
I Go Back 24 Hours Everytime I Die In The Apocalypse

~~~Gold Tier Winner Of WPC #146 - TIME ~~~ One day the entirety of earth experience a massive change that turned it upside down, the day of the GREAT APOCALYPSE. The earth was infested with zombies, there's also zombies that held supernatural strengths. But then humans also started to gain abilities, followed by a status panel which will then be famously called as "GIFTS" and people with it are called "AWAKENED BEINGS" And then a not so really important person in this vast planet obtain a gift that let him go back in time for exactly 24 hours everytime he dies. You guess it right he's our MC. ~o~o~o~ PS: Cover's not mine PPS: English is not my main language.

Crixzivion · Thành thị
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31 Chs

Electrical weapon constructs + Bio-electrikinesis and Bio-electric armor and a WHAT?

Arise."I said as I raise and extended my hand.

21 white lights pops up as it ultimately shows 21 vicious wolves, and now I have 30 wolves at my disposal.

"Go."I said as all of them rushes and killing all the zombies with just a bite or a swipe of their claws.

their jaws could easily shatter a skull.

their limbs could exert a terrifying force as they slashes at zombies with little to no effort.

this is complete onslaught and just a killing spree if I may say.

while my wolves slaughtering the zombies, I brought out my 10 chakrams as I control them.

'Just like I thought, even though I can control 10 objects it doesn't mean that I can actually do it, I still need a great amount of effort and concentration to do it, with my passives on I could barely do it, if a normal person does this he or she may only be able to control 3 objects at the same time at most.'I thought as I put the other 3 in my inventory since this is my current limit so I can still focus on other things while I'm practicing my control on them.

meanwhile on the auditorium, the 2 groups decided to merge and help each other.

they also come up with a name for themselves.

<<The Last Stand>>

back to Jeon-il.

'What can I still do with my electrokinesis? considering my current mastery with it?'I thought.

a lot of ideas goes inside my head but mostly of them isn't possible for now.

I recall all of my electric related abilities so far, Electrical Discharge. Electro Enhance Condition(Passive), Electricity Absorption, Electricity Regeneration(Passive), Electricity Solidification

with electric discharge I could control to a certain degree the electrical charges in gas, liquid and solid form.

I said as I look at an empty air infront of me and a small spark emerges then suddenly a ball of electricity was in the air and then it subsided just as quickly as It comes.

that electricity was now isn't generated by myself but I'm just interfere with the already existing electrical charges in the air.

generating is this....

I raise my hand forward as a thin zigzag line of yellow lightning come out of my hands and hit the nearest zombie from my location his body is now churned in black.

I can generate electricity to a certain degree, I wonder if it is also because of my constitution, since my charging capacity relies on my constitution.

basically I'm a walking generator.

anyway I also need to practice my electrical discharge, with enough mastery I can even summon lightnings from the sky.

at the time I'm done with all of this, my summon wolves was also finished with their task.

let's proceed to the next part of the plan.

finding the nearest supermarket and hoard necessities, it's a good thing I have inventory in my arsenal.

there are 7 districts in our city, every district is consist of 7 towns.

every town should have a department store, there's also the main supermarket for the whole district.

my school was the only university in my district.

the nearest department store is only 1 kilometer away from me, but lets go to the main supermarket which is about 10 kilometers from here.

my reason?

just to kill more zombies along the way.

well to be honest I can go there in only a few minutes by just flying or even just running.

but what's the fun in that?

with that I rode one of my wolves as we continue our journey leaving unmoving zombies body on the ground wherever we passes by.

I again contemplates about my recent ability named electricity solidification.

[Electricity Solidification: The user can manipulate electrons to solidify the electricity, with the level of solidity going from loose jelly to metal-like hardness or beyond.]

'I can interfere with the density of electrons huh?'

I opened my hands as I generate electric and slowly forming a dagger.

within seconds it started to solidify just like the master bolt, the only difference is that the master bolt without the blessing is more potent and have way more higher concentrated electricity with the normal density of electrons.

but this dagger right here only takes not even 1% of master bolt total electricity I have spent, since I can interfere with the density of the electrons now.

a smile curves up at my face as the dagger dissappear.

a few seconds passed as a bow appeared in my hands.

then I create an electric solidified arrow.

putting the arrow in the string, stretching it slowly as I went to target one of the zombie far away me.

