
I got isekai'd then got a supreme cheat, but it's nerfed.

A young man in his early 20, that had just graduated and was having trouble finding a job, ended up signing up for a new gaming project from a big company. Unfortunately, there was an accident and this young man died. Only to then wake up in the cliche white isekai room, after he like a lot of others gets a Supreme cheat, but it's heavily nerfed. Follow his story as he now lives adventures in a new world.

Kiony_Fey · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter-15: Prison Break.

Date: Year-704, the month of Death and Disaster, 5th.

Time: 23:08

In the lower level of the Raphinel castle, there is an area where prisoners are kept in cells with mithril bars reinforced to the maximum possible with what's available in Raphinel. These cells contain some of the most dangerous criminals in the kingdom or simply individuals who overstep their boundaries with the Royal Family, regardless of why they're here, every single one of these people hates the royalty and would most likely try to get revenge.

The cells are small and contain a maximum of three people, coming from various races and species: Minotaurs, Elves, Dwarves, Dragonewts, Lizardmen, humans, and a lot of others. This all in a very long corridor full of cells.

Inside these cells, the prisoners have glowing green bracelets as they sit around, fight, bicker or just play games together. All the prisoners in this area are male and the female section is in a different part of the castle.

One of the cells in specific has only 2 men, an old human man full of wrinkles all over his skinny and poorly nurtured body as it can be seen on his exposed upper body with ribs visible even from afar and the only visible piece of clothing on him is his trousers, while his cell companion is a short gnome man with a dirty cloak covering his simple trousers and shirt.

"It's almost time for them to come, I hope the youngsters don't cause too much trouble with their greed." The old mumbled to himself while adjusting his glasses that are being held to his head by a thin string tied to the back of his head.

"Boss, we leave today, right?" The gnome asked in a low voice with a hurried manner.

"Yes Gilpin, it's today. Don't ask again, my patience is not at its best right now." The old man replied and gave Gilpin a side glance with only one of his eyes while the other stood in its place.

Chills went down Gilpin's spine while the old man made his eyes stand in their natural position. The old man had done this a few times before when he didn't want Gilpin to bother him, but no matter how many times he sees it, the gnome can't help but be creeped out by his boss.

Gilpin sat down and pulled out a very dirty-looking gem, that can barely be seen as one because of how filthy it is right now. Gilpin was currently on the top bed of the bunk bed, playing with his dusty and precious gem.

While the old man seemed to be thinking of something else, his focus being on the ceiling as he let his white hair rest on the wall while there is a simple bunk bed right beside him and a toilet on the opposite side.

The dark greenish wall and light green cell bars have a certain glow to them as sunlight comes in through a very small window at the top area of the back wall of the cell.

*Thud* *Thud*

Footsteps resounded in the corridor picking the attention of all the detainees and starting a shower of comments towards the source.

"Oh if it ain't Chago's dogs, came again to get your treats like good boys. Hahahaha!" A bull-like creature mocked them its eyes full of disgust while it carried a wide smile filled with irony. Standing right in front of the cell bars about 20 cm from them.

"Haha! HAHAHA!"



Laughs erupted from the multiple cells as two young men stood there with light red armors with badges that have the image of what seems to be a white pillar coiled by a green cord containing patterns hard to perceive since they are shroud in the poor lighting of the area, each of the young men carrying a sword resting in black leather sheaths.

"You little pieces of-" One of the young men having green hair was about to retort the insult with his fury, as the discontent in his face rose with his lips and left eye twitching. Without being able to do so, as he was interrupted mid-sentence.

Had it been the first or even tenth time, he would not have minded it, but it has happened far too many times. The prisoners abuse the fact there are not many guards on their level can do, after all their level is not too high and all the detainees here are very powerful criminals, after all, why would the royal family bother with them if that weren't the case? The problem is that all the people imprisoned here, are monsters existing above level 250!

"You can't go falling for their provocation! They are just lucky {Absolute Law} doesn't allow {Total marks} in Raphinel! But once we become strong enough we can get back at these fools, so control yourself!" the second young man with red hair reprehends as he shakes his head at such recklessness, his expression steer and serene hosting eyes burning with the ardent flames of ambition.

{Absolute Laws} Are Supreme rules that are imposed on kingdoms and Empires. Each country only has one {Absolute Law} and it is impossible to go against it. Raphinel kingdom's {Absolute Law} being no {Total marks} and because of that, they can't be used in the kingdom's territory. A {Total mark} is one of the various tiers of subordination magic, a type of magic know for being the most controversial one, not only illegal in about 60% of the kingdoms in this continent. This magic is also known as slavery magic and its uses are legally limited even in kingdoms that accept its use and as for its effects, a mark called subjugation mark is created on the target's body forcing them to obey the orders given by the caster or suffer intense pain.

