
i got reincarnated at the wrong side

a person moving normally on the street was about to be hit by truck-Kun but was able to dodge it as he was sad normally people wouldn't be but this guy is different from the others as he wished to be reincarnated into another world and live his life with his harem

Mohamed_Moonwriter · Võ hiệp
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20 Chs

Chapter 19

We arrived at the royal city of the human kind unlike how many novels say that there are many countries within the humans well that's a given thanks for our greedy nature some people aren't the kind to be controlled so it's a miracle that there weren't anyone trying to make another country on himself {so what do you think pretty one right} I looked at the people around wearing expensive clothes and getting people to come and go with them as they are mostly holding things that people bought {it should be pretty but from how they are using money like it's water many people are dying from not having so much food and they are here just doing whatever they want with it} {I agree with you on that but people aren't all at the same level and it's at all worlds like that so we just do what we can and help as much as we can} I nodded to him {anyway is your house still far away I'm a bit hungry} as Hera told us that we laughed a bit that she started to blush {w-what's with all of you a maiden should eat to stay pretty no one will marry an ugly woman} {well if being pretty is from eating then all the fat women will be the prettiest kind aren't I right} {well anyway my house isn't that far from here} as he said that less people were at the streets now but there were many kind of carriages around us now as they came and went I looked at their clothes and then looked at mine (even though I wore the best clothes I have it's still a clothes from a soldier so it's not that good) {shouldn't I buy few clothes before reaching} {no I don't think it's necessary} as Mohamed said that Hazem answered him with a nod {yeah he is right soldiers tend to come back all muddy all the time it became a kind of trend now the more muddier you are mean you went into more difficult times at wars they are respected people} I looked at their clothes and it's as muddy as mine the only exception is Hera who was trying to get away from us not being touched by her {I think you got the wrong idea with that one} but they didn't understand me I sighed {well whatever I don't really have much money on me anyway so I would prefer them staying until the time of need} as the two of them laughed {well we aren't wealthy as well} I looked at them with surprise {what are you talking around at one side is the hero of a whole race and at the other is the son of marques if you two don't have money then who would} they looked down as they were embarrassed of something {w-well you see I don't really get paid for my work so I'm getting what I need from the army for the main time and at others I get a pocket of money for me to buy whatever I need to and it only have up to five silvers at most} {and I get money from time to time but my father always say that money doesn't make men but men make money so he stop any kind of money I either get from our family or money I gained myself} I was surprised (wow they are being stolen on day light) {you should change that soon you know you won't understand how important money is if you continue like that} they sighed {yeah I was going to talk about my father for that} {and I need to talk to the commander about these things soon to even though I don't stay at cities that much time I still want to buy few things while I'm at them} {what about you} as I looked at Hera as she was proud (what is she a rich girl and I don't know or what) {I don't even gain a copper coin at all} I hit her head {why are you so proud of something like that} as I sighed (why am I with this bunch) {h-hey that hurt and so that you know I have an important position at the church and I'm a candidate to be the new pope} and I hit her head once again as she looked teary as she looked at Mohamed who laughed as he looked down at his own feet {and that future pope won't be able to get his church into prosperity with the way things are going you three must change as soon as possible} as I sat down {aah I need to leave you three now I feel like I'm the getting older just staying with you} they tilted their head {but aren't you the oldest anyway so getting older won't be that much of a problem} I heard that and I hit the three heads in front of me {it's only one year for the second here and you two aren't even adults so shut up} with the adult age is twenty at this world those two couldn't refute what I said and the carriage finally reached it's spot I went down the first between the four of us {I feel like I will explode if I stay with you I'm going first} as the guard saw me coming down from the carriage <من انت وقل لم انت هنا> {who are you state why are you here} as he pointed his spear toward me I extended my hand toward the carriage as Hazem came down {he will explain so I'm getting in} as I passed through him but then he caught my shoulder so I reversed it I smiled but I looked angry anyway {I'm not really at the mood right now so don't touch me I want to destroy something right now so you don't want to be that thing am I right} I then left him and walked toward the gates as they got opened on themselves Hazem went and talked to him Mohamed and Hera came down as well as they stopped with him I left them and went toward the flower house that I saw I went inside that spot and sat down calming down my raging soul {I'm not that old damn it} a sound came from somewhere {I don't think you are that old} I nodded to that sound {you are right I'm just a teenager at this age I barely pass as a man} as that voice continued {so are you saying you are a boy} {well at some points yes but I'm sure I'm a full fledged man} I then lowered my head to see who is the person talking to me but I saw nothing but I didn't freak at all since I already saw something like that before {will you get out of the shadows I don't want to play these games} as a young girl came from the shadows beside my chair {how did you know I was at the shadows most of the guards don't even realize I'm around and they are thinking I'm a ghost or something you ruined my game} I looked at that young girl {well at least your master is better