activating my passives makes it easier for me to become a bow sharpshooter with my concentration and perception beyond human.

I focus for less than a second as I release the arrow from my finger.



the arrow flew at breakneck and lightning speed, as it cuts the air and also leaves a buzzing sound.

the arrow hits the Zombie in the head.

the Zombie stops for a second and then slowly drops on the ground, his head has now a clean hole of empty space going through the other side of its head.

the lightning arrow with its extreme heat only decimated its path to dust, the zombies skin, skull and brain's fate was only to become dust at contact.

the arrow continued to flew and hits a few more zombies until it hits a building and explodes.

"Damn."I said.

not gonna lie I'm fucking impressed

the penetrative prowess was exceptional.

I even have unlimited amount of that arrow.

unto the next weapon.

a yellow lightning sword appears in my hand.

it tried it on zombies as it also only turns anything into dust or not even dust will be left on whatever it touches.

a sword?

this is a lightsaber.

If this lightning weapon right here have the same heat of a lightning strike then I'm basically equipping a weapon holding an unimaginable heat even 5 times higher than the surface of the sun.

I continued to experiment with few more weapons and also comes up with its other uses.

lightning barrier - basically just a wall of solidified electricity.

lightning air walk - making a construct in the air in order for me to walk even though I don't really need that since I can fly but It looks cool sometimes.

lightning armor - armored myself with solidified electricity I even make a mask with it with only my eye sockets can be seen, I also added a lightning horn similar to albedo in overlord just because it looks cooler.

overall my appearance were all golden, electric boots, gauntlets, armor, and a lance with me.

I disappeared in my place as streaks of electricity dance in the hordes of zombies seconds later their bodies were all cleanly cut in half whether it be neck or body, just name any parts of the body and there will be a clean slice of it.

I levels up 2 times and now at level 6, I have noticed that these beings give a little to no help at increasing my progression to another level.

their Valuksha's essences is indeed just a tiny amount only.

I think that reaching level 10 would even take humanity at least 1 month for the first one to step in that level.

I counted the zombies needed for me to achieve level 6, and it was a staggering amount of 1000 zombies.

since this is the first day of the Apocalypse the strength of the zombies is still are of the basic ones.

it's finally the time for me to acquire that skill.

I proceed to make a zombie float towards me.

it's legs and hands were tied by an invisible force.

I touch its body as I close my eyes and focus my connection to anything related to electricity.

every second I send a tiny amount of electrical currents into its body on hoping to feel something.

using also my electrical discharge I study the insides of its body.

feeling also the density of electrons.

I've uses all things I'm capable of interacting until I've felt a new type of electricity I haven't come across.


all of a sudden the zombie stops moving.

'great.' just now I drain its bio electrical charges and absorbed it

a notification then appeared.

[Congratulations for manually acquiring an ability related to <Electrokinesis>]

[You've obtained 5 attribute points.]

[You have acquired the ability <Bio-Electrikinesis> ]

[Bio-Electrokinesis: The user can create, shape and manipulate bio-electric currents that exist within all aspects of the body such as in the nervous system, heart and muscles through the use of one's bio field. The user is also capable of channeling this bio-electrical energy into attacks or even drain the bio-electrical energies that may dwell within another being. The user can also find people by sensing their bioelectrical presence and/or scramble personal bio-electric rhythms to shock others.]

"Finally."This brought a smile on my face as I've thought two another abilities I could acquire.

"With this, things will go much easier."I said as I close my eyes again.

I flick my hand and send a circular unseen electrical waves and spread it.

I did it a few more times as another notification appeared.

[Congratulations for manually acquiring an ability related to <Electrokinesis>]

[You've obtained 5 attribute points.]

[You have acquired the ability <Electrolocation> ]

[Electrolocation: User can use electrolocation to locate objects around them. This is important in places where the user cannot depend on vision: for example in caves, in murky water and at night. Predators who have this sense use electric fields to detect buried prey. This sense can be passive or active:

Passive: In passive electrolocation, the user senses the weak bioelectric fields generated by living beings and uses it to locate them. These electric fields are generated by everything living due to the activity of their nerves and muscles.

Active: In active electrolocation, the user senses their surrounding environment by generating electric fields and detecting distortions in these fields using electroreceptor organs. This allows them to detect non-living objects as well as living beings.]

