
I Got Heartthrob Holo In Mary Sue Novels (Yaoi)

when Levi open his eyes he found that he got bind by something call system like these transmigration novel he was quite happy cause he was able to get away from that crazy man and thought he would be atleast able to live a fulfill life but who would thought not only he will meet worse people then that crazy person but also his life is gonna became hell CEO- if u don't become mine I will make sure to ruin all people life who was important to u Teacher- it's feel like my dear student have quite a many admirers why don't I just lock you up to for only me to admire Emperor- my love let me make you the first male empress to let everyone know that you belong to me or else I will destroy your whole family what the fuck is wrong with these people systemmmmmmmmmm...... while in a corner the system was trembling - what is that anything to do with meಥ_ಥ -Covert art belong to the rightful owner

fragrance_of_love · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
9 Chs


After having their lunch they have to separate, much to Gu Wang lei's disappointment

He said, "Okay, so now I have to go it's getting late by Wang Ge"

"Umm, will you come to take the kitty after three days"?

He excitingly asks, "Can I come?"

Gu Wang lei said gently "Yeah why not in the first place it was you who save the kitty right"

He flashes a bright smile "Okay then I will come as well thank you" 

This smile almost make Gu Wang lei breathless "so beautiful" he mumbled

Chen Li Jie was confused, "Did you say something?"

"Nothing, did you want me to give you a lift?"

Chen LI Jie refused  "No, I wanted some inspiration for my painting, so I want to take a walk so"

Gu Wang lei pretend not to know, "Are you a painter??"

He said embarrassingly,  "Umm yeah"

Gu Wang lei praised "That's great, you might be very talented"

"No, I am just okay "even though many people compliment him, it still feels weird to be praised 

Gu Wang lei reminded with a smile in his eyes" Okay, so you should go now it's already quite late bye"

"Okay bye, and thank you for today, see you later" he waves his hand toward Gu Wang lei who returned it

After the boy's thin back disappeared from his sight, the kind smile on his face turns into a sinister smile like a predator who waits patiently for its prey to fall into his trap step by step.

Even the secretary Zhou who come to remind his boss of the meeting time felt cold and shivered at this sight

He reminds shuttering "S...s. Sir, it's time to go to the company for the general board meeting"

Gu Wang lei regain his indifferent and emotionless expression and nodded.

On the way, in the car, Gu Wang lei keep watching we chat ID of the youth whose profile pic is a cute little chubby bunny

He thought with a small smile, "He looks the same"

He sent a HELLO...




*Ding ding*

Chen Li Jie look at the sudden message sent by an unfamiliar ID, after watching for some time he remembered that it was Gu Wang lei

After some time, he sends a few polite words and goes to his room after getting in his room he gets a call from another unknown number

he frowns but eventually answers

He said, "Hello??"

The other side was silent, but he can hear the breathing sound

He said again patiently, "Hello??" 

After some time, a voice comes from the other side, "Xiao Li"

The voice sounds a little hoarse with quite maturing charm, if there was any girl her heart might have started beating fast with a blush on her cheek

But to Chen LI Jie that's not the case because he knew the voice, this voice is not only familiar but also the one which he hates the most

He said fiercely, "How dare you call me, What do you want? Actually, you know what I don't wanna even talk to you, I am hanging up".

Comes an urgent voice, "No wait baby, I..."

"Don't you dare call me this, I feel a nuisance"

Suddenly, the voice start to beg in a humble voice "Please try to understand Xiao Li if I did not do that then you would never agree to date me I love you I seriously love you to the point of madness I can't live without you, please forgive me Xiao Li please" 

He said sarcastically "wow what a good reason, just like this I will also murder someone, and then said sorry right"

"I don't mean that I am sincere about my feelings towards you Xiao Li"

He was trying to forget all the bad memory from the past but "if you really love me that much you would never do that you lie to me, you deceive me, and after I know the truth you..." A sob subconsciously leave from his lips as a big drop filled his beautiful black eyes.

