
i got reincarnated at the wrong side

a person moving normally on the street was about to be hit by truck-Kun but was able to dodge it as he was sad normally people wouldn't be but this guy is different from the others as he wished to be reincarnated into another world and live his life with his harem

Mohamed_Moonwriter · Võ hiệp
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20 Chs

Chapter 12

After I got Uriel into my side and Raphael should have got that giant girl by now (I have my first step now I need just to announce myself and my territory but first I need to meet her) as I went toward the palace that guard was standing there as he looked at me he lowered his head {out of the way} he freaked out and moved away from me I went inside right away I saw Dalf standing there he looked at me and his looks got sad he went toward me {are you okay} I went and left him {no I'm not} he just looked at me as I went onto the only room that I shouldn't go to it's the room of the demon king I opened it I then saw the demon king at the bed with signs all over his body {stay outside Uriel} he nodded and didn't enter the room I touched his signs {is it like this}as I created the signs out of my skill one after the other without stopping until I reached the final one and then I saw the queen standing at the door as she saw me she ran toward the bed and she protected it with her body I just got up with all the signs flying around me {what are you doing} {d-did she told you} I nodded to her as she looked at the demon king {I'm sorry} I stopped her {you don't have to continue I get why you wanted to do that but the way you got it make me angry so I won't be seeing you again anytime soon} as she looked at the signs around me {those are} I got one of them {they are alphabet from my world but they are ancient language that most people don't even understand so I can't understand them I will take it and decipher them and I will find a way to cure him} as I moved away from the room {w-why are you helping us I thought you would hate all the demons and especially me} {I don't hate the demons but I do hate you you was the one who started the war were the humans but the ones who will stop it won't be either the humans or the demons I will be the one who will stop it and loses will be on both sides} as I left Uriel went after me as I looked at the signs I left the palace right away after writing them down into a paper (they are ancient Egyptian I need to find a temple to decipher it since there is someone who can read it at this world then it shouldn't be dead language) as I passed by the room within it is the sword Ea {I will need to come and get it later} as Uriel tilted his head but he didn't ask I went to the inn and rested there after two days was the funeral of Lydia but the people were holding another coffin at their hands as the people who were at the funeral were all asking what the second coffin have within it as I went near the two coffins as the people were all looking at me {you all have probably heard about the death of the demon alliance master but what you didn't hear about is that I killed the tiger tripe leader Liger few months ago} all the people were astonished by what I said as I opened the second coffin {I will take over his spot as the tiger tripe leader as of their traditions say that and it also says that anyone who want to take my place can come right now} as one tiger stood up {what will you offer as being a tripe chief} I looked at this one a promise hard enough for any tripe leader is stated at the time they are being crowned if they get their state right within their life time they will be said to be great warriors and if not then they were just one of the long list of names of the leaders they had so they mostly say things that are easy to accomplish (but Liger didn't do that and I won't get lower than him) as I looked at all the tiger kin at the funeral {I will end this war within my life time if not then I will be useless as the new chief of the tripe} as I created a sword at hand {now then come at me} as everyone that was against my rule came toward me but it only took me few minute to silence every single one of them all as I swung my blade at the air {is there anyone else} but they all stood silent at the pile of tigers that are all over the place none of them are dead though {and at this occasion I will take over the rest of the dark elves as well if you have any thought against that then come and tell me about it} but they didn't say anything as this funeral ended like that after three days I was standing with Uriel beside me with the two races in front of me with their luggage with them {I will say it one last time to those who are against my thoughts can stay here but if you come with me it's an oath that you will all suffer against both humans and demons so think one last time} as none of them said anything other than {we will go behind our tribal chief} I nodded to them and we set toward the closest village toward the border between the human territory and the demon's territory after a week and half since our number was too big we stopped three times a day to hunt for ourselves I was met with Raphael with some dark elves who were standing with their weapons at hand as they were all afraid of me but didn't have the courage to try to use their weapon as Raphael went toward me with anxious face {y-you didn't tell me that you will gather that many} I looked at the whole group {I can't just leave it like that I need a beginning force} he sighed {okay but they have to sleep outside for a while we still don't have enough houses after the humans burned most of them the elves are still sleeping within tents and we are going to lack food soon like this} I nodded to him {I have something in mind for that} as the dark elves hugged each other as they don't see each other a lot {what will you start to cultivate the land} I nodded to him {yes I will} he was surprised {i-I was telling that as a joke you know how hard it's to cultivate right and do you actually have experience at it I know you aren't from this world and all that stuff but were you a farmer} I shook my head {I wasn't a farmer but I read many books about how to cultivate the lands and this one is very rich so it's like a treasure for farmers} as I got my sword beneath me and went at the air looking for a good land to start at and I found a clean one without a single tree at it I went down as Raphael was waiting for me {found a good spot to start at or not} {what are the most common vegetables and fruits around here} he sighed {you really are different I think my days of having fun with you have passed now } {I don't have time for that Raphael what are they} he sighed {for veggies it's a kind of bean and tomato with the fruits it's mostly apples at most regions they found them all the time with occasional appearing of oranges} I nodded