I am now able to sense living beings in a certain radius just depending on my mastery of electricity.

after that I focus on manipulating my own bio electricity.

30 minutes later, an almost transparent yellow colored substand comes out of my skin as it completely shrouded me and become an aura thingy, then it becomes invisible, but if you are near me you will be able to see a yellowish lining in my skin if you observe it carefully.

I clench my fist as I thought this is the most comfortable feeling of all.

a notication appeared.

[Congratulations for manually acquiring an ability related to <Electrokinesis>]

[You've obtained 5 attribute points.]

[You have acquired the ability <Bio-Electric Armor> ]

[Bio-Electric Armor: User possesses and is able to manipulate their own bio-electric aura, which functions like a second skin and does not extend far from the body and can make the user invulnerable to small firearms to nuclear bombs. Without practice the aura doesn't extend far from the skin, leaving even loose clothing without protection, with practice the user can even extend the aura further out from their body to protect others.]

"fufufufufu.'I am once again in a euphoria with this.

just a few days ago I'm only a normal student but now I'm having multitude amount of abilities.

in just a few days I've become the main character from being a side character, how great is that?

this bio electric armor is really really strong, Superman once used it to protect himself from a supernova, you heard it right.


but I'm not Superman.

so I can only do this much from now.

one of the hidden Enhancements of bio electric armor aside from defense is a huge increase for strength.

I know I have time reversal even if I die but it doesn't mean that I should stop getting stronger and forgo defense,

anyway let's put my points now and take a look at my status.

I put all of my points on intelligence.

[Kim Jeon-il]

Level: 6

Age: 17

Race: Human

Constitution: 20(50)

(Strength, Lifting power, Vitality, Physique.)

Dexterity: 13(28)

(Agility, hand and eye coordination, reflexes, speed)

Intelligence: 40.3(50)

(Mental capacity, mental power, mental strength.)

Skill Energy: (0/1400)


[Strength enhancement(Active)(F): Gives a 20% increase in strength after activating. 20 Skill energy consumption.]

[Summoned Wolves(C): You are able to Summon three enhanced wolves, each one of them is 3 times stronger than a normal alpha wolf. (Cost: 100 Skill Energy.)]

[Accelerated Perception(D)(Passive): Your mind and perception can now perceive several folds compared to a normal human being.]

Special abilities:

[Time Teversal(Unknown): The ability to go back in time by a factor of 24 hours after meeting certain conditions.]

[Telekinesis(Special): Influencing objects/matters with mind.]

(10 objects, 600 kg)

[Electrokinesis(Special): User can create, shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles (such as electrons or protons)]

(Ability/Skills: Electrical Discharge. Electro Enhance Condition(Passive), Electricity Absorption, Electricity Regeneration(Passive), Electricity Solidification. Bio-electrikinesis, Bio-electric armor, Electrolocation.)

[Inventory(75): 10 chakrams, 1 spear, 1 javelin, 1 battle axe.]

[Personal weapon: Kim jeon-il's Master bolt.]


my telekinesis can now lift 600 kilograms, that's great.

just in time that I arrived at my desired location.


there's a lot people outside and they have even set up barricades.

why didn't I think of this? of course they are.

this is the survivors inside the mall when the Apocalypse happen.

they are the remaining ones.

they must have experience arduous battles for survival.

anyway, it looks like there's more inside, they might settle here for months if nothing bad will happens.

the amounts of resources inside is plenty enough, for thousands of people to survive for months if they will use it sparingly.

they already saw me in the distance as my wolves protect me and always have me space of 5 meters in a circular area

there are about 10 people outside, and seem to discuss about something as they wave their hands on me but still bearing wariness of me, well who wouldn't if you have dozens of wolves around you killing zombies like ragdolls, they knew well that in this new world, zombies we're not the only enemy.

they seem like they have heated discussion on letting me in.

in their perspective I may be a helpful ally or a dangerous person with my capabilities.

but seeing that I'm a student since I am still wearing my uniform they have decided to think that I may not be a bad person.

the one who is waving his hand at me is a middle age man.

I just arrive at the barricade when the sky suddenly darkens.

as they all look up at the sky and saw a face of great horror, oh com'on what could you be fearing with me here?


my eyes nearly popped out as my jaw nearly dropped off on the ground