A panic-sticking voice comes from the other side "Xiao LI I did this because I can't bear to lose you I was panic you are about to leave me I just can't, I am sorry, please don't cry my heart hurts, please let's meet somewhere so that we can have a good talk"

"You know what you are disgusting I don't even know why I am even bothering to talk to you, I am hanging up, and don't you dare call me again or come near me, I am warning you" he hung up the phone without hearing the other side

"Xiao li wait hear me out......"*beep beep*

After hanging up the phone the first thing he did was to block that number, don't know if he remembered some bad memories his eyes start to get tear up more, and he cried his heart out like a child while holding his knees, no one was there to comfort him or to give company him, only him and his loneliness

"Why whyyyy... Can't you leave me after what you did to me why are you coming back to me, I am trying so hard to forget everything, but you come again and ruined everything ahhhh....."

He cries until he got tired and falls asleep somehow.

While on the other hand

Mu corporation building, top floor

Secretary han "Sir do you need anything else" he observed his boss's expression secretly feeling quite weird

'Why his always gentle and elegant boss seems quite gloomy today'

The man in the Black suit asks, "What about the meeting with Gu corporation?" 

Secretary han answered, "They have to cancel it because of some urgent matters and ask for some other date"

The man ordered absent-minded, "Okay then see my schedule for some proper time and arrange the meeting"

"Okay sir"

The man in Black looks up, "Is there anything else?? If not, then you can go now and tell everyone to not disturb me for a while".

Secretary han "Yes master Mu" but before leaving he could not help but take a last look at his boss from the corner of his eyes 'seems like the boss Is in bad mood, something might have happened' 

While inside the office the person called master Mu had his eyes closed as if trying hard to surpass his brewing feeling, but he still can't take it anymore, and with anger, he throws everything from his office table in a fit of anger

If secretary han was here he might have had a small heart attack because of the scene inside, his boss who was famous because of his good temper and gentleness did something so violent.

After vented enough, the man once again close his bloodshot eyes

This person is Mu Zhang Wei current president of the mu empire, one of the biggest empires like the Gu empire, if Gu Wang lei was known for his coldness, fierceness, and ruthlessness then Mu Zhang Wei is known for his gentleness and good temperament

Mu Zhang Wei is about the same age as Gu Wang lei he is the only son of the last president of the Mu's his father had died 5 years ago because of blood cancer when the time the illness was found it was already very late after father Mu's death Mu empire naturally falls in Mu Zhang Wei hands, and he also did not disappoint anyone and made mu more florist

His mother after her husband's death was depressed for some time but eventually get over it afterward, after all, Time is the best medicine

mother Mu and father Mu were married due to business reasons that's why they don't love each other that's why even though they were a perfect couple in front of the world in reality they were never unable to accept each other because they have a big secret which was that his parents were attracted to the same gender but due to respect they have for each other they never had an affair outside, and even he was born from test tube

His parents also treat him well but as a child with a High IQ and EQ, how could he not know about their relationship, he always acts like he never noticed and play the perfect family drama with them, in the end, he knows about them loving the same gender was due to him accidentally overheard their conversation?

Sometimes he felt pity for his parents but now the thing which already happened there is no use in feeling anything because nothing is going to change

And just one and a half years after his father mu death mother mu found herself a lover and was living happily which he blessed them for it after all he thinks his parents deserve better.

Actually, he also has a big secret which is that he loves to act all kind and humble in front of people but in reality, he doesn't like these fake people He found them funny like clowns in the circus who hide their faces to entertain others, and he did get entertained by them.

But every so often everything feels so boring and meaningless, the whole world seems dull the only color he can see was gray, but after he came into my world it becomes colorful, and everything became lively and beautiful just like him.

He is the only person who can awaken his inner demons, his desire to conquer that innocent and pure person, his emotions, and in the end his obsession

Before meeting him he always thought that love at first sight, or you can say even love sounds ridiculous how can someone Devoré themselves to only one person in their entire life, especially a person like me?

But not only do I get wrong, but I also fall into this sweet trap called LOVE

Even though you hate me, even though you don't want me, want to ignore me, or want me to disappear from your life I will get you to matter by your consent or by force

Because to me, you are my life my reason my colors a person who can make me sane or maybe insane



My Everything