
i got reincarnated at the wrong side

a person moving normally on the street was about to be hit by truck-Kun but was able to dodge it as he was sad normally people wouldn't be but this guy is different from the others as he wished to be reincarnated into another world and live his life with his harem

Mohamed_Moonwriter · Võ hiệp
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20 Chs

Chapter 10

I saw that woman that was the first time I ever saw her but anger started appearing from my chest and it went from it toward my whole body as I screamed from with everything within me as I activated my telekinesis skill around the whole area {you bastard I will kill everyone of you} as all the stones that I gathered went one big one and sent it flying toward them as it was about to crash two clean cuts appeared from within it as the stone broken into clean four pieces they fell down but the young man who broke them looked at me with surprised look [author note I won't translate the things the humans are saying if they are basically are talking in English and it's because it's hard enough for me to write it in Arabic so that you know how hard it's try to type a long phrase with it] {your accent are you an Arabian} I didn't care for that though as I went toward them as I conjured sex swords flying above me with two swords at my hand as I was charging my own Mana within the space behind me as a blue sphere appeared at that spot I reached them as a barrier and the two people with great swords were in front of me but the six swords were able to block all of them as I reached the young man and I was about to cut him but he disappeared as he was behind me then holding that younger girl at his hand with the sword stopping in front of her heart I was about to move but then I saw the girls tears as she was crying I prevented myself from doing anything to him but then two great swords were about to cut my neck as the young man said <توقفوا> two thick brick walls appeared and stopped the great swords from touching me but then a light appeared and I got calmer because of it but the woman behind me who look like a healer gasped <ك-كيف تكون كذالك بعد ان استخدمت تعوزة الشفاء> {how are you fine even though I used healing spell at you}I extended my hand toward her with two swords stopping at her neck and the two men beside me <انت تقتل هذه الفتاة انا اقتل هؤلاء الثلاثة> {you kill that girl I kill those three} the other three looked surprised by how I talked but I didn't care for them my look was at this young man <اريد ان اسالك بعض الاسئلة> {I want to ask you some questions} I shook my head <اترك الفتاة اولا> {leave the girl first} he nodded to me as he let the girl go but she just went toward her sister's body but then a person came and stood by the dead body of that dark elf and it was one of the alliance who is here to test me {did you know about this raid} she remained silent I went toward her and pulled her collar toward me {you knew and you still left all the people here get killed why did you do that why the hell did you do that} she held the dead body of the dark elf as she looked at the young man as she gave me the body {it's to let you see how despicable the humans are you are probably thinking you can talk to them and get things back the demon king already tried that and he is cursed for that for us to proceed at this war you must wake up from the delusion} as she got her knife her hand {we meet again hero of the human} (t-this all was because of me) as she jumped at him a barrier appeared but it didn't even stop her as she was in front of the young man who met her knife with his sword <انتظري انا لا اعلم ما الذي يحدث هنا لقد اتينا لسبب واحد فقط>{wait I don't know what is happening here we just came for one thing} as she went down and kicked his legs he fell down as she didn't get up as she got another spin and raised her leg with a blade appearing from her shoe as she was going for the head but he went away from her {I'm sure that thing is destroying our village} as she got up and jumped at him right away without saying anything more the two of them went away as they forced each other out of this area I stood looking at the dead body in at my hand {t-this is all because of my thoughts} I looked at the clean cut at the chest with blood still going outside of her body and dirtying my clothes {if that's the problem then I at least won't let this happen at any other place} as I looked back at the group of three the two young of them jumped back as the oldest stood still <انتما الاثنان اهربا هذا الشخص اقوي مما تستطيعان تحلمه> {you two run away he is far too stronger than what you two can bear} as he said that the young man with great sword moved forward <اذن هو سيكون الصخرة التي ساستعملها لارقي مرتبتي> {then he will be the stepping stone for me to increase my rank} as he was in front of me a shield appeared and stopped his great sword and a sword at my hand as I swung it but the old man pulled the young man away and faced my sword <يا احمق فقط اركض لحياتك قبل دقاق من الان هذا الشيطان كان فقط سيأخز الفتاة ثم كان سيرحل اما الان فهو عازم علي قتلنا> {idiot run for your life a few minutes ago this demon was going to take the young girl then he was about to go away but now he want us dead} I tilted my head as I stood in front of them <الي اين تظنون نفسكم ذاهبون بدون ان تدبعو ثمن كل الدماء التي اريقت هنا> {where are you going do you think you can go without paying for all the blood you split here} as their faces hardened <تبا هو يسنطيع فهمنا> {damn it he can understand us} [quick note: the language