
I gain power by absorbing monsters

Isaac was just an ordinary man, with no great future ahead of him, and one night he died a miserable death. Yet one day, light replaced darkness and he found himself in the body of a young boy in a frightening world. Humans are at the bottom of the food chain, hunted by ferocious beasts and despised by other races for their weakness, their extinction is near. Isaac has only one goal: to become stronger in order to survive.

Le_Merwen · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 :

Isaac woke up early the next morning to go to school.

Despite a cranky alarm clock that nearly cost him his life, he'd still be on time if he didn't hang around.

"System show me my status please"

< Status >

[Name: Isaac]

[Age: 17]

[Rank: Genetic warrior apprentice rank 2]

[Affinity: None]

[Lineage : Human]


-Strength (4)

-Agility (2)

- Feeling (3)

-Constitution (2)

-Intelligence (21)

[Genetic talents:]

-Panoramic vision (common)

-Mana ball (common)

-Monster absorber (Mythical)

"It's indeed pathetic knowing that the first in the school in terms of strength will soon break through to become a rank 1 genetic warrior. Fortunately, my cheating skills won't let me down," he sighed.

He was really far behind everyone else, and to hope to get into a good university you had to be at least a genetic warrior to perform well enough in the practical test.

Isaac knew full well that right now he wasn't at all up to scratch.

"I'll make a plan after school", he said, before grabbing his bag and heading off.

When he reached his classroom, there was a familiar hubbub.

As he entered, a few snickers rang out, but soon everyone lost interest.

Isaac sighed and moved to the back of the classroom, alone.

He waited a long minute before the main teacher entered the classroom.

In his sixties, with graying hair and a perfectly trimmed beard, you can see his passion for education in his keen eyes and engaged expression. His face, marked by years of experience, testifies to his dedication to passing on his knowledge to future generations.

His style of dress retains a certain elegance, with well-ironed shirts, suits or jackets matched with neat pants. He often wears discreet accessories such as a classic watch or fine glasses, reflecting his professionalism.

His posture combines dignity and warmth. Standing before his students, he holds himself upright with a reassuring presence. His voice echoes through the classroom:

"You will undoubtedly be aware that the practical exams are coming up soon, so during this period you will be excused from class so that you can fully devote yourselves to building up your strength. I'm announcing the end of the class and that it will resume in two weeks to take you to the exam site", he announced, before suddenly leaving the classroom without another word.

The class was stunned for a moment, before erupting in heckling.

Isaac quickly left, hating this kind of noise that broke his ears and strained his nerves.

"Now that speeds up my still non-existent plans," he exclaimed.

He went home to change into his classic sportswear and picked up a long, sharp kitchen knife before leaving.

"That'll do," he said to himself.

Isaac then headed for the ramparts of Stones city.

Since its construction, the city has never ceased to be attacked by ferocious beasts. Without the high walls and guards, the city would long ago have been razed to the ground and would never have known its current development.

As he reached one of Stone city's entrance and exit gates, a guard blocked his path.

"Identification card" he said in his cold voice.

Isaac took it out and handed it to him without a word.

Every human had his own identification card, and it was the pass to enter any human city. These cards were made from unique materials making it impossible to counterfeit.

"You may pass. Get in before nightfall or you'll have to pass it outside," said the guard, handing back the card.

Isaac shuddered at the thought. Every human in the city at nightfall could hear the cries and roars of ferocious beasts waging atrocious wars to the death.

In this world, to evolve and grow stronger, ferocious beasts can kill others, and when they devour their corpses, their mana cores strengthen considerably.

So every night, the beasts engaged in the same ritual.

"But why just at night?" wondered Isaac, without looking for an answer.

He walked for several kilometers before reaching his destination.

"At last, I've arrived in the Desert of Death".

This desert not far north of Stone City was mainly known for its vicious, ferocious beasts. A lack of vigilance and you could go and join your ancestors without even knowing how.

"Three-headed snakes, purple-headed scorpions... Well, only rank 2 mage apprentice beasts at most. I'll be fine unless I run into a sand worm or a king of some species. Given my luck, I've got nothing to worry about EHEHE "

2 hours later:

"I HAVEN'T EVEN KILLED A SINGLE BEAST AND THE FIRST ONE I MEET IS A FUCKING SCORPION KING." he howled in rage as he fled from the huge scorpion.

Its violet head gleams like a precious gem in the sunlight. It's adorned with intricate, magical arabesque-like patterns that seem to come to life when observed closely. The scorpion's eyes shine with a hypnotic gleam, capturing the attention of anyone who dares to look directly into them. Its incredibly large pincers glitter with a metallic sheen, imparting an aura of power.

Its body is covered in armor as black as the darkest darkness. This carapace, as hard as diamond, is reputed to be virtually impenetrable, making the violet-headed scorpion king a formidable adversary.

But the scorpion's real lethal weapon is its venom. Its poison is extraordinarily toxic, filled with an unrivalled venomous genetic talent. A single drop of this purplish liquid is enough to melt the body of a four-star genetic warrior in a matter of seconds.

The giant purple-headed scorpion moved with surprising grace despite its imposing size, and Isaac, who was trying as best he could to get away, was quickly overtaken.

"Either I find a plan or I die".

Hello reader, the rest will be posted tomorrow !

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