
I Got Reincarnated as the New MC of my Favorite Anime

*WSA Entry* *** Alex, born into the illustrious and undeniably gifted Blackwood family, was a stark anomaly. While his siblings excelled in everything from music to sports, h e was a blank canvas, utterly talentless. This ostracized him, making him a target for his family's disdain and bullying from his classmates. Finding solace only in the world of anime, Alex retreated into his room, spending days in a state of squalor, fueled by ramen and the fantasy worlds on his screen. One day, while attempting to microwave a plastic container filled with ramen (because even basic kitchen skills were beyond him), the microwave exploded, turning Alex's room into a scene of hilarious destruction. Instead of dying tragically, he finds himself resurrected…in the anime he loved the most, "Swords and Sorcery," a fantastical world brimming with magic and adventure. As Alex, now a fresh-faced young adventurer in this new world, he discovers he can wield the powers of any character from any anime he's ever watched. Suddenly, his days of being mocked for his lack of talent are a distant memory. He can summon the mystical powers of a powerful wizard, the strength of a legendary warrior, or the agility of a skilled ninja. He even discovers he can tap into the magical abilities of characters from lesser-known anime, like a charming witch from a forgotten shoujo series or a cunning strategist from a tactical mecha anime. Armed with his vast anime knowledge and newfound abilities, Kai embarks on a life of self-discovery and adventure. He'll navigate the complexities of this magical world, forge alliances with unlikely heroes, and face off against powerful foes, all while striving to prove his worth and overcome the trauma of his past. But as he dives deeper into this fantastical world, he'll face a new challenge: can he learn to be happy and find his place in this world, free from the shadow of his former life? *** "HAHAHAHAHA! All those useless Isekai animes animes I watched was not for waste after all...Stupid old man! Why don't you laugh at this?"

Shadow_garden · Võ hiệp
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: Me! A Dissapointment

Chapter 1

The delivery room was a flurry of activity as the medical team worked together to bring the new life into the world. The room was filled with an aura of anxiety, with the constant screams from the patient. Dr Smith, a seasoned obstetrician, stood at the foot of the bed, gloved and ready to assist. Mid wives Rachel and Emily, flanked the bed, coaching the mother, Sarah, through each contraction.

"It's time to push, Sarah!" Rachel encouraged, as Emily monitored the baby's heart rate.

With a deep breath, Sarah bore down, her face contorted in effort. The room fell silent, except for the sound of the baby's heartbeat and Sarah' labored breathing.

Suddenly a tiny head crowned, followed by a pair of tiny shoulders. Dr. Smith gently guided the baby out, and with one final push, the new born slid into the world.

"It's a boy!" Dr. Smith exclaimed, holding up the squirming infant for all to see.

The room erupted in joy and relief as the medical team worked to suction and stimulate the baby. Rachel wrapped the baby in a warm blanket, and Emily handed him to Sarah, who cradled him close, tears of joy streaming down her face.

"Hello, little one," she whispered, gazing into her baby's eyes for the first time.

The baby responded with a cute loud cry, tears streaming down his face.

Rachel ran out of the labor room, coming in moments later with a man in his mid-thirties, he was wearing an expensive black luster suit, he had black hair, with an athletic build that made it look as though he was still in his twenties.

"You were serious? I…it's a boy this time." He said, shock written on his face.

"Honey! We have gotten our first male child." Sarah said, tears of joy streaming down her eyes as she stared into the baby's eyes.

The man walked over and sat down beside his wife, looking at the baby sleeping in her arms. A cheerful smile played on his face, he stood up and walked towards were Dr. Smith was watching the pair of mother and son.

"Thank you Doctor! For all you've done for my family, without you, my long awaited son would not have been born." He said.

"You praise me to much Mr. Jones. This humble servant is just glad that he was able to bear witness to the birth of the next successor of the Blackwood family, I know he will surely surpass his father in both talent, and wealth as well." Dr. Smith said, his reassuring words made Jones Blackwood, the father of the baby, breathe out in relief.


Unfortunately that well renowned doctor now begs on the street, all because of what he said that day. Turns out all of what he said to my father that day, was a lie. My father stripped him away of everything he had, money, house and all. All this because of popular me.

I was born into the Blackwood family, the richest and most successful family in the world, known to bring about geniuses only seen once in decades. Bringing about the birth of talented children, talented in activities ranging from sports, to music and even cooking.

But you see, life has a way of fucking things up. I was born different, no talent at all, no brains as well. I was always last place in the class, the only one with below average scores. Sports was a no go area for me, giving my slim build, I would be broken like a twig if I had even tried to play one sports.

Music, well, I am horrible in that as well, I destroyed every sound equipment in one of my dad's private studios…by my voice alone. My voice, should have been more exalted, who in the world can break multiple sound equipment's with their voice alone? That's right, no one.

When it came to Art, I would rather not say, even if a dog was giving a paint brush with three different colours of paint, its art will still be better than mine, and believe me, I have really seen a dog better than me in art.

I tried cooking, but just to turn on the electric cooker, I ended up burning down the kitchen. I was band, from ever entering the kitchen again. I was the problem child of the family.

My father hated me, and the fact he had such a useless son as well. He had finally gotten a son, one that will be his successor. After all, the three tines his wife gave birth, they were all girls, which greatly disappointed him. But I disappointed him, he could not believe I carried his genes and even started to question mummy, that maybe I wasn't even his child at all.

The pair always argued, because of me. Turns out I am talented in breaking marriages at least.

I wasn't like my sisters, they exceled in everything they did, they were also given liberty to go wherever they wanted, I was always trapped at home. Of course I was trapped at home, the last time I went out of the house, I was kidnapped. I guess luck never favored me as well.

But even with all this, I never once complained, at least my sister and mother loved me. They always took good care for me. The day I got kidnapped, my sisters and mother threatened to end my fathers life if I wasn't found, what a crazy bunch.

I loved my mom, and my sisters, they were the world to me. My father, I hated, he hated me as well, and the feelings were mutual and true. I loved the way I lived my life, and I was happy, that was until that certain incident unfolded that is.