
i got reincarnated at the wrong side

a person moving normally on the street was about to be hit by truck-Kun but was able to dodge it as he was sad normally people wouldn't be but this guy is different from the others as he wished to be reincarnated into another world and live his life with his harem

Mohamed_Moonwriter · Võ hiệp
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20 Chs

Chapter 11

I was in front of that blonde hair man {thank you for the help oh right humans don't understand this language what to do I don't know Arabic} (هل قال الان العربية) (did he said just now Arabic) I went toward him {don't worry I speak English as well} he gasped as he went back few steps {w-what you speak the demonic language b-but you just said it's English are you by any chance from earth} I nodded to him with a look of wary appearing at his face {are you crazy like that half brother of mine} I tilted my head (what is he saying) I looked at the broken trees at this direction and I opened my mouth wide {w-wait is that your brother} {half brother he turned into a devil so I try to make him go back to how he was anyway why are you here} I was still looking at the direction that he sent his half brother flying like it's nothing much {w-well we came to gather some herbs} as I shook my head (maybe that's for the best) but that golden haired guy tilted his head {herbs I heard from one of the humans over there though that you came to capture the people here and turn them into slaves} I went toward him as I caught his collar {I will never do something like that} he then removed my hand from his body with ease {hey don't just try to touch me like that again just because you helped me doesn't mean we are friends and all} as I went few steps back he sighed {if you don't believe me then just stay here for a second} as he rushed away after few seconds he was holding a human at one hand and a dark elf at the other as he was pulling both of them he threw them away in front of me the dark elf jumped away as he was wary of the three humans in front of him as the human got with me while holding his weapon <لا اخي لنقم باخذ هذا المجنون الان لان ذلك ليس هنا نستطيع ان ناخذ قدر ما نريد من المبيعات> {hey brother let's take this crazy bastard now that that crazy demon isn't here we can get as many merchandise as we can} I heard that and looked at him as I put my hand at his shoulder<م-ماذا تقول الم تاتو هنا لتجمعوا الاعشاب> {w-what are you saying didn't you came here for to gather herbs} he looked at me <ما الذي تقوله هل صدقت هذا انا لم اعتقد ان هناك اي احمق غير ذلك الفتي الذي فكر اننا اتينا هنا لتجميع بعض الاعشاب> {what are you talking about did you really believed it I thought there wouldn't be any other idiot like that boy who thought we all came here for some herbs} as that golden haired guy looked at me {do you believe me now} as that human got his sword at hand and charged toward the golden haired man but as I was rushing to stop him I saw a hand coming through that human's chest with his heart coming within his palm as he removed his hand {you see the dark elves are the one who are protecting their homes not the other way around} but my thoughts wasn't at that right now I was only thinking about the heart of the guy who was falling at the moment as I saw it I went and caught his collar once again but this time he didn't just leave me he caught my hand and smashed me at the ground {I told you don't just touch me as you wish} as I got up {w-what did you do killing is wrong you shouldn't kill} he looked at his hand which is bloody with the heart still pounding at it {why do you think it's wrong don't you kill to kill and eat meat and I think you just killed a demon back there} I waved my hand {that's different from this demons aren't-) I then stopped and thought about why she was very angry {what do you mean that demons are okay to kill just because they are a little different from you heh I lived around the demon region my whole life and I only saw humans trying to kill every single demon they see but on the other hand the demons leave the children at battles even though they leave them for their fate it's better than killing them with cold blood} as he moved closer and gave me a fist {the one who raised me was a demon she was nice and bearing all the suffering to raise a human within the forest all alone with her child just because all the other demons weren't okay with that are you saying if she was in front of me I should have killed her} I looked at him as he got up {do you see this dark elf here any different than any other human villager you know of or is it just because of him being a little different in color you are saying he must die} I got back few steps as I looked at the dark elf who was looking at me with anger as that golden haired guy got near him {let's go this guy isn't someone you can talk to he isn't thinking on his own just going after the principal he was given to like a small useful pawn they will use him as they see right} as he left the dark elf looked at me but then decided to leave with his spear at hand {w-was all my thoughts wrong until now} as I was about to broken the dark elf girl slapped me in the face as tears falling down from her eyes {w-what are you doing are you going to just give up right now because you were mistaken my sister's death won't be in vain so get up and make up for that} as she gave me another slap but those two were enough for me to regain myself as I stopped the third slap and hugged her {I promise I will give back what I took from you} since we are at the same age I thought we can understand each other but she is way better than me {I can't give back your sister to you I'm sorry about that but I can create a world where no one will suffer like you did can you help me with that} as she looked at me {you know I'm weak} I smiled {we can train you} {I'm not good with the human tongue} {then you can take your time there isn't any need to rush} {and most of all I hate you the most} I went closer to her {I think that's the right way to think but I will make you change it soon so stay beside me until then} as I kissed her after a second I got away from her and extended my hand {so will you come with me and see me changing} she nodded to me with the long night ending with the raid ending with failure I went back I saw Cain helping his father up as Hera was still healing him I looked at the father and son duo who made fun of me I left them (the humans are at the wrong this time but I will change it)