{Total mark} is the highest rank of subjugation mark and its ominous effect of removing all of the target's freedom of choice, making them no different from a puppet. This among other reasons is why they are naturally illegal in all the kingdoms on the continent, but unlike in Raphinel where it becomes impossible to use because of the {Absolute Law}, in some kingdoms, it's done in the black market and some evil cults. There is also the fact that criminals charged with treason, sentenced to death, and some other extreme situations are in some of the Kingdoms turned into 'puppets' to serve the kingdom for their crimes without any risks.

"Hahaha! Do you think you can catch up to us?! It would be easier for me to get in the Queen's guts than for you to ever get close to our level. I mean... I was already planning to cuck the king anyway, so even that's not enough to show the gap." A goat horned man with greyish red skin countered with another remark creating a new wave of laughter.




Truth be told, they didn't care if it was funny or not, it's simply the best entertainment they get around these parts, aside from the fact this is also a stress relief for them. After all, who wouldn't like to get back at their captors?

The young men didn't lose any more time with these people and simply moved on towards a cell in specific.

While they were doing so, the prisoners still stood laughing at them.

"Greenie seems like he's gonna break at any moment." A handsome man with long ears and golden hair said while smirking.

"Nah, I think Redie was way more affected, he just didn't want to admit he was done in." Once again the man with goat horns spoke.

"With those pretty faces, I would do them every day." An old man with a pig-like nose and ears, a chubby face, and a rather chunky physical having something akin to a beer belly declared while licking his lips.

"You already keep us up all night with your noisy cell companions and you're still not satisfied, what a greedy bastard." The Minotaur-like individual from before complained while rubbing his forehead.

"They got loose with time, what can I say? The curse of being a blessed man. Hahahaha!" The pig-like man replied shamelessly with a grin.


While they did their best to ignore the annoying detainees, cause level 70 knights like them can't do much against the monsters in the cells, after all, the cells strong them from using mana but not from having abnormally high physical prowess, how could people above level 250 not have high stats? They can't do anything at their current level and reporting to their superiors always ends with a lecture on how this builds their character as proper knights and teaches how to act under the pressure of dangerous criminals.

It sounds very convincing and both Knights believed it at first, but they eventually discovered it to be bullshit that some of the high ranks made up to not have to deal with de prisoners. Even for a high-rank knight, these people are all still dangerous and should be treated with caution, that being the case, why would they risk themselves trying to discipline the prisoners for a newbies' sake? This kind of bullying happens so often that even the most righteous knights eventually give up on helping the noobs, things one day got to the point where them lying about this being some kind of unusual training became the norm. Since it works nobody questions it, nobody except the newcomers, especially when they discover the truth.

"You two took longer than I expected, for a moment there I thought you gave up on your training with me." The old man said as he adjusted his glasses with a small and warm smile that seemed to carry the 'I'm a proud old man' aura.

The two young men had seen this old man multiple times since the initial stages of their training as guards in this area, but they could never get used to his wrinkly skills compacted on his abnormally skinny body, the apartment lack of nutrients is very uncomfortable to look at and to some degree even makes them feel guilty, despite the fact they weren't directly involved in the incident that got him this way.

"Of course not, we would never give up master Chago." The red-haired young man responded while bowing his head toward the old man apparently called Chago and hints discretely at his partner to do the same, but it doesn't go unnoticed by Chago.

Catching the hint, the green-haired young man does the same.

"Yes master, we never give up the honor of learning under you." After pulling himself together a bit, he began bootlicking Chago.

"I'm very well aware there's no need for brazen flattery. Now, are you ready for your last session of training?" The old man rolled his eyes with a smile that somewhat contracted that motion, before extending his hand towards them. If someone else were to witness this scene, they would most definitely wonder whether if he's just an old man or some kind of demon offering them power for their souls.

"Yes, master!". They responded in synchrony while bowing to Chago.

The red-haired young man then moved closer to the cell and pulled out a key holder with three differently colored spheres the size of a small peddle. Once one of the spheres, this one being green, touched the cell bars a concave entrance formed to match it, and the green sphere fit without a problem while shining a bright green, causing the cell to open.

Seeing this Chago wanted to smile with happiness and excitement but contained it deciding to simply keep his demonic grin.

The young men weren't worried the old man or his cell partner would do anything after they have come to receive Chago's teachings multiple times throughout the year and even if they hadn't they know Chago's situation so they aren't really worried.

