
I Got Adopted By A Vampire God

English is my second language ----------------- Elie Bethany Dracul, a college student, faced an untimely demise when accused of a crime he didn't commit. His first reincarnation thrust him into a medieval world filled with war and magic, but it ended tragically in another battle. His second reincarnation brought him to a vast new world, where he was adopted by a vampire god and gained an overprotective mother and sister. As he navigates this extraordinary existence, a long-awaited system emerges, promising exciting adventures and challenges in a world of magic, power, and family bonds. Get ready for an epic journey with Elie as he explores his newfound destiny. Enjoy the ride!

S1NN · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs


In the dimly lit, opulent dining room of the Dracule Manor, a grand table takes center stage. Crafted from dark, rich mahogany, it's an exquisite piece of furniture adorned with intricate carvings of menacing bats and intertwined ivy. The table spans over twenty feet, allowing for an elaborate display of lavish meals and elegant table settings.

At the head of the table sits Elizabeth Dracule, regal and ageless, dressed in a stunning, flowing gown of deep crimson that seems to ripple like blood. Her long, ebony hair cascades down her back and contrasts beautifully with her porcelain skin.

To her right, Elize Dracule, her daughter, is a vision of youthful beauty. Dressed in a more contemporary but equally exquisite gown of midnight blue silk, she awaits her brother's company.

The table is set with fine china, plates, and silverware embellished with intricate patterns of bats and vines, all illuminated by crystal candelabras. Each chair is upholstered in luxurious, deep red velvet, adding a touch of decadence to the dining experience.

The table's centrepiece is an ornate silver bowl filled with crimson roses and dark lilies. Goblets made of cut crystal shimmer with the finest vintage blood-red wine.

"Mother, how do you envision Elie's training in martial arts and elemental control? "

Elizabeth nods and replies, "I intend to personally guide him in mastering martial arts, the techniques that I accumulated during my adventures billions for billions of years. The techniques that I taught you, my daughter. "

Elize nods of understanding and adds, "And I can help him control the elements."

As they wait for Elie, the mother and daughter continue their conversation about Elie's training. Elize asks, "Mother, what about his pain tolerance training? It's a vital aspect of our kind, ensuring he can endure and persevere in challenging situations."

Elizabeth nods and replies, "You're absolutely right, my dear. We will need to expose Elie to various forms of pain, both physical and mental, to strengthen his resolve. I shall oversee this aspect of his training personally, making sure he can endure and overcome. Even though it would hurt me to see Elie in pain, I will persevere to make sure his future is limitless."

Elize adds, "And I can assist in developing his mental fortitude. He must remain steadfast in the face of adversity." She, too, was like her mother; she didn't want Elie to be in pain, but it was needed for him to grow.

As Elie Dracule, her son, enters the room, followed by a vampire maid named Layla, he respectfully nods to his mother. He says, "Sorry for the wait, mother."

Elizabeth, seated at the head of the grand table, offers a warm smile and says, "Elie, my son, you look quite dashing in that red velvet suit."

Elize, her eyes filled with pride, chimes in, "Indeed, Elie. The red velvet complements your features beautifully."

Elie, with a humble nod, replies, "Thank you, Mother and dear sister. I am honoured to be a part of this family ."

Elie, in his red velvet suit, takes a seat at the grand dining table and glances at his mother and sister.

With a curious smile, he asks, "What have we prepared for dinner Tonight, Mother? I must admit, the anticipation is making my immortal taste buds tingle." He jokes. 'This is my first time eating an immortal food with immortal taste buds.' He thought.

Elizabeth, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, replies to Elie's question, "Tonight, my dear Elie, we shall feast on a fantastic delicacy: dragon meat. It's a meal fit for us and a true indulgence."

Elize adds, "The taste of dragon meat is unlike anything you've experienced, Elie. It's both exquisite and powerful."

