
I Gain Power Through Sex

A man mysteriously died, and wakes up to find himself in an infinite void of darkness with no memories of who he was. The only memory the man has is of the vast collections of Animes and hentai he has watched. A being finds the man interesting and gives him another chance to fulfill both his dreams and her's.

Optimum · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Information Gathering

"That about does it," I said to no one in particular as I finished designing my appearance. I had taken certain elements from anime characters I remembered. My hair was black with medium-length, thick strands. My skin was a healthy peach color, however, my body was rather skinny. I had went ahead and equipped the clothing I had gotten from the Survival Crate, making me look rather frail.

[Congratulations on setting up your character for the Sexual System, now transporting you to world: Kyonyuu Elf Oyako Saimin.]

I didn't have long to ponder what was going on, as my vision shifted once again to a beautiful scene.

All around me were large, thick trees protruding from the ground. The sun shine through the leaves, showering me with light. I looked down toward my body, and noticed I was completely nude.

I quickly retrieved the clothing I had received, and put it on before looking around my sorroundings. "This place sure is pretty," I said as I walked around aimlessly. I didn't really have an objective or goal to accomplish. I know I wanted to get stronger so that I could start my own harem, but I didn't exactly know how to or, what I should do.

After walking for what felt like an hour, I sat down on the nearest rock. "When in doubt, ask the system to help you out."

As if expecting me to say such a thing, the system appeared in front of my eyes, displaying my status first.

[Name: Eden Sheol]

[Age: 17]

[Race: Human]

[Alignment: True Neutral]

[Level: 0]

[Karma: 0]

[Skills: Apostle's blessing, Inventory.]

[Spells: None.]

[Strength: 0]

[Agility: 0]

[Endurance: 3]

[Dexterity: 0]

[Intelligence: 0]

[Status points: 0]

[Gold: 0]

I looked at my status before watching as the system switched to a different screen, displaying what looked to be its main menu.







I clicked on help, and watched as the screen shifted once again to that of a long page of instructions.

[The Sex System provides numerous options to the user, whether it be keeping an eye on love interests, or purchasing rare skills for battle. It's because of this that the user has been provided with a help option to educate them on the system's functions.]

[Status is a screen in the system that houses all the information on the user. Every time the user opens up the status window, they will be provided with an up to date look on themselves. Status points can be accumulated through sexual actions or slaying an enemy. They can then be used on strength, Agility, Endurance, Dexterity, and Intelligence.]

I swiped to the next page and continued reading.

[Strength is as its name implies. It is the physical ability of the user. The more you upgrade the Strength status, the more power will be stored in the muscles.]

[Agility is how Swift the user's physical movement is. The more the Agility status is upgraded, the faster the user will become.]

[Endurance is how much stamina the user has at any given time. The more Endurance is upgraded, the longer the user's stamina becomes.

[Dexterity is the status that reflects the user's ability to tank damage. The more Dexterity is upgraded, the harder it becomes to damage the user.]

[Intelligence reflects the user's ability to learn new skills and magic. The more Intelligence is upgraded, the easier it becomes to learn things.]

[All five of those are highly important to the growth of the user. It also defines how the user should fight. If the user spends all their points into Strength and Dexterity, they become a durable heavy hitter, however they will be slow, and likely tire out quickly. Use your head whenever you spend your points, as you'll never know just what will be required to survive.]

[Every time the user kills an enemy, a sum of XP will be put into the User's level. Every time the user levels up, they receive two status points.]

I swiped to the final page, which had just a tiny bit of information.

[Gold is a currency earned through various tasks, such as, but not limited to Quests, level-ups, and killing enemies. Gold can be used in the System shop to purchase weapons, clothes, armor, and Harem members.]

After finishing my reading, I exited back to the main menu, and clicked on quests. Three different missions popped up, each of them seeming rather simple.

[Find Shelter.]

[Rewards: 10 Gold, 10 XP]

[Level up five times.]

[Rewards: 15 Gold, 25 XP]

[Kill ten enemies.]

[Reward: 50 Gold, 100 XP]

After seeing the quests available to me, I nodded my head, happy with having a goal to reach. I got up from the nearest rock, and opened up the map, checking for where I was.

I zoomed in on the map to find myself in what was called the Agraliel Forest. It gave further information on what animals were in the biome and the elevation, which I ignored. I Walked southeast, heading for a river. It didn't take much time either, as the location was relatively close.

As I walked past the shrubs and leaves of the forest, I was momentarily blinded by the sun, before my eyes adjusted. I hadn't realized just how much light the forest truly blocked out until now. "This place really is beautiful," I said to myself as I sat down beside the river.

