
I Gained Skills in Real Life

Tom Alford's life takes an unexpected turn when, after a lively college party, he finds himself confronted by a surreal, game-like system which grant him skills by finishing a quest. With skills like Appraisal and Body Modification, Tom finished strange quests that reveal surprising truths about his collegemates and challenge his perceptions. From uncovering hidden personalities to transforming his appearance, Tom's journey is filled with humor, unexpected twists, and thrilling adventures. ** You guys know me. Join a fun adventure. Discord: https://discord.gg/4E4qgYrCrZ

MarudameOssan · Thành thị
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64 Chs

Chapter 15 – Stealing My Own Present

They stayed like that for a while. The silence was comfortable, and the twins looked content. They didn't seem to care about the fact that they were naked.

Returning to the room, they smiled wryly and began to tidy up after getting changed. It was quite messy due to their activities.

"Wow, you're really good, James. It's like you've done this many times before." Mary said as she picked up a pillow from the floor. It had a stain on it.

"Haha, thanks." Tom chuckled.

"I wonder what kind of girls did you fuck before you met us." Amy asked, grinning. "You're really good, so you must have lots of experience."

"Not really." He answered honestly. "This is the first time I ever did it with two girls at once."

"Oh? So you've done it with one girl before? Who was it? Was she cute?"

Mary asked curiously.

"Well..." He scratched his cheek. "Back then, I was pretty depressed and went to a club to drink. There is a lawyer there who helped me to get through my depression. We had sex after that."

"Wow, a lawyer? That sounds exciting." Amy said, her eyes sparkling.

"What was she like? Was she pretty?" Mary added.

"Not as pretty as you girls, but she's definitely beautiful. I don't remember much about her though."

He shrugged.

"Hahaha, you're such a smooth talker, James. I bet you say that to every girl you meet."

They snuggled together on the new cushion the girls took out. Tom looked around the room and saw the bed was ruined, so they needed to change it.

"Nah, I'm not like that." He said, shaking his head. "I honestly only did better because I am excited. I really like both of you."

The twins blushed at his words. They smiled shyly and hugged him tightly.

"Hehehe, you're so sweet." Amy said, kissing him on the cheek. Mary kissed him too.

"Yeah. We like you too, James."

Tom smiled and returned their kisses. They stayed like that for a while before Amy suddenly remembered something.

"Oh yeah! You might want to look at this! We bought something special for you."

She handed him a box. It was wrapped in a gift paper, which he opened. Inside, there was glasses, and a pair of black gloves with an intricate design on them.

"We thought you would look good in that. And isn't an idol supposed to have a unique style? These are yours."

Amy explained proudly. Tom examined the items and tried to put on the glasses.

"How is it? Does it look good on me?"

He asked the girls. They looked at each other and giggled.

"You look cute." Mary said, giggling.

"Yeah, you do." Amy agreed.

Tom grinned and took off the glasses. He looked at it and put it back to the box.

"Thanks, girls."

He honestly felt that.

"This is the first gift I got from someone I love."

The twins smiled happily.

"You're welcome. We're glad you like it."

They hugged him again and snuggled against him. They were very affectionate, which he enjoyed. He was about to return after midnight, but they forced him to stay.

"Stay here tonight. Let's sleep together." Amy said. "You're so warm and cuddly. I don't want to let go."

"Yeah, me too. I want to be with you, James." Mary said, hugging him tighter. "Don't leave yet. Stay a bit longer."

Tom couldn't refuse their request. He decided to stay for a while. He fell asleep, embracing the twins in his arms.

He was awake the next day feeling something soft in his hands. Soft moans could be heard in the room. Tom looked down and saw that his hands were resting on Amy and Mary's chests.


"Do you like what you touch?" They said in unison, smiling seductively at him.

Tom couldn't help but feel aroused. He felt his member harden as he continued to grope their breasts. The twins giggled and began to rub themselves against him, their skin brushing against his.

They did two rounds before he went home. It was a good thing that today was the weekend. He let the twins rest because they couldn't even walk when he finished. Although he couldn't find their 'important item', he was still happy spending time with them.

He realized that he shouldn't focus too much on the quest and actually enjoyed his life. It wasn't so bad right now.

He went home and reverted back. The gift from the twins was still in his hand.

'I will just put it in <Pocket Space> for now.' He thought to himself.

Tom took out the gloves and glasses and stored them into the space. At that moment...


[Quest finished. <Lucky Draw> recharged.]

He blinked. He was unable to understand what happened before a realization dawned into him.

"Steal an important item from an attractive girl!" He exclaimed. "The gifts are important items Amy and Mary gave James. And because I stored it as Tom, I essentially stole it from them! That means..."

He couldn't believe it, but he had done it. He finally finished one of the quests.

"I did it!"

A surprise but also happy news. The system said that <Lucky Draw> was recharged. He could use it once again.

"Okay, let's do this!"

He activated <Lucky Draw>. The now familiar screen with rotating words appeared before him. He prayed as it spun and stopped.


[You have obtained skill <Voice Manipulation>.]

[<Lucky Draw> chance has decreased to 0. Generating a quest related to <Voice Manipulation> skill.]

The information of the skill was sent to his brain. This... He didn't expect this kind of skill, but it was better than nothing.

In short, he was able to change his voice freely. It was good to hide his real voice when he met someone new, but also... It could be used in other situations.

'Isn't this pretty useful? So far, I tried my best changing my voice as James, but now I can do it easily. Hahaha, I think I need to test this.'

What was the better place to test this skill if not in the quest?


[Use skill <Voice Manipulation> to pass an idol audition qualifier stage.]

When he read the quest, he thought of one thing.

"I am fucked... Royally fucked."

He knew this quest was a bad one and probably the most difficult one.

short chapter, another one later

MarudameOssancreators' thoughts