Elie, who was just a human before, sits there, momentarily taken aback by the revelation. His eyes widen in shock, and he stammers, "Dragon... meat?" He was just a human not so long ago were dragons were legends or myths.

Elizabeth places a reassuring hand on his and says, "Indeed, you were, my dear. But you are part us now, and you must embrace our ways, including our unique dining experiences."

Elize adds, "You'll find that our kind enjoys experiences beyond the scope of mere mortals, Elie. This is just the beginning of your journey."

As Elie takes in the words of his mother and sister and the extraordinary nature of their dinner, a profound realization dawns upon him. He looks around at his family, and a sense of acceptance and belonging washes over him.

With a determined yet contented expression, he finally says, "I understand now. I'm no longer a mere human; I'm a vampire, and not just any vampire, but the son of the vampire progenitor, who was also the strongest."

Elizabeth and Elize exchange smiles, proud of their son's acceptance and understanding.

As Elie, Elizabeth, and Elize prepare to indulge in the rare dragon meat feast, a procession of fifty maids elegantly enters the dining room. Each maid is dressed in a uniform of deep black, matching the regal surroundings, and they move gracefully, bearing trays laden with various dragon meat dishes.

The aroma of the dishes fills the room, and the maids begin to present an array of delicacies. There are dragon meat steaks seared to perfection, dragon meat skewers marinated in exotic spices, dragon meat sushi, and dragon meat stew infused with enchanting flavours.

Elizabeth looks pleased as she observes the exquisite presentation, and she says to Elie, "My son, Tonight's feast is a special occasion. Enjoy the dragon meat and the craftsmanship of our maids."

Elize, her voice filled with anticipation, adds, "Let this meal remind you of the unique experiences and pleasures that come with our existence."

As the maids serve the dishes to the Dracule family, the room is filled with tantalizing scents and flavours of dragon meat, making this dining experience truly exceptional.

Elie was excited to try. "Mom, what is the benefit of dragon meat." He asked; with his unique constitution, he could see the Mana surrounding the foods.

Elizabeth replied please, that her son noticed the Mana surrounding the dragon meat, "Elie, consuming dragon meat is not merely a culinary indulgence; it offers us unique advantages as vampires. Dragon meat enhances our strength, resilience, and vitality.."

Elie, as he contemplates his new reality as a vampire, begins to understand the significance of dragon meat. He nods thoughtfully and says, "I see, Mother. Dragon meat is a source of power and strength for our kind."

Elizabeth smiles and replies, "Exactly, my son. Dragon meat is a symbol of our unique abilities and resilience. It sets us apart and makes us the powerful beings we are."

Elize says, "Embracing this tradition is a way to ensure that you, too, will grow stronger and more formidable with time."

With a mix of excitement and reverence, he takes his first bite. The taste is unlike anything he's ever experienced – a robust, intense flavour that courses through him, infusing him with a sense of strength and vitality.

DING* [...]

He heard a familiar chime, but he completely ignored it.

As Elie takes another bite of the dragon meat, he suddenly notices a surge in his strength and the magical energy within him. His eyes widen in realization, and he can't help but smile.

Feeling the newfound power coursing through his veins, he starts eating with more enthusiasm and speed, savouring the exquisite flavour.

DING* [...] He ignored it again.

DING* [...]

DING* [.....

Hehehehe* Elizabeth and Elize share a knowing look and giggle at Elie's eagerness.

As Elie enthusiastically continues to savour his dragon meat, Elizabeth and Elize join in, adding to the lively atmosphere at the dining table.

Each bite they take adds to the shared experience of indulging in this fantastic and powerful delicacy.

After an hour of dining on the sumptuous dragon meat, the Dracule family finally finished their meal.

The table, once laden with culinary delights, now displayed only remnants of the exquisite feast they had enjoyed. Satisfied and content, they leaned back in their chairs, a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences filling the room.

"It's now time for drinking blood," she extended her flawless, pale arms.

Elize and Elie both nodded and went close to their mother and bit each arm.