Chago has badly hurt almost 2 years ago and due to that is severely weakened only being able to bring out the prowess of a level 40 despite being quite a few levels above 250, while Gilpin is terrible at fighting so despite being above level 250, he's not only too cowardly but also too weak for anyone above level 60, since he dumped almost all of his stat points into Agility.

"You go first if anything happens you know what to do." The red-haired young man whispered to his companion while keeping a careless look on his face.

The Green-haired young man moved forward without hesitation and removed his chest plate and the shirt he had under it laying his equipment on the floor and sitting right in front of Chago with his back facing him.

It didn't take long before a red aura appeared on Chago's fingers and with his sharp nails, he started softly hitting the Green-haired young man's back.

Despite being focused on the Green-haired young man's back, Chago began to speak with them casually.

"It's been a little while since I last saw you, kids. What did you accomplish in the meantime? I'll be disappointed if you didn't advance at all despite my help." He calmly spoke with no worry or care in his voice making it obvious that he's just saying so as a courtesy, not really having the slightest bit of interest in what they have to say.

The Green-haired young man stayed quiet as he seemed to be having w hard time, veins visible all over his body making him look like a bodybuilder lifting his weight limit. His trembling body was getting reddened and he clenched his teeth with full force, looking at this scene some might say he's trying not to number 2 his pants, REALLY hard.

However, the red-haired young man showed no reaction to it and simply answered the question completely undisturbed.

"We reached level 70 and managed to earn our promotion from first-rate members to first-rate knights. It wasn't necessarily easy but we are now a step closer to becoming commanders, It's a pity that we won't get there anytime soon regardless of how hard we try. If only the requirements weren't so damn strict!..." the red-haired young man sounded proud while talking at first, but as he went on he was eventually frowning and couldn't help but sigh in distress.

The knights in this world are divided into classes from 5th class to 1st class, 5th class being the lowest and 1st class the highest. Inside each class, there are the ranks attributed to the knights according to their skills and achievements.

In this continent, the strongest knights are only of the 3rd class.

The ranks in the 5th class are member< Chevalier< Second-rate-knight< Knight. The knights in this class have an average level range of 5-30.

The 4th class is composed of first-rate-member< first-rate-Knight< Officer. The knights in this class have an average level range of 50-100.

As for the 3rd class, it has companion< second-rate-commander< commander. The knights in this class have an average level range of 150-350.

Since first-rate members and first-rate knights are under the 4th class, the young knights in Chago's cell feel that their potential should lead them to a much higher ranking than this one, and are willing to break some rules to prove it.

"That's half-decent, and I hope you do much better in the future. There will be no point in any of this if don't, that aside, I believe you can do better than this." Chago didn't change the monotone in his voice and just continued sounding completely uninterested.

"These results are the best we can do in our current situation, as we lack both the authority and the free time to improve any faster, that unless you have a method to help us grow even faster." The red-haired young man replied calmly but with a hint of dissatisfaction.

"Oh, how could I forget that knights use the lower-ranked ones as chore boys... Anyway, I can't help you any more than I already am, if you want to grow faster you have to put more effort into it." Chago yawned with boredom written all over his face right after answering the young man.

The red-haired young man's eye twitched as he looked at Chago but he didn't say anything. The fact that Chago and the other prisoners treat him and his companion as if they had no value is something he knows won't change so easily, even so as the top 2 among the newbies, it hurts both's pride.

"Guhk!" Just as Chago stopped, the green-haired Young man vomited a black liquid similar to what one would see in a horror movie when the spirit gets exorcised of the victim.

With both hands on the ground, the green-haired Young man let out a worrying amount of the black liquid before getting up and cleaning his mouth before leaving the cell with tired eyes and a sluggish body, each of his steps looking quite awkward and his posture being worse than that of a teenager fixated on their phone.

The puddle of black liquid on the floor then begun to rise and moved towards Gilpin, more specifically his gem and all of it disappeared into the gem as if sucked in by something.

"Good stuff! Gilpin will get all the good stuff!" Gilpin was smiling while looking at the now even filthier gem.

Chago completely ignored him and focused on the red-haired young man, who just like his companion sat in front of the old man going through the same process.

Once it was over the red-haired young man got up and walked towards the cell's exit while Gilpin's gem sucked up all the black liquid that came from him as well.

Once both young men were outside the cell ready to say their goodbyes while containing themselves to not complain about the treatment they get, something felt wrong.

"What is going-" the green-haired Young man was asking but mid-sentence all of his senses began to dull as he fell unconscious.

"YOU OLD BASTAR- !" Right after his friend, the red-haired young man fell unconscious mid-cursing.

