
I got Reincarnated as Yuuya Tenjou in Cheat Musou.

This novel isn't dropped I am just taking a break, I'll be back I promise. [Courtesy/Special Thanks To Nyx Translations] ★ Read Auxiliary Chapters Before Reading The Story ★ This is a [What If] type, SI ‘fan-fic’ and It will be a light-hearted story which will follow canon ‘closely’ and ‘completely’ with added ‘extra’ events but the MC here won't be like Yuuya was and get dragged around or in his Emo phase for the whole story and all. I will ‘try’ to make it as much fun and entertaining as possible, also there will be changes in the characters behaviour as I don't want to make them ‘dumb’ like they are displayed and It will be ‘Harem’ and I will ‘try’ my best to make it not seem forced and make it entertaining. [I am doing this for fun So I won't promise any fixed updates] (The Characters all belong to their rightful owners I don't Own Anything) ★ I am just re-writing it as a [What If] storyline to satisfy and vent out my Frustration on the orignal story, that's it ★ Thank you, Peace!!

Demon_Noah07 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
15 Chs


I was currently drifting in space as I looked to find anything I would see but I saw nothing but darkness and as I was alone and feeling lonely I started remembering about the short '16' years of life I had lived until now,

It wasn't anything grand or amazing though I was just an orphan left abandoned at an orphanage right after birth and grew up at the orphanage,

The orphanage which already was in loss due to decreasing support from people and was not happy to have me there, and if that wasn't enough we had a terrorist attack and out of all the people the terrorist would have taken hostage he chose me and during the situation he panicked and shot me and I died,

I know so anti-climatic right I thought so too well now I am here drifting in this place talking to myself out of boredom to not go insane and floating in space I don't know how much time has passed since I arrived here but I was just floating around in the darkness since I arrived here,

As I was thinking that I saw a ball of light floating towards me from a different direction and was shining brightly in the darkness I was in as I was looking it finally got close enough and said,

"Hello Child" It said in a Humourous tone,

"Hello,umm Who are you,If I may ask?" I asked trying to sound as polite as possible

"Hmm,I am a God as you mortals say,but the reason I am here is because you have died unjustly and lived an unfair life so according to the rules I can offer you a choice to reborn in the world of your Choosing with 3 wishes" It said,

"Okay, So Can I Choose Any World I want or I have to Select from a Criteria" I asked Calmly looking at the being,

"You have to Choose From a Criteria, Here Go Ahead" It said passing me a screen,

Looking at the Screen I Filtered the Criteria to Modern World Style which filtered the choices, then I saw multiple worlds with different settings and finally decided my choice after reading the background of the world and passed the screen towards the being,

"Hmm, Good Choice It's Safer than most of the ones here" It said looking at the screen,

"Can't I get the complete knowledge about the world or the main storyline except for what you have shown me" I asked,

"That will cost you a single wish as it would impact the whole world's fate and future" It replied,

"Ugh...Fine, So what other wishes do I get to choose?" I asked looking at being,

"The wishes you get should be 'limited and related' to the world you are going to be reborn into and you can also ask other abilities together with them in a single wish If you want to" It said plainly,

"Okay Thanks" I replied

"Now what do you wish for, ask away" It said,

"Then for the First wish I want Genius Talent in 'Everything' like the one Zenovis has or even better than him and also abilities such as Flight, Telekinesis, Telepathy, 'Superior Eyes and other related skills' without changing my physical appearance" I answered and explained my requirements clearly,

"Done, but It will only be comparable to Zenovis not better because his talent has reached the limit in that dimension or Should I say 'Broken the Limit' of that dimension and instead of Telepathy I can give you 'Empathy' instead and you will also have to train and awaken the other abilities by yourself if you want to make them stronger, your appearance 'might' change a bit but you can adjust or hide the 'additional' new changes as per your requirement 'incase', if they occur" It replied,

"Okay, that's fine with me then for the Second wish I want Superior Adaptability, Regeneration & Resistance and It Shouldn't affect my Physical Appearance rapidly" I said answering and explaining again to 'It' how exactly I wanted it so It wouldn't get confused and later cause future problems,

"Done,but mind you they won't be transferrable or hereditary" It replied plainly,

"Ugh....alright then for the Third wish I want to reborn as Yuuya Tenjou without any kind of 'Limiter' and also without getting Suspected By the Observers or any other beings and causing any problems or changes in the timeline" I explained clearly,

"That will be tricky to do, but I can send you an alternate one instead where he had died and 'reincarnate' you in his body with his memories instead, and with all the other conditions as you requested" It answered,

"That's Fine but make sure nobody gets suspicious of it" I answered,

"Sure, No worries I will take care of that but be careful as you are the same age as the physical body so it may affect your personality after you reincarnate but no worries, with your Superior Adaptability and Resistance it won't be anything major though" It answered,

"Okay, No problem" I answered as this would make me less suspicious in future in case something happens,

"Then, Are you ready?" It asked,

"Yes, I am ready" I answered my eyes filled with determination,

"Then, Off you go enjoy the life you wanted and couldn't get in the past" It said as bright light appeared in front of me blinding me for a second before I opened my eyes once again,

To Be Continued...

So I tried to make it as less stretched as possible and hope you guys had fun reading tell me your opinion in the comments and please correct if you find any mistakes So I can correct them and learn from them,

Thankyou, Peace!!

Demon_Noah07creators' thoughts