
I got reincarnated as the villain and i plan to be the protagonist

A man got reincarnated and became the villain, is it too late to become the protagonist?

West_walker · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
63 Chs


After they heard her say it one of them gave a thumbs up and asked "can i watch?" me and skyler slapped him at the same time. Then he said "guess not... Damn!" after that everyone was slightly more accepting towards me.

After that we continued with our schedules, then came the next day... So we just did what we did before.

It seems impossible to find him, because we've been to the staff room and there was nobody there that we don't know of.

One of the boys before came by so i asked him "hey, do you have any idea where professor..." actually now that i think about it, he might be using an alias...

But it's worth a shot! "do you have any idea where professor Jack is?" he said "who's jack?" before i could say anything skyler said "jacking deez nuts in your face."

We both looked at her questioningly, but i just smiled after. After they ate and left i asked her "so why try to stop me?" she replied "we can't just trust them you know... I have trust issues... With nobility..."

I just patted her head then said "well you have nothing to worry about silly." the rest of the day was normal, we have a rest day tomorrow so we just did what we wanted.

I did a bit of hunting but there was nothing to hunt, it seems because of the appearance of more mages, the continent has divided into 2, the human nation, and the monster lands...

Places that are lost from humanity, corrupted to darkness, monsters take refuge there... Waiting for their prey...

Basically my old companions, the necronomicon, the destroyed city, and our pasts... Didn't happen...

What's more is that more cities have been built, more people are roaming the land, and more monster hunters.

And it seems that the adventurers guild isn't the only guild now, there's the mages guild, the hunters guild, and the work guild.

Skyler and i haven't had much to do considering the change of the city, and no monsters to Hunt.

We just layed down on the field, and talked about stuff like what we should do next, and about.

I was curious so i asked her "so when do you plan on.. Going home?" then she replied almost immediately "there's someone i need to kill, just to get back to my-...where i belong..."

It seems she doesn't want to tell me, well I'm not one to pry so i said "well... Then i will still join you on your adventure! And maybe I can help!"

She chuckled then said "oh sure you can help me!" then she suddenly frowned and said "to be honest... I don't know who I'm supposed to kill... It... My system doesn't tell me..."

I chuckled and said "well i guess that makes sense! You choose who to kill not someone else!"

Then she sat down and said "you don't get it!" then she sighed and looked at the sky with a serious look on her face.

Then she said "if i want to get back to where i belong... I have to kill the villain of this world..." my eyes widened... I know who she's talking about...

Then she chuckled and smiled at me and said "well when i kill the villain... At least i can bring you with me!"

Then she gave me her hand and said "so will you... Be mine when our adventure ends?" i thought of what she said... I turned my frown into a smile and said "yeah, absolutely!"

She cheered and then hugged me, and then i hugged her back... At least i can create amazing memories with her, for her to remember...

That is until she finds out and kill me... As long as i create a memory for her... To remember me by...