"I know I'm an old bastard, you don't get where I am being some 'Righteous knight'... Just a bunch of fairy tales for the young and idealistic." Chago answered then sighed before turning to Gilpin. "You really should go get the keys and open the cells before those old fools start making noise, I have an encounter with a young monster." Chago informed Gilpin before leaving the cell and heading deeper into this prison.

"But Gilpin doesn't want to be hit or worse!..." But Gilpin's words fell on deaf ears as Chago didn't even bother trying to listen and just continued on his way. "Boss is too evil, Gilpin will have to move fast. No one can catch Gilpin!"

Just like that Gilpin became a green flash as he unlocked the cells one by one at unprecedented speed, not even going the convicts a chance to react.


In the central area of the prison, Chago walked in a corridor with poor lighting, and after an awful lot of walking, he was met with two doors, a big one and a small one.

The big door had the same color tone as the cell bars being greenish while the small one was silver having a more typical look, that aside the big door was full of symbols and paper tags with even more symbols, giving it a very ominous aura to it.

Chago stood there looking at the big door for a while. "Why do I have a feeling about that door?... I haven't felt this uneasy since I was in the Magic Academy of Sage Gustav... It's no time for me to be reminiscing the past."

Chago shook the feeling away and focused on the small and once again his fingers were covered in a red aura. He used his left hand to grab his own nick massaging it oddly, and his right hand was sent down his throat. This kind of scene would make those who watch it feel uncomfortable and even feel weird on their own throats out of empathy, but Chago didn't stop and went in deep.

Somehow not triggering his gag reflex, Chago pulled his right hand out with saliva and blood covering half his arm and his hand now holding a key. Different from the sphere keys that the guards brought with them, this one was a more 'traditional' key or rather a more antique type of key.

Chago used the key on the small door and it clicked as the door opened reviling a man with long and dirty looking hair and the prison uniform, unlike the other who at least had some freedom to move, this guy was chained to the wall in a rather sacrificial looking way and if one didn't know they would think this man was about to be crucified.

"Eeeech, they didn't go easy on him, but that was expected after the stunt he tried to pull. If he wasn't talented those children of tomorrow bastards would not have cared if he died... Talent truly is what separates people from monsters... How I envy the youth of such a generation." Chago approached the young man and made his comments while sighing.

Not losing any more time he used the key to unlock the chains rather easily.

"This key of keys is a scary item... I understand why they wouldn't want its existence revealed, but I went through a lot of trouble for it... This is what I get for accumulating debt!" Chago wasn't worried about the man and didn't bother trying to catch him when he fell on the floor.

"He's still not awake! Maybe he's not as tough as I thought. Oh well, you live and learn, I'll wake him up the old-fashioned way." Chago was surprised the man was still unconscious, so he moved closer, and his right hand once again got the red glow, then he slapped the life out of the man.


If it weren't for the fact the walls are made of unusual materials that suppress sound, it would have echoed through the whole prison.

"Aaah!" the man shouted in surprise, pain, and shock as he got up and distance himself from Chago immediately, before calming down a bit and observing his surroundings to access the situation.

"You already made me waste a lot of my chi! And I don't have much, to begin with, so, please stop wasting my efforts. If I could use mana right now, I wouldn't mind playing with you kid, but I'm not up for that right now." Chago waved his hand displaying his disinterest in what's happening right now.

Before he even gave the man any chance to reply, Chago throw the key of keys at the man and said. "Give it to your boss and tell him we are done with this, I had better things to do than wait 10 months for some hero summoning ceremony! But I did what he asked, now he can go f*ck himself or go get drugged with some monster girls far away from me! Just don't die before reporting that."

Chago didn't way for an answer and left.

"Did I just got rescued by our contact?... I can't waste any time right now, I'll worry about that guy later!" The man didn't waste time as lightning covered his body and he moved out at high speed.

Up ahead, the old man Chago was calmly walking back to the cell area.

"Maybe I should try and convince those two to help me... No, there's a low chance they'll help. All they care about now is that damned fish kingdom!" Chago talked to himself not minding his surroundings too much and trying to decide how to proceed in the future.

Suddenly a blue spark of light passed by him with a lot of energy emanating from it.

"Kids really don't have any patience or politeness, can't even say thank you." Chago commented while shaking his head then got back to his thoughts.


"I should be closer to the exit by now." The man continued moving covered in lightning and he quickly reached the cell area.

"Gilpin is done, somehow they didn't try to trouble Gilpin... Maybe they were in a hurry? It doesn't matter, Gilpin will wait for the boss." Gilpin had just finished freeing everyone when he saw a blue spark coming his way.