between humans and demons are different one so they have hard time understanding each other so Michael is talking in Arabic] as I moved toward them one step at a time the old man charged at me <اسرعا لن اتمكن من توقيفه لمدة طويلة> {hurry up I won't be able to stop him for along time} as I pulled my sword and swung it he met my sword with his and was pushed back as the other two ran away I looked at the young girl {I will avenge for your sister's death I swear about that} as the young girl was still clinking to her sister's body I stopped the great sword that was near my neck {I wodn't loak away if I were you} I extended my hand as I was about to catch his face he jumped back {your English is trash don't try it ever again} as I wielded my sword and rushed toward him with anger within me all I can think of is killing this person now as he met my sword cracks started to appear at his own sword as his sword was about to be destroyed {well you run away now humans are fearful race after all} but he shook his head <انا لن اهرب من شيطان خطير مثلك علي الاقل سوف اقوم بجرحك بقوة حتي اللحظ التي اموت فيها> {I won't run away from a dangerous demon like you I will at least make a dangerous wound until the moment I die at} I looked at the young girl she is looking at us with tears still at her face then I faced the human (killing him right now won't get her revenge so how about this) I removed my illusion skill from my body and that human froze at his place <ماذا هل اصبحن خأف الان لانك علمت ان الشيطان الزي اردت ان تقتله هو في الحقيقة بشري مثلك> {what did you become afraid after knowing that the demon that you wanted to kill was a human just like you <ل-لا لابد ان هذا نوع من السحر> {n-no that must be some kind of magic} I shook my head <في الحقيقة انا كنت استخدم سرابا طوال الوقت لكنني ازلتة الان> {in truth I have been using that illusion all the time until now I just deactivated it} as I moved forward with my sex swords flying beside me {and now it's time to let you suffer like all the people you just killed I'm sure a high ranking person like you should at least have killed a human and two and at least fifty demon so I will make you suffer for everyone of their deaths} as my swords went and cut his fingers but not all at the same time since he won't feel the fear that I want him all at the same time if I just cut all of them at the same time so I cut them one after the other with screams coming after everyone of them as he tried to get up and run away but I used my telekinesis to hold him up {where are you going to we aren't done yet}as I got his feet fingers cut now {do you know that humans don't need their whole body to be dried for them to die only twenty percent is enough and with that much blood spilling down I don't think you have much time} as he looked at me with angry face but I hit my fist at his stomach {you now know how did that dark elf felt when you people killed her just because she protected her village} as I continued to hit his body with my fists until I was tired and his whole body was full of bruises all over {let's done with it already} as I was about to cut his throat but then the young girl hugged me {s-stop it p-please stop it you did enough} I looked at her and then I heard that old man muttering something {p-please let me go i-I will be a good m-man p-please I have a y-young kid} I looked between the two of them (is what I'm doing now right or wrong) as I went backward and I saw a dark elf thrusting his spear at a human's heart while another human went and cut that dark elf's head (t-this is wrong they shouldn't be fighting fighting is wrong fighting is the whole problem here war is the whole point for all of this) I stood up as I looked around me {I have decided to end this war I wanted to end it with no blood but a war without deaths isn't something that exist so} with my number of swords increasing at the air my telekinesis skill leveled up to the middle level {I will force this damn war to end once and for all} as my swords went around the village and killed anything that is moving as I stood above them all while standing at one of the swords and said {I'm warning anyone here who will try to kill I will kill them right away if they are humans or any other race} as the dark elves looked at me {i-isn't that Michael} as they looked up to me {our win is sure right now kill all the huma-} and I cut his neck clear {I just said I will kill anyone this place will come under my protection from now on any fight is prohibited anyone who fight here will be sentenced to death} as they saw me controlling my swords to kill anyone who still have their weapons and are still trying to fight they either threw their weapons or ran away I went down and looked at the young girl as she was opening a hole at the ground {are you burying her corpse} she nodded I looked at the old man in front of me {I will let you live but the next time I see you at the war won't be the same} as I punched him away I buried the body of that dark elf I got a stone from nearby and I got my sword and engraved at it [to the person who didn't surrender to the war and lived while protecting her family members until the last breath] her sister looked at the stone {hey want to end this war} she looked at me but nodded after a moment {good do as I say from now I will only give you one mission as how good you do it will change how long this war will continue on} she nodded to me and I saw Raphael coming from the trees as he looked around the place {w-what happened her} as he looked at me (just the person I need)

