
I gain power by absorbing monsters

Isaac was just an ordinary man, with no great future ahead of him, and one night he died a miserable death. Yet one day, light replaced darkness and he found himself in the body of a young boy in a frightening world. Humans are at the bottom of the food chain, hunted by ferocious beasts and despised by other races for their weakness, their extinction is near. Isaac has only one goal: to become stronger in order to survive.

Le_Merwen · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 5 :

Contemplating the exorbitant prices, Isaac was discouraged.

"Aren't there cheaper weapons?"

The salesman looked at him strangely as contempt crossed his eyes.

"Go and see over there, all these weapons are 10,000 dollars each, so cheap because of their poor quality."

With that, he left without another glance at Isaac.

Isaac headed in the direction indicated by the salesman and soon arrived in front of the dilapidated swords.

The row of shoddy swords stretched out before him, revealing a sad assortment of dilapidated, time-worn weapons. Their unkempt, rustic appearance was at odds with the majesty and finesse usually associated with a sword.

Their tarnished blades were marked by deep scratches, evidence of many past battles or neglect. Rust had taken its toll, leaving brownish stains on the once-smooth metal surfaces. The once-sharp cutting edges seemed dull and chipped, unable to slice cleanly.

"System? Can you scan all the swords here and tell me the best one for me?" he sighed.

[Analysis in progress]

[The fourth sword in the third row down]

Isaac headed for it and, after some searching, found it. Taking it from its scabbard, he observed it.

The sword has a sober, sharp blade of medium length. Its design is almost disconcertingly simple, with no complex engravings or ornamentation.

Yet it is this simplicity that gives it a chilling, goose-bump feeling. The dark, matte-finish steel blade absorbs light, giving the impression that it feeds on darkness itself.

The handle, covered in aged, worn leather, reveals the marks of time and intensive use of the weapon.

As Isaac observes the seemingly ordinary sword, a strange sensation takes hold of him. An inexplicable connection is created, as if he and the weapon were destined to be inseparably linked.

"What's going on?"

When he takes it in hand, a singular harmony is established. He feels every curve of the grip, every asperity of the hilt, as if they had been specially designed for his hands. A familiar warmth radiates from the sword through his arm, almost like a gentle whisper, comforting and soothing.

[You hold an evolving sword that recognizes you as its owner].


"Tell me more?"

[This sword has the ability to evolve, the more blood you make it taste the stronger it will become]

"Great! Show me its characteristics!"

[Sword with no name]

[Characteristic #1 (Absorbs life): With each wound inflicted on the opponent, it steals 1% of his vitality to give it back to the wearer]

[Characteristic n°2 : Blood evolution]

[Feature #3: ?????]

[Feature #4: ?????]

"Well AHAHA I think I'm going to adopt you, gorgeous."

Isaac kept the sword in his hand and headed for the other departments of the store. He bought light armor, boots, a helmet and black military pants.

Everything was of the lowest quality, since he didn't really have much money.

It's already a lot better than my old sports pants and my ratty kitchen knife.

Of his $140,000, only $2,843 now remained.

A tear rolled silently down her cheek.

"It's time to get back on the hunt!"

On top of that, he bought a few survival rations in case he got stuck like last time. Might as well learn from his mistakes.

Leaving town, he headed for the forest where he'd killed the monkey. The desert had traumatized him enough.

By the time he reached it, the forest didn't look nearly as menacing as it had when he'd first arrived.

The air is permeated by an earthy, damp smell, mingled with the scent of plants and moss. The only perceptible sound is the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze.

Even with his heightened senses, Isaac couldn't hear a single animal moving through the forest.

Finally, he decided to go deeper.

Isaac began to run, his speed now comparable to that of an Olympic sprinter, taking him a long way in a short time.

After a few kilometers, he stopped, out of breath.

"I'm really unlucky not to run into any beasts even though I'm this far into the forest!!!"

A cry suddenly rang out through the forest.