"Mhm, it really is, hun," I heard someone whisper behind me, causing me to turn around. I was greeted with the sight of a woman with long wavy violet hair, and long ears. Her Amber eyes held a look of curiosity as she studied me, however that wasn't what I was primarily focused on, no her outfit was the thing that caught my attention.

On her head was a black witch hat that had a crimson marking of some sort, indicating that she was probably some type of spell user. I looked downwards toward her body, and took a deep breath in. a Black a red cape was draped over her, covering all of the back of her. Two thin strand of fabric were laced around her breasts, with two metal plates covering her nipples. The fabric connected to her pants, which covered her privates and inner thighs, before wrapping completely around her lower thighs and reach all the way down to her feet.

(Image here.)

"Well, hello there," I said as I waved at her. "What brings you out here?"

The woman gained a smile as I greeted her. "Oh nothing really, just felt an explosion of Mana nearby and traced it back here. What about you?"

I shrugged before answering. "Exploring, I'm not really familiar with this place." The woman put her finger up to her lips. "Oh, perhaps I could be a little guide for you. I am very familiar with this area." I shook my head. There was no real need for her to guide me when I had an entire map inside my head.

"I appreciate the offer, but I don't need a guide, Miss..." I paused, realizing that I didn't know the woman's name.

"You were so caught up in my appearance that you forgot to ask for my name. I don't blame you, if I was a man, and saw myself, I'd be very... distracted." The way she said those last few words seemed to have a hidden innuendo behind them, one of which I chose to ignore.

"The name's Dinelynd. I'm a witch if you couldn't tell. May I know yours?" I got up from my spot and extended my hand out toward the elf. "The name's Eden Sheol. Nice to meet you, Dinelynd."

"Likewise, Eden," she said as she shook my hand. After a couple minutes more of talking, both of us said our goodbyes to each other. As much as I didn't want to, I had to focus on gaining strength for my Fiance.

"It's weird to think that I lost all my memories, yet got engaged to a Goddess who is leading me across the multiverse to get stronger."

'Your interdimensional Goddess Waifu, thank you very much.' I was caught off-guard by the sound of Cynthia's voice within my head. "Cynthia, you can hear me?" I asked.

'Of course I can, Eden, I Gave you your very own system and put you on the world you currently reside on. It should make sense that I can speak, see and hear you whenever, and wherever.'

I felt stupid for asking my question and remained silent for a moment, before hearing Cynthia speak once again.

'So... What do you think about Dinelynd? She's hot, right?' I sighed. "I'll admit she's quite a attractive woman."

'So, what's stopping you from taking her?' Cynthia asked. Her question confused me. Had I not gotten engaged to her? "We are Engaged, so I should remain faithful to you, at least that's what I get from the whole marriage thing."

I heard her sigh in my head before feeling a stinging sensation on my forehead, almost as if someone had flicked me. 'Idiot, I added the harem part to the system, because I wanted you to go out and fulfill your fantasies, and while I do appreciate your commitment to me, I am happy with sharing.'

I felt my lips shift to a smile as I listened to her speak. Truly, I was blessed, no pun intended.

'Just remember,' Cynthia said, before my whole body tensed up. 'I am the first wife. No one else can get married to you until I do.'

"Y-Yes Ma'am." As soon as I said those words, the pressure I had felt vanished completely. 'Good. Now, do you have any questions for me? Perhaps about the system or the world you're in?'

"I got a few, if you don't mind answering. My first question is what is this world? The clothing on Dinelynd makes me think it's a hentai, but I'm not completely sure."

'You are indeed in a hentai world, Hun. It's a rather boring one to be honest, but it has some good potential for you. Dinelynd is one of the main women for the main character in this and gives him what's called the "Tree of Life Ring." You should do your best to acquire it before he does, because of it's cheat like abilities.'

I made a mental note on that, before going back to listening. 'There is a kingdom nearby called the Agraliel Kingdom. The queen and princess are two more of the Main character's women, however not by choice. The women of the kingdom despise humans, despite not knowing them to be humans, and have a stronger dislike for males. All elves repopulate through a ritual.'

"Is there any information you can give me on said ritual?" I asked.

'Afraid not. I've already given you as much information as you need. Do with it as you will, and remember, there are no such things as abuse of power.' With those final words, Cynthia left me alone, or maybe not. Maybe she was just choosing to watch to see how I handled this world.

"Alright, Dinelynd went northwest, I guess I should head there aswell." The quests were no longer an important thing to me right now, what was important now was securing whatever power it is that the busty elf had. I ran through the forests for awhile before finding the woman overlooking a cobble wall.

She turned toward me, as if expecting that I'd show up. "I must say, it took much longer for you to come here than I thought, Handsome."

If you enjoyed this chapter, a power stone would be much appreciated.

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