As I killed that alliance master I was exhausted <كانت قوية لكنها اخطأت الظن بنا نحن لم نكن الذين بدأنا الهجوم هنا ولكن ثمة خطب في محادثتهم ثلك الشيطان كان غاضب عندما علم بما حصل هنا> {she was strong but she misunderstood us we weren't the ones who started the attack here but there is something wrong with their conversation that demon was angry about what happened here} as I moved away from her dead body with my body being injured I applied my healing spell if not for this one I would have been still at the hospital until now from the previous time we met she barely got healed as well but then I saw Cain coming along with Hera <ماذا حدث اين كايل> {what happened and where is Kail} but then I saw that demon at the air as he was standing at a flying sword with his swords killing each and any person that was holding a sword {I'm warning anyone here who will try to kill I will kill them right away if they are humans or any other race} as he said that the dark elves roared around but then he killed the one who started it all {I just said I will kill anyone this place will come under my protection from now on any fight is prohibited anyone who fight here will be sentenced to death} as he said that everyone ran away or dropped their weapons the swords are still flying up at the air and then Kail was sent flying toward a nearby tree luckily I saw and stopped him after that Cain looked at his father with disbelief <ا-ابئ ه-هل هذا فعلن ابي> {d-dad is that really my father} I put my hand around his palm to see his blood pressure and I felt his heart <هو مازال حيا هيرا داويه الان> {he is still alive Hera tend him right away} as I got up as Hera got near Kail <الي اين انت ذاهب> {where are you going} I looked at her <لاقتل هذا الشيطان هو خطير جدا> but then I heard some metal clashing I left the two of them with Cain protecting them with his great sword being at hand they should be fine and as I reached that spot I saw a person fighting on that demon with the young dark elf within his hand {you damn demon I won't let you touch this girl}his voice is like that demon but his looks is different as that demon swung his hand around the swords came flying toward him eight of them in total as he jumped back with two being stuck at the ground and he blocked another two but still four of them coming for him so I charged forward <احزر> {careful} I got myself in front of him as I blocked the other four he didn't stop though and charged forward with his sword at hand but he left the dark elf at the back as four swords were aiming at her I blocked them as I saw that man rushing toward that demon while blocking or dodging his those weapons as he jumped at the air and was about to cut him a sword hit his and his sword was sent flying away but he didn't stop as he went on with his fist but then I remembered the shield he cane make as he wishes to <هو يستطيع صناعة دروع ايضا> {he can make shields as well} as I said that a shield appeared in front of him but that man didn't stop but charged faster as he was near the shield a light appeared from within the air and hit his body {super strength} and after he said that he smashed the shield with it being destroyed he then hit the demon sending him away as that person stood there with his hand full of bruises from that punch right now as he looked at me with that gold hair of his and that pure smile {thanks for the help}