Isaac immediately raised his head in the direction of the noise.

"Maybe my chance to find something."

So he moved quickly but cautiously. He climbed a tree and jumped from branch to branch.

Finally, after a few jumps, he discerned a large clearing.

The once peaceful clearing was now the scene of a terrifying event. The faded green grass was trampled and crushed by the frenzied movements of a group of four men and one woman.

Wildflowers have lost their luster, crushed under the weight of panic. A pack of silver-coated wolves had surrounded them, their eyes gleaming fiercely. Their sharp fangs were visible, ready to tear apart anything in their path. Their menacing growls echoed through the air, announcing their imminent attack.

The group, already in dire straits with blood pouring from their bodies, could not withstand another onslaught. Their panicked eyes meet, searching for a way to cope with this crisis.

Then the wolves' assault began. The clearing becomes a battlefield, with members of the group fighting for survival. Branches snap, bodies collide, and the wolves, cunning and agile, attack with frightening coordination, dodging human attacks and genetic talents with ease. Their fangs bite, their claws lacerate, leaving bloody scars on those who dare to defend themselves.

Blades of wind sliced through limbs, and Isaac saw entire human arms fly through the air. The wolves' speed was incomparable, and their affinity with the wind made them melt into it, leaving only an afterimage behind them. The humans were outmatched.

The clearing that had once been a peaceful refuge was now tinged with terror. Cries of pain, the growl of wolves and the echoes of battle mingle in a chaotic symphony of survival. The members of the group fight with fierce determination, struggling to fend off the brutal onslaught of their predators.

In this clearing transformed into a battlefield, life and death play out. Every moment is tense, every movement vital. The members of the group fight fiercely, desperate to escape the murderous clutches of the wolf pack that has transformed this once peaceful place into a living nightmare.

But their resistance began to break down when one of the men fell into a pool of blood.

"ALFRED" screamed the girl.

Their formation shattered, the wolves rushed in and wreaked havoc.

"DISPERSION, EVERYBODY RUNNING IN A DIFFERENT DIRECTION" shouted another of the men, who appeared to be a veteran from his many scars.

The group dispersed and each took a different direction.

The wolf pack also split into several groups, chasing after each of them.

"Shit, she's coming my way," growled Isaac.

Wolves have a very sensitive sense of smell, so with the girl coming towards him, they're bound to find him.

It was as if Isaac was providing them with a free snack.

He observed his surroundings. Not far from him, a few vines dangled, their long stems waving gracefully in the air like green snakes.

Isaac quickly snatched up three of them and hooked them together to form a long rope.

He watched as the girl came closer and closer to the tree, the wolves only inches away.

One of them leapt up with lightning acceleration, and at the end of its mouth a ball of wind could be seen whirling at high speed. It left its mouth and sped towards the girl's back.

In a few milliseconds, it would hit her and she would be nothing but a meat pie.


Isaac had just finished attaching the rope to the branch and when he saw it, he jumped.

He caught the vine and the kinetic energy of the fall gave him great forward speed.

He collided head-on with the girl, wrapping his arms around her.

The creeper and its two passengers continued on their trajectory, and when it reached a sufficient height, Isaac let go.

For a few seconds he was in the air, before landing as best he could on a large branch of a huge tree.

"An action worthy of the greatest movies AHAHA".

The young girl, who had seen herself die, raised her head in confusion.

"What? What's happened? And above all, who are you?

Isaac gazed for a moment at the young woman before him. Her golden hair cascaded around her delicate face, framing eyes imbued with persistent fear and a hint of curiosity. Despite the fatigue in her features, there was a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

Her pale complexion was punctuated by light scratches and battle marks, evidence of the situation from which she had just temporarily escaped. Superficial wounds dotted her arms and legs, and a heavy open wound in her shoulder made her wince.

"They call me Isaac but we'll make the introductions later, the wolves aren't far away."

She nodded.

"We'll have to come up with a plan," she told him.

-Again he thought wryly.

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