
i got reincarnated at the wrong side

a person moving normally on the street was about to be hit by truck-Kun but was able to dodge it as he was sad normally people wouldn't be but this guy is different from the others as he wished to be reincarnated into another world and live his life with his harem

Mohamed_Moonwriter · Võ hiệp
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20 Chs

Chapter 13

The life around the village is going good even after three months nothing major happened there were some dark elves who came back from their missions and said that the hero isn't at the front lines any more with an elf came with a branch at hand saying that they will make another branch around here since I changed the living spot of two races we are still building more houses but the people aren't sleeping outside or at tents any more so they are happier right now as the time to harvest potato and beans have come we started to get the sprout out of them and replanted the ground as the people finally were able to eat a little more since we were being a little stingy on our side of food and the monsters stopped coming as much as before probably because we hunted way too many of them but it's peaceful area right now after a week from our harvest we got the whole area around it and started to cut the trees around the farming area to increase it as I looked at it {are you really going soon} I nodded to Gabriel who came and hugged me as I looked at Uriel {did you do it} he nodded to me {yes but I can fly for three hours at most so we can't get that much into their territory} {don't worry with the set up we got within them I'm sure I can't get too deep anyway} as I nodded to them as I looked at the people around here {you know what you need to do right} Raphael scratched the back of his head as he sighed and got up {you always leave the harsh work for me} as I hit my chest with his fist I didn't move from my spot though with a smile at his face {leave them to me I will change their perspective for sure} I nodded to them as I got a sword beneath my leg and flew away as Uriel turned into a normal crow and sat at my shoulder as I went toward the borders between the humans and the demons I was met with a bunch of crows as they were holding their weapons {state who you are and why are you here} I looked at the bows that are held at my direction {I'm Michael the leader of both the dark elves and the tiger tribes I came here to meet the head of the crows} he heard that then lowered his sword {confirmed you are able to pass by now} and I went forward as I went toward the end of the forest I then found a person standing beside me without any movement like he have been here all along {why are you here for} {I will just say it straightforward I'm planning to charge at the human's walls and take over them} he looked at the crow at my shoulder {that can't be done with the tropes we have even though the human isn't within the front lines their number are far too great for us to deal with them} as I summoned my swords {I wasn't asking you I was just telling you what I was going to do} as I charged with the crow at my shoulder flying backward as we planned I will be the divergent while Uriel will kill all the commanders the problem with big walls like these is they can't order everyone effectively so we will block that low communication they have as they spotted me they started to rain me with both arrows and magic but as a shield appeared above my head I wasn't needed to slow down with Uriel still below me flying with his two different color wings I reached the walls <اقتلوه هو احد العواميد الجديدة لفصلة الشياطين> {kill him he is one of the new pillars of the demon race} as I saw them all I activated all of my skills and started to kill everything in front of me as I saw Uriel flying inside of the walls

(I have to hurry even with how strong he is his Mana isn't infinite) as I was flying above all the soldiers who are still running to their deaths above us must be a bloodbath as I went toward a room nearby I saw some soldiers wearing more luxurious clothes (they are higher in the rank than the others) as I stood at a cupboard near them they looked at me <انه فقط غراب علي اي حال ما الاخبار هل اظهر ذلك الشيطان اي اثار للتعب> {it's just a crow anyway what are the news did that demon show any signs of being tired} as one of the others shook his head <لا يا كابتن احد السهامين قال انه لستخدم مهاراته بلا مبالاة لقدرة تحمل جسده> {no captain one of the archers said that he is using his abilities without any concern for how much his body can take} the commander hit the table as I looked at him (I need to take him first but let's wait a little longer first) as I saw him looking angry and hitting the things around him <انت يجب ان تكون تمز ح معي الان ليس هناك اي شخص يستطيع استخدام قدراته بهذه الكمية بدون اي عواقب حتي اقوي الاشخاص في كلا الاتجاهين يجب ان يضعوا المانا الخاصة بهم في الحسبان> {you gotta be kidding with me right now there isn't a single person who can use all those skills without any consequences even the strongest people at both sides need to keep check on their Mana} <هل من الممكن ان يكون هذا فقط هجوم انتحاري> {is it possible that this is a suicide attack} but the commander shook his head <لا هاذا ليس ممكن طبقا لما كتبه كايل هاذا الشخص هو بطل الشياطين و هم لن يرسلو شخص مثله لمماته بدون سبب وجيه> {no that isn't possible according for what Kail wrote about that person is the demon's hero and they won't send a person like him to die like that without specific reason} (he is dangerous one I can't leave him to make his plan I have to move) as I jumped down while changing my form and slashing my sword but I didn't met with his body but with a sword he drew from a person nearby him {I have been waiting for you} as he deflected my slash but since this place is small I was pushed toward two humans before they could do anything I blinded one of them with my wing and the other was struck with my sword at his heart from what I experienced living beings tend to die if you either thrust at the heart or the brain the brain is a sure kill right away but there are ones who can try to cut you even after you thrust through their hearts and that was what happened but I cut his head right away as he was trying to hold me down as I looked at the one at my right with the one being blind from my wings being thrown at their captain I jumped at that one he had a wand at his hand (if magic is being used here is going to be a problem I need to take him in a hurry) as I cut his hand at first to throw the wand away since it increase his fire power and as I was about to cut him down the commander came in front of me and blocked my slash once again {you are pretty good} as a smile appeared at his face {I can say the same to you even within this small space you are moving freely for your kin it's pretty hard} I then saw the human behind him is going to explode the whole area I threw the Katana into the air as it stuck at the ceiling I turned into a crow flew away and then changed back as I cut that human to two pieces and caught the chair beside me using my wings at the same time as the commander was trying to slash me the chair was in front of him as I kicked it and thrusted my Katana at his chest but it didn't reach too deeply but he looked at me {I can't win while staying alive so how about this} as I felt the space around him getting hotter by the second (suicide) as I jumped back and activated my blocking skill but even with it I won't be able to block all that I have three in total the speeding up skill from my wings I don't use it a lot because I don't have much Mana the blocking one which I mainly use whenever I fight something strong so it's within the middle level and my racial skill the transforming into crow skill I didn't rely on it a lot so it's still within the low rank the blast got into the whole room and I was pushed away from the walls as I was fully wounded now I hurried up and changed back to a crow as I stood up with blood coming out of my body I saw some soldiers standing in front of the place looking at me while I looked at them

