solid now} as I started to move while moving the swords all around me I was able to move few steps away before my back and leg got hurt {hmm I have to keep the rhythm for now} I looked back and I saw them still looking at me (what is that amazing with me training) they are annoying so I sent one sword toward them as they fell down the sword stopped at the stone they were standing behind as I went and saw the five of them at the ground {what are you doing you are annoying you know} as the other four pushed Kana away and went toward me as they flocked me with clinking to my body to trying to steal some cloth I have {stop it right now} as I jumped away from them {who are those crazy women} they tried to come toward me once again but I made a prison out of swords around them they still tried to come toward me though I looked at Kana at the ground as I helped her up {care to explain} she looked embarrassed from that as she sat down at the stone and I was careful if they tried to come at me once again so I was still standing in front of her {w-well you see they are my friends I talked about seeing you the other day and they didn't believe me so they wanted to make sure that I wasn't lying to them} {why would you want to see someone like me anyway} (no I don't really understand I thought people go near muscle heads because they can protect them later on but I made sure that I only take care of myself through the rumors I made) {because you are pretty famous of course} I tilted my head {just because of that I think any noble is more famous than a mere soldier} but she shook her head {no it's the opposite you are more famous than the crowned prince himself at the moment I even heard some nobles talking about making you the new king} {that would be a problem for me so I will have to refuse that offer but why am I that famous anyway I only appeared at one battle and that's it} she nodded to me {yes and at that battle you all alone was able to fight on par with Michael who is very fearful opponent there aren't many people who can fight a single alliance master all alone and go back alive and in one piece} (well I can understand that from how powerful they are and I can't let the hero as an example since he is far too powerful than most of the people) I nodded to her {okay I understand now but don't let them do anything weird again I might cut them deeply by then my skills make me wary of anything okay} she nodded and I went back to continue trying my new technique they were looking at me though but then Hazem came I removed the swords from around me as he have a sword at his hand {hey want to spar} I looked at the sword he have {well we didn't do that for some time now so let's} we went toward the barrier as we were inside and I it was deployed {the usual} he nodded to me so I made a sword at hand as I got my stance he got at his and the two of us charged at each other as we met our swords he jumped to kick my head but I already was at the ground kicking his chest he flew away as I ran toward him he used the barrier as a stepping stone and launched himself toward me as I used the sword to block his but I was pushed away as he kicked my leg I fell at the ground as he was about to cut my head I rolled around leaving him hitting the ground as I got up trying to cut his leg but he got it back trying to pierce me I went to the side kicked his face as he was moving forward after a pierce is always an opening after all as I got my sword at his neck {we are tied once again} as I got up from my place and got his hand {how much it's now} {fifty win for me and the same to you} {heh we already reached the hundred match now} he nodded to me {want to continue on I feel like I can win the next time} I shook my head {no I still have things I have to experiment so another time} as I got the sword I already made this morning {shouldn't the number of slashes be increased already} as I slashed four times at the air with the women behind me gasping from every time I use it then cracks started appearing at the sword once again (I wonder) as I tried to remake the sword but it was then destroyed {another failed attempt I might need to change the shape} {still no good with it} I looked at the remain of the sword (it will disappear later on on it's own anyway but then I looked at it without moving I made another sphere after few minutes my Mana was almost fully consumed {yeah two times are my limit for now} as a sword came down from the sphere I slashed four more times as cracks started to appear at it I got some of the dust from the previous sword and rubbed it around the sword and waited a little bit as I got a piece of cloth and removed the blue dust from it and the cracks disappeared {it's a success this time finally I found my answer} as I slashed it three times but then it broke again I looked at the blue dust {hmm so I can use it a totally of eight times per sword well not bad my consumption of the blue dust can be replenished with time so it's a good trade} as I went back to read a bit before going to bed