I left the hero as the dark elf beside me looked to me {is everything okay now} I nodded to him {yes go back to your family but I will tell you this for now there won't be any fight against the humans understood} he nodded to me and ran away as I removed the illusion spell around my body and Raphael came from the sides {did you have to hit me that strong} as he was still healing his hand {I can't get myself being weak in front of him both the human Michael and the demon one he must think both of them are equal in strength or he might not think about me ever again} as I went away out of the village and I saw the corpse of alliance master I bent down {sorry to force you to die for me} as I got two shields and held her at them as I moved forward as I looked at the small village {I won't let this war continue like this any longer Raphael I need to ask a favor of you} he was surprised by it {w-what oh yes what do you want} I looked at him {what's with you} he was looking at my face straight away {you have changed your tone is the same but your eyes is different and you look angry and sad at the same time} I looked at the corpse beside me {because I'm both angry and sad angry because of my naïve thoughts until now and sad that I let all those people die for me to realize that} as I held the breathing machine from her mouth and I saw a large scar going from her cheeks coming through her nose and mouth toward the other cheek {this is the result of my own shortcoming that an amazing person died for someone like me and I won't let her death be in vain} as I looked at him {I'm going back to the city first I need you to scout some people and protect this village while I'm away} he looked at daze but nodded to me {okay I will do my best but just be careful anger can make you do things you will regret later on} I smiled at him as I remember myself as I was about to thrust a knife at the person who killed both of my parents (don't worry I won't make the same mistakes once again) but I just looked forward with a sword beneath my feet and I flew away with the body of the alliance master at hand as Raphael was all alone {well then shall we start} as he went to use his healing abilities at every single elf that was injured and after few hours I was able to reach the expedition that was returning now I looked at Clark but I then shook my head (he isn't the kind of person who will make people suffer for me) but then he saw the dead body with me {w-what happened for her to die like that} I looked at all the people who were looking at me I muttered it like normal {the human hero killed her} most of them were afraid but the boar tripe were standing at their places {how was her final moments} I looked at the smile at her face {she died while protecting her own village and ideals} after hearing that Clark and all of the boar tripe bent down and removed their helmets {to the world tree yggdrsil take over this soul and let her live in harmony for the rest of her life} as some ball of green light came and touched her then something came outside of it a woman's body as the alliance master was looking at us with the scar at her face was no more as she looked at me {sorry} as she flew away with the green balls I was looking at her as she left (I'm the one who should be apologizing) and then the expedition went on with magicians taking care of the body of lady Lydia not to let it rot and after three more days we were able to reach our destination Clark went on to prepare for the funeral but I stopped him {I will announce my spot soon} he nodded to me and moved on I then went toward the yggdrsil branch I looked around the people there until I saw the person I was looking for the crow kin who was always hiding his wings and is using a Katana {hey you come with me}he just looked there with people looking at us as I moved outside of the place the people all looked at me {what happened to him ever since he came back with that woman's body he wasn't the same person he was a funny one before but now it's like he lost something important} as the receptionist looked at them {ah right you just came so you don't know of the latest news} as he said that all the people at the branch were looking at him {what news did something important happened while we were away} the receptionist elf nodded to them {yes while you were fighting the ruler the village beside you were under attack by the humans and there were witnesses who saw a person fighting with a flying swords} {but isn't that normal we are still at war} but the elf shook his head {not when both one of the alliance master and the hero being at that village and fighting} as they heard that {t-then that woman was} another one nodded to him and they were all surprised by who talked then {she was the alliance master and the head of assassin group} as the crow head said that {what happened to the village did they destroyed it} the elf shook his head {no Michael was able to stop the whole fight single handily while the alliance master was fighting the hero and then he forced them to back of} they were all amazed as the crow head went outside of the branch all the others went after him as they saw Michael standing outside {but isn't Michael too close with many of the alliance masters even though he only came to this city not to long} as that guy said that the others nodded but then the crow head answered them {it's because of one thing he is the summoned Hero of the demons they succeeded with it} as all the people were surprised by that one information Michael looked at the crow head {I will ask you this once so answer me} the crow head nodded to him {are you the son of the crow tripe leader} and the crow head nodded to him {yes but I left that title since I was young} Michael nodded to him {that's enough with me come join my team I'm going to end this war and I need you with me} as all the people were very happy when they heard that the crow head looked at Michael {do you know me really well to ask me to join you} as Michael made some swords {I know enough that you will be an important asset} as the crow head sheathed his Katana and charged at him but a shield appeared and then a chain stopping his Katana and taking away from him as Michael cut his rope with two wings appearing from his back one pure while but small while the other one is big but dark in color {you are different from your clansmen since your father married an angel and you are the offspring of the two of them} as Michael stood in front of him {will you join me or not} as the crow head looked at him {will you end the war} {yes I will} {well you kill all the humans} Michael shook his head {no I won't} {then how will you end it the whole reason is that the humans can't get enough} {I will end the role of the humans and I will end all the hatred that came from both the humans against the other races and the other side as well they will all have one enemy at the end and those who can't give up even after they saw what will the world will be like I will deal with them myself} {but won't you kill thousands of humans and demons to do that} Michael nodded to him {yes I will need to do that but without that massacre another war will happen again in the future} he heard that and the crow head nodded to him {good from now on you will forget your name and you will be called Uriel from now on} he bent down {Uriel is going to be your sword from now on I will kill anyone who try to get into your way} as Michael nodded to him and the two of them left the place as all the people stood like stones {did he just state his ideals of this war} they nodded as another one got forward {then I think we might clash with him if we thought about the humans as a race that we must eradicate right} they nodded as a smile appeared at their faces {let's get this information world wide}as they looked at the yggdrsil tree branch at their back {this war might actually end with him at the head}