The spark got closer but he didn't worry, he was now confident since Chago probably had everything under control.

"Wow fast, Gilpin would-" before he could finish his sentence a fist was planted on his face and he was sent flying a few meters before hitting the floor.

Gilpin was knocked out cold and didn't move after that.

"Why are all the prisoners out?! Did that crazy old man really do something like this?! Is he completely insane... I don't have time for this, I can only hope the guards will find this one." The man looked around while speaking, then left with a blue spark once again not losing any more time.

Later the old man finally got to Gilpin and found him unconscious.

"Which idiot took the risk? Was it the kid? What a headache this going to be when he wakes up. I better get out of here as well, before it's too late." Chago picked Gilpin up and went towards the exit passing by the two unconscious guards. "I guess I destroyed these two's chances of rising in ranks, it's a pity, they could have actually gotten somewhere. It will serve as a life lesson for them."

Chago honestly believed that he's teaching them something important and that they were too naive to think he would only give and never take.

Chago left the prison and the place become silent and peaceful.

In the central area however something unusual happened, some of the symbols on the big door began disappearing, while inside the room, immense darkness and nothing to be seen, but then a movement! A single glowing eye opened and looked around trying to understand its surroundings, but it soon closed once more letting the darkness once again dominate the room.


In the forest far from the Raphinel's royal Castle Noir Palace, there is a clearing hidden by vines and thick vegetation.

Two people are staring at each other without uttering a word, one of them has a lightning cloak aura around him slowly dissipating and the other has a black and white uniform containing a coat, pants, boots, and gloves, finally concealing his face there's a white mask with red patterns and one eyehole for the right eye only, with his spiky wine color low and downwards hair.

"I didn't expect the wine man himself to come just to get me." the man coated in lightning said as the last sparks disappeared. His hair was purple and his eyes ocean blue, he's still wearing the prison's clothes, and his body looks skinny and not very muscular or toned but the air around him would bring awe to most normal people as he carries the dignity and honor of a hero, even in his tattered state looking no different from a homeless man, people would still feel compelled to rely on him with troubles beyond their ability, that's something not many could dream to accomplish, it's the kind of thing people will say 'You're either born with it or not' and many see it as a special kind of charismatic aura that can't be gained, you have or you don't, at least that'd how most people see it.

"What can I say? You look like a trustworthy hobo." the wine man said in a mock-like tone filled with sarcasm but buried in that sarcasm is an ounce of truth. "Don't worry too much much, we both know I came for the key, hope you didn't lose it in one of your crusades for justice, oh great hero of hypocrisy."

The man didn't answer and simply throw the key at the man. "So, do you have any missions for me? Or am I allowed to go on my merry way?" Not bothering to mention what was said before, he asks with a solemn expression on his face and a calming stable voice.

"You're no fun as always, and don't get going just yet. This time you got yourself a big boy job for grown-ups only." The wine man didn't change his tone or bother trying to pretend he cares, he said it slowly and as if talking to a little child.

"What's the job and where is it" As if used to this kind of behavior the man just asked two simple yet important questions.

"It's actually your favorite type of murder mister HERO, it's otherworlder hunting and you're not going to believe where it is, do me one for the old times and guess it. Don't let me down, spark boy." The wine man explained with an emphasis on the word 'HERO' and even changed his tone from mockery to playfulness.

"If you mean the Noir Palace, I'm not going back there, at least not now, and even if I dared, I can't touch the heroes right now, they still have their uses." Spark boy replied believing the wine man to be joking around and exaggerating things to make fun of him.

"Oh please! We both know that's the easy answer and it's not even right. Why would we send you there now? Like you said it's not their time yet. Now do your old buddy here a favor and actually try this time." The wine man insisted on playing the pointless game making Spark boy roll his eyes, before responding.

"If it's not the heroes then I have no clues, it's very unlikely I'll even come close to getting it right. Just tell me, I'm sure you have better things to do than waste time on this, so why not make it fast?" Spark boy proposed hoping the wine man will just stop it and they can move on.

"Truly no fun, it's in the Silverheart territory, apparently another rare case like the one in the blood forest appeared again. You'll have to get the rest of the info from our contact in Morvik, and remember to not get too close to the Silverheart mansion unless you want to die, that is." The wine man leaned on a nearby tree and seemed to lose all interest in the conversation and focused on his thoughts.

Spark boy didn't wait for more words and left just like he came, and the wind man just stood there, acting as if the world around him didn't matter.

Man, I'm tired...

Kiony_Feycreators' thoughts