to him {we will start with bean I don't know how to cultivate the others} he nodded to me {get some and prepare we will go and clean all the monsters that might prey on that land} he sighed {I miss the old Michael} as he left I looked at him and at the tomb of the woman who got my mind as it's now (I can't return to that free living guy anymore) after half an hour Raphael came with Uriel with him and that giant girl as she came toward me and lowered her head {h-hello and th-thanks for scouting me into your team i-I promise not to be in the way a-ah right my name is Gabriel} as Raphael smacked his forehead {I told you to forget your former name he will give you a new one for some reason} I looked at her she isn't that older than that dark elf girl that went with the hero {it's okay it's the name that I chose for her let's go now} Raphael was surprised by that {are you kidding me now} as the four of us left the place I got my swords ready while Raphael at the middle of the group with his staff at hand he can heal anyone of us after all none of our group members are demon well other than the healer himself Uriel was at the back with his Katana at hand while Gabriel was at the head of the group while she doesn't have other than heavy gloves at her hand and steel legging she still are moving with ease as a bull appeared Uriel rushed at it with his Katana cut his sides but wasn't able to finish him of as he used his wings to speed himself up even more they are too small to help him flying but speeding up is easy for him as he cut at that side once again as the bull fell down right away it still was breathing so I got my sword to cut through his brain another one came to the side Uriel was about to move but I blocked him as Gabriel was the one at his face she hesitated for a moment before she expanded her hand to stop it and caught him as she smashed his fist at the trees nearby it as it was a pile of blood and meat once she finished screaming (they are good Uriel was expected to work alone and still getting his missions but Gabriel was unexpected she just need to get more experienced with her own skills) as we moved on and hunted them down at the night we got the monsters and went back Gabriel was the one who mostly did the holding while she was almost crying while carrying them from the smell and how slimy they are she got them so I took the slimy ones using my swords and she was relieved by it as we ate at that day we did that for a week but at the second day we got some of the two tribes to hunt with us since their number is too big for our group all alone as we got the whole area clean it was my turn now as I cut all the trees that block the way between the future farming ground and the village which got bigger at that week from all the construction that they are doing but they were surprised by the open area and the direction that I opened it from since their houses was by the sides but I opened the northern area as I planted the beans and taught them how to do it while using the dead to get the land more richen they were disgusted when they heard about the way of using our shit to get the food being better there too I found potato while we were hunting I was just hoping not seeing Raphael trying to eat it as is I taught them how to cultivate and eat is as well as we were eating while the people started to get their houses around this area {so what now what will you do with all that number of people} I looked at the three of them {tell me first do you hate humans} {not really I can't say I hate them since they are just like us fighting to survive right now it's fight for the strongest not to see who will get the most land as it was at the beginning} Raphael's answer was like that {well my father was a human so I don't think all the humans are bad since my father and mother stayed together until the two of them died and with their combined skills I can stay with you so I'm actually happy to have them as my parents} Raphael patted her head {what about you} {I hate them} {why is that is} he looked at me while holding with his Katana at hand {they killed my mother saying that she can't be an angle while sleeping with a crow as they burned her they made excuses like that} {it's not a racial thing then it's just a bunch of idiots that needed to be killed don't make your anger blind you} {so why are you asking us that} I stood up {because I plan on taking the humans that I deem as peaceful ones} they got up from their places {w-what did you say humans at the demonic region} as Uriel said that I looked at him {what's the problem with you after all your problem is within a small group who think that angels must be a holy beings those people I won't accept them and it's ok for the rest} he waved his hand strongly {that's wrong humans can't live with demons it's just-} {but you are standing before one right now} as I deactivated my illusion spell he looked at me and jumped away {what are you that scared of humans I'm just the same person but just not the same look does my look that important to you} as I got my skill back he stood still while his weapon at hand {it's the same as the others humans aren't all fight lovers so that you know there are people who live to flourish their jobs others for their family to get better standing and others just to stay alive with their families they are all living for something} {n-no all humans are just monsters that are waiting to kill us all} I stood up {did you ever saw a human giving birth} he was amazed by my question {what are you talking about it's a different thing} I didn't said anything to him as I continued on {the mother withstand great pain to give birth to her son even though she know of that pain way before her son getting outside of her she suffer greatly for that one kin she give birth to and the smile of the baby that she give birth to if you ever saw that you will understand that there aren't anything born evil just their circumcises are just different from yours} as I remembered my aunt who gave birth to my nephew even though she isn't nice to me at all she is very kind mother to her kids that's why I didn't just threw her away from the apartment and decreases the rent from the others {so just wait until you see how kind they are until then don't judge by the people who just want to give us a bloodbath} he stood silently there {you still have your choice I will prepare for the first batch of humans soon but for now I will stay here and manage the living for the people around here you can leave if you want to} I looked at the fire in front of me as he sat down {I will protect this village until you return but if I saw them trying something I will kill them right away} I looked at the sky {that's what I wanted you to do} as the stars were appearing like usual (I won't let them suffer I will protect this place and make it a heaven for those who want to live in peace)