
I Got Isekaied in to Naruto World

Rekki, an ordinary teenager with a passion for anime and manga, unexpectedly meets an untimely demise due to a sudden heart attack. However, his journey is far from over as he finds himself reborn in a world he's always dreamt of - the Naruto universe. With newfound abilities and a chance to live the life of a ninja, Rekki embarks on an epic adventure to discover his true potential and reshape the destiny of the ninja world.

Golden_Elite_Shams · Võ hiệp
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10 Chs

Chapter 10: Shadows of the Past

Chapter 10: Shadows of the Past

Days turned into weeks as the quartet continued their quest to unravel the secrets of the prophecy. They had learned of Rekki's role as the traveler from another world and Yumi's importance in this enigmatic destiny, but the true nature of their mission remained elusive.

One evening, as the setting sun bathed Konoha in a warm, golden light, Rekki and Yumi found themselves strolling through the village, lost in thought. The weight of their newfound knowledge hung heavy on their shoulders.

"I still can't believe I'm a part of this prophecy," Yumi said, her voice filled with uncertainty. "What am I supposed to do?"

Rekki placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We're in this together, Yumi. We'll figure it out. And whatever it is, I know you have the strength to face it."

Their conversation was interrupted by the distant sound of a commotion. They hurried toward the source of the noise, where a crowd had gathered around a strange figure cloaked in darkness.

As they approached, the figure stepped into the light, revealing a woman with ebony hair and crimson eyes. She introduced herself as Kagura and claimed to have knowledge of the prophecy.

"We have been waiting for you," Kagura said, her voice holding an air of mystery. "You are the travelers foretold in the prophecy, and I am here to guide you on your path."

Sasuke, Akari, and Naruto arrived shortly thereafter, their guard raised. Kagura explained that she was a guardian of ancient knowledge, entrusted with safeguarding the secrets of the prophecy.

"You possess unique powers," Kagura said, her eyes locking onto Rekki and Yumi. "Powers that can shape the destiny of this world. But to fulfill your roles, you must first confront the shadows of your past."

The quartet exchanged puzzled glances. What could Kagura mean by "shadows of the past"?

Kagura went on to reveal that the prophecy was linked to a forgotten chapter of history, one marked by tragedy and betrayal. To uncover the truth and fulfill their destinies, Rekki and Yumi would need to embark on a journey to trace the origins of their powers and confront the secrets buried deep within their pasts.

The quartet accepted Kagura's guidance and embarked on their new quest, determined to uncover the truth and fulfill the prophecy's promise. The path ahead was uncertain, but they faced it with courage, unity, and the knowledge that their actions would shape the fate of the ninja world.