I killed another one with my sword at hand as all the people are coming closer (their number is too big) as I was pushed back to a place that there are barely and place to stand at but they are wary of me now (I barely have any Mana right now I have to get away if Uriel doesn't come back soon I have to abandon him) then I saw the catapult ready once again <اطلق> {shot} as a large stone came toward me and I was forced to go back once again as I fell down from the walls they all got overjoyed but I was just standing less than three meters below them as I was standing at a sword stuck at the walls I then heard a sound coming from inside the walls <القاءد قد مات> {the captain is dead} I smiled (he did his job now it's my turn) {since you are that weak I will take you all down} as I jumped up the reason I have a low Mana is because I was waiting for this moment not because I used it a lot all on them as the sphere above me made a sword (I couldn't use it the last time since Lydia appeared and stopped the hero) as I caught that sword they were all standing at their places as I looked at the catapult and swung my sword as a ray of blue light went and cut the catapult like it's nothing with a loud explosion coming from it (it's good one for a big battles but not against a sole fighter now I think about it I don't have a skill that is for single person but for a crowd I need to make one soon the next time I meet the hero I have to be ready) as I swung it at the second catapult which already fired at me and just like the first one the stone was cut and the catapult was broken away (and that's the most annoying thing taken care of now then their turn) as I stood at the wall once again <سأعطيكم فرصة اهربو او موتو هنا> {I will give you a choice run or die here}some back down but never ran away <اذا هذا هو قراركم> {so that's your choice} as I swung my sword and a big number of them got cut just like that they all ran away {I already gave it to you once now you all have to die} as I swung it once again and another big number died down but then cracks started appearing at my sword I looked at it as I swung it again at the walls making a big hole at it the sword broke down (five slashes after that much Mana I need to try making few more of this swords to experience it) I sighed and got a normal one as I charged within their ranks and started to kill anyone who was running away with blood splashing at my body and then he appeared the crow tribe chief with crows all over the place with Uriel coming out of the door within the walls with blood coming outside of his body I went and helped him out as he rested at a shield as I looked at the alliance master that are looking at me {can you continue on we are tired} he clicked his tongue {okay then all troops conquer the walls and destroy them} as they charged forward I sat down and looked at the medical soldier I took his first aid kit and applied them at Uriel's body the bleeding stopped soon {you did good job inside now without a commander they can't do much to us} he nodded to me but then I saw few people running with horses from the other side Uriel saw them too I got up {you stay here I will return soon enough} (I can't make them to report it yet it's my first job as a human after all) as I jumped down with a sword waiting for me I went in front of them they didn't look at me as they continued running away (they are doing their job pretty good) as I looked at them while being at the ground with my swords still at their bodies (too bad I can't let them live) as I stood in front of one of them as he held at his hand a paper I changed my appearance and went with anxious look toward him <هي هل انت بخير> {hey are you alright} he looked at me with a relief he gave me the piece of paper <ا-اعط هذا التقرير الي القائد في المخيم القادم> {g-give this report to the captain to the leader of the next camp} <ما هو اسم ذلك القائد> {what is the name of that leader} but he was already dead by then {well then I need to hurry up} as I saw Uriel and the crow tribe leader in front of me as I changed my looks when they appeared the two of them already know how I look like already so it's no big of a deal {so what now} as he said that I looked at the walls that the crows are destroying piece by piece {now step two Uriel you will stay here and give my reports for the others as I infiltrating their lands I will come once every few days so be ready for whatever happens if I'm late more than three weeks then know that I'm either dead or been took as a prison} he nodded to me as he went back as Uriel left the place but the leader of the crows stood still {what is it} as I looked at the other humans they all have the same reports so one is enough {what do you plan to achieve by infiltrating their lands} I got up with clothes of one of them {for now I just need to gather information about why do they hate the demons that much and then I will flip them from head to their heels} as I moved forward leaving him away {take care} as he left the place and started destroying the wall with the others {to the first camp that is}