than you are} she tilted her head as I looked at her own shadow which extended and got bigger as a human figure came out of it a dark elf to be specific {it has been long time Seaitiel} and she nodded to me {yes it has been master and you can just call me Sei the name you gave me is a bit too long and hard to phrase} I nodded to her {just if you don't call me by master I'm just an ordinary human who lived his whole life at the forest remember that} she nodded to me {w-wait a minute you two know each other I-is he your secret crush that you told me about before} I looked at Sei (what do you mean by crush) she laughed a little as she looked at the young girl {I-I told you it's a secret you shouldn't tell anyone but it's not him} as the young girl looked at me {but he is the same as you described him a handsome man with golden hair and red eyes} (so that's what she think of me) {but if he is here right now isn't it cheating against the hero} and then the group got here as I looked at the three of them {oh he caught you cheating right now} as the three of them were surprised {w-what cheating} Sei hit the young girl and I explained to them what happened well mostly it was Sei not me I just answered their answers with the least words I could think of as that young girl was hugging Hazem as all the five of us were sitting down {so it was all a misunderstanding} I flicked my finger at her forehead {yes it was don't just let that wild imagination of yours run like that again} but then I heard a sound of something appearing from behind me I jumped created a sword and looked at that direction but then I saw an old man with a small beard and red hair just like his beard as he laughed {you shouldn't tell her that you know imagination is the best thing to improve your skills faster after all though she make problems with that mind of hers some time I give you that} I retrieved my sword from what Hazem told me this guy should be his father {don't do that again I might attack you next time} but his smile didn't disappear {why don't you try I won't refuse} I looked at his silly smile and then toward Hazem who was trying to tell me not to do that until his father tried to turn him into something weird using his fist at his son's face (yep I see why he can't tell his father to give him money an oddball is the son of an oddball after all} as I went toward him and extended my hand {my name is Lucifer I'm this idiot's friend nice to meet you} {are you saying the son of a marques is an idiot} he should be frightening (not really like Liger when we first met) so I nodded to him {yes just like his old man no he might get some of his mother so he is much smarter than his father} as Hazem almost fainted and his sister hid behind Sei but that man got my hand as he tried to squeeze my bones I tilted my head {want to continue} {you have some endurance but can you withstand that} as I started to feel pain at my hand (let's end this I want to stay at a quiet place for now} as I squeezed his big hand that I can barley see mine but he started to get painful expression {I'm not done yet} as I squeezed some more he fell at one knee I then left his hand as he started to blow it using his mouth {can anyone show me my room I might ask someone to fight me if we continue on like this} as Hazem heard that he tried to get up right away {not you stay with the children} as I bent down toward his younger sister {you are Sei's student right can you show me an empty room so I can get away from this bunch of Idiots} she looked at them then nodded {you can leave it to me} as she started to move and Seaitiel looked at Mohamed as she looked down with red cheeks she went down toward the young girl's shadows and I left after them {how long have been with my brother to be that close to him} {about for months why I think his personality will give him a bunch of friends but he always sticking to me} {well it's his personality that gives him problems to make real friends he always say that a friend isn't someone you talk to all the time but someone you can trust him with things that you know are important for you} {that's kind of deep for someone like him} she chuckled {well he deem you as a friend of that caliber so don't disappoint him} I thought of what I will do to him later on {I might break that promise but I will try my best not to} as she nodded to me and then opened a room it was empty one {this is going to be your room until you leave this mansion so do whatever you want to} this room wasn't opened for some time I can feel it at the air but it wasn't dusty at all how does that work it is a good amount of job (and I don't have the mind for that now) I looked at that girl {do you have a library here with some novels within them} she tilted her head {yes there are but I never saw anyone opening it other than my brother when he is home} (so did their collection isn't that great or are they not interested in books) but I shook my head (who wouldn't be interested in a good novel I would for sure even if the beginning one hundred chapter are pain to read I will see it thoroughly until the end that's my pride as a reader) {can you show it to me} she nodded and went toward a room not far away from my room I went and saw the whole bunch of books as long as I can see all I can see are books {you see our family was a book lovers until two generations ago so all the books here are out dated} but I left here already and opened a book (historical wars economic these are things I need to develop the piece of land I'm working on) but I put that book away {but now let's search for some good novel I didn't read anything good for a whole year} I found ten books for now {they will be enough for few days} as the young girl looked at all of them {are you going to take them with you I will tell you now you can't let them outside of the mansion} I looked at her as I held the book {take them what are you talking about they will barely withstand three days with me} as I shut myself of inside the room and started to read as I read the first one (aah I feel alive after a long time} at night I left the second book after finishing half of it {time to sleep the books at this era have many original sources so I can't seem to get enough} as I slept and continued all the morning reading books until I read the last one {I'm getting faster than I expected} (I might end the whole collection before leaving at this pace)