
I Get Reincarnated Every Time I Die?!

Akai Tetsuo is a 28 year old animator when he suddenly dies by getting hit by a truck? No that's not right. He hit his head. Now we get to witness his story but not just any story a reincarnation story. Wait.. But not just any reincarnation story? A weird reincarnation story?

Nyanku · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs

#3 - Dwarf..?


In this life I am a blacksmith that forges weapons only for the adventurers.

"Status Open!"

[You opened your status]


Name: Unnamed

Species: Dwarf

Tier: A+

Titles: The Weapon God

The Almighty

Blacksmith of the Heavens

HP - 10,927

STR - 538



DUR - 400

MP - 300


Space Manipulation - MAX

Time Manipulation - MAX

Creation - MAX

Destruction - MAX

Double Exp - MAX

Copy - MAX

Overdrive - 999

Crafting - 762

Naming - 282

"This guy is stacked. Since he has the Naming skill let's name ourselves shall we?"


[You used Naming]

[Please enter your name. __________ ]

[Please enter your name. Izanagi]


[Name is set to Izanagi]

"Now that that is done. I am guessing this guy is running a store?"

Someone enters the store.

"Hey boss! I need a new dagger this one broke!" Someone said

"Peek at status" I whispered


Name: Carlos Santana Montclair

Species: Human

Tier: C-

Titles: Captain

Clan: Sunshine Clan

HP - 300

STR - 392


SPD (ATTACK) - 105

MP - 120


Solar Force - 240

Flash - 12

Blazing Heart - 120

Flow - 60

"His skills are interesting" I whispered

"Huh? What did ya say?" He said

"Nothing nothing. Anyways do you want to buy one or there is always a custom order option which is only for quintuple the price hehe."

"Custom Order it is then" He said

"Good choice. 5 gold is the price"

"Cheap as expected." Carlos said

"So where are the materials?"

"Oh. I needed to bring my own materials?" He said

"Yes of course"

"Alright fine. I'll go and bring something." He said

"Can I come with you?"

"Me? Sure that's alright I guess" He said

After a 2 hour walk we finally reached the Crush Mountain which has alot of E to D class monsters

"Finally" I said

"So what monster are you going to hunt?" I asked

"Crush Ogres of course. Ogres that are only in Crush Mountain."

"Peek at Crush Ogre's Status"

[Izanagi peeked at a Crush Ogre's Status]

Name: Unnamed

Species: Crush Ogre

Tier: D+

Titles: None

HP - 250

STR - 400



MP - 0


Ground Smash - 300

Boom Shout - 300

"It's pretty strong not going to lie" I said

"Just watch me. Flash!"

[Carlos used Flash]

[Carlos' speed increased from 210 to 2,520]

"WHAT THAT'S SOOOO FAST!!" I shockingly said

Carlos speedblitzed the Crush Ogre

[Crush Ogre dropped Crush Fang]

"We need about 200 of those Carlos"

"WHAT 200?! THAT'S GOING TO TAKE A LONG TIME" He shockingly said

"Keep working Carlos"

"I KNOW SHUT UP" He said

"Let's try my skills.. Crafting!"

[Izanagi used Crafting]

"Hmm.. Let's try putting a Dagger and a Gold Coin in this."

[Dagger + Gold Coin] [Craft?]


[Golden Dagger obtained]

"This is fun!"

"Let's craft again!! Crafting!"

[Izanagi used Crafting]

"I can combine skills?! What?! This is overpowered!"

"I'll try copying Carlos' skills then combining them. Copy!"

[Izanagi used Copy]

"Copy Blazing Heart, Solar Force, and Flow"

[Izanagi copied three of Carlos' skills]

Let's get crafting! Combine Blazing Heart and Solar Force!"

[Blazing Heart + Solar Force] [Craft?]


[Supernova obtained]

"Cool. Supernova huh?"


[You used Supernova on a Crush Ogre]

It leaves a big crater after exploding.

I noticed that I have a sword on me.

"What's this sword?"

"Peek on sword?"


Name: Umbrage

Tier: ZZZ+++

"TRIPLE Z+++?!?!" Oh this is overpowered alright.."

"Where is Carlos by the way?.."

I look for Carlos and sees him running a way from a horde of Crush Ogres

"Blazing Heart!!"

[Carlos used Blazing Heart]

A big ball of fire shaped like a heart appears but it was too weak since Carlos' MP was low

Carlos drinks a MP potion which recovers his MP


[Carlos used Solar Force]

A beam of fire shoot through his palm but it was still far too weak.

"Carlos! Are you alright?"


"Supernova!" I said

[Izanagi used Supernova]

It was effective but still not enough to wipe them out

"This is my last resort.. Flow!"

[Carlos used Flow]

He's now focused on hunting the Ogres.

Still not enough.

"Looks like I need to step in.. Flow!"

[Izanagi used Flow]

I hunted them with Umbrage and that was enough to wipe them out.

~After 5 hours~

"You finally woke up Carlos"

"Where am I?" He said

"At my home. I'm currently working on your dagger."

"Great thanks!"

"Yeah keep resting"

"Yeah I'll do that."


[Izanagi used Crafting]

"Combine 200 Crush Fangs, a dagger, and Umbrage"

[Umbrage + 200 Crush Fangs + Dagger] [Craft?]


[Are you sure? One material in this craft is a ZZZ+++ Item]

"Yes I am sure"

[Poniard of the Shadows obtained]

~After 1 hour~

"You dagger is done Carlos!"

"Oh really? Thanks boss!"

"Yeah. Call it [Poniard of the Shadows]"

"That's a badass name."

My chest suddenly hurts.


"What happened boss?"

"I think old age is getting in to me now.."

"How long does a dwarf usually live, boss?"

"I think about 250.. ow.. ow.. ow.. 250 years.."

"Hey kid. Your dwarf body is dying. It's his time" Amaterasu said

"So that's why.." I said

"Huh?" Carlos said

"Nothing Carlos. This is where I die I think.. Pass the poniard to the next generation and tell them how cool I was haha"

"I will master.." He said as he weeps

"Bye. My customer" I said as I fell

"Bye. Boss" He said while weeping

~After dying~

"You really can't stop killing me can you?" I said to Amaterasu

"Not my fault. But it actually is."

"Anyways can I pick my skill now?"

"Sure sure don't rush" She said

Skills to pick from:

Supernova - S

Flow - A+

Crafting - F

Naming - C

"Let me guess you're picking Supernov-"

"I pick Crafting"



"but why not Supernova?"

"It's useless if I don't have MP. So I will take Crafting which is more useful since you only need 1 MP to use"

"Great thinking.. I'm reincarnating you now."


"Bye bye"


See you next week

Author - Nyanku