
Oldman Feng

A voice suddenly shouted from the distance, he turned around and a huge horse like creature suddenly appeared and charged over Primo. The person on it quickly pulled on the ropes but still it didn't stop it only slowed it down for a second and the creature kept charging on it as if what it saw triggered its excitement.

"halltt!! Get out of the way!"

Before it could reach Primo, his reflex went into a full drive mode and in exact time before it could hit him he rolled out to the left and lay down from the side of the road. After Primo dodge the creature he insured his safety and started to look around just let out a sigh. Knowing he was now safe he started inspecting his body in which he found out that he now has lots of cuts and bruises all around his body.

'fk, I almost saw my ancestor for a minute there'

Feeling the aftershock of the adrenaline of his body he slightly groaned as he stood up and looked around where he discovered that he was standing on a thorny patch of plants at the side of the road.

Before Primo could walk out from the side of the road, a vine suddenly slithered and wrap around his legs it then aggressively lifted him up. He struggled to get free, he found that he was slowly being lifted up higher and higher.

Primo looked down and discovered he is almost as high as a 4 story building. He felt a presentiment that he might not get out of this entanglement and most likely he will die. As a 15 years old kid who's dream and ambition of the future is wide. Primo didn't expect to die this suddenly, closing his eyes and was getting ready for the worst. Hit by a sudden vision or reminiscence from the past with his time with his friends and family, mostly his mother.

"Mom, I wish I could have done better. I don't regret anything, what I regret the most is that I didn't fulfill my promises to you. Next time in my afterlife, if ever there is one, I will just take care of you until I die and mo-" before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly heard an elderly voice that was calling out to him.

"Hey, Young man, are you alright? forgive me, my spirit beast meant to catch you safely and get you to me but it suddenly lifted you up and was played with. I'm sorry about that it seems to like you a lot" the man chuckled as he said that.

"Let the boy down Kula we're not here to play we need to find her little Mistress first" he slapped the head of the creature. The creature just snickered at the oldman and continued to eye at Primo Joyfully.

As Primo heard the voice that was telling him to get out a while ago. He opened his eyes, and saw this Oldman in front of him which seems to be the same age as his grandfather.

He looked at the Oldman and saw his wrinkled eyes seems sincere and it doesn't seem to contain any killing intent 'well that's how novels depects these kind of characters. When met with an old man that looks so fragile and kind, you won't expect anything happening to you at the moment and might just smile and enjoy accompany this elderly but in the end the Oldman had alternative motive after all to get his soul. I don't know why I'm seemingly calm right now?.. I should be shouting and running and quickly finding my home, if there is still one'

"I'm okay sir, were you the one who charged at me a while ago with the huge monster? I mean, I'm not angry or anything I'm just asking." Primo showed an awkward smile to show that he didn't really mind. Even though he was almost killed he won't just be ignorant about it and shout at the Oldman that would make him sound so toxic and disrespectful. 'People here must be crazy or something maybe I'm the one who's going crazy! Seeing a 10 foot horse who could control plants and seems to have a personality. I'm going crazy indeed.' still Primo hasn't yet let the situation sink in, in his mind yet assuming that he might just be having some crazy moment.

"Indeed it was I, I'm sorry about that young man." The Oldman went up to pick up Primo and dusted him off and adjusted his clothes then looked at him from head to toe. "You're not from here are you? I mean your clothes are so unnatural I guess but isn't it too cold to wear that kind of clothes?"

Primo heard what the Oldman asked and got anxious all of a sudden 'what if I'm not in earth right now? this spirit monster and stuff is so questionable I might be in another world! I will just bluff and answer what I learned from reading through mangas and novels as he thought about it seriously.

"Young man, are you okay? I did not break you did I?" as he asked the young boy in front of him with concern.

As you can see here this old man's name is Feng Zheng also known as Oldman Feng he was supposed to escort his Young Miss from the Feng clan to the capital but before they could get half way through. Oldman Feng lost his young miss while he was asleep. He thought maybe his young miss might got lost or something and he still kept looking where his young mistress is for hours. But the real truth is, he was ditched by his young miss, because he was slow and talks a lot. This thought really crossed his mind he just shove the idea off and he just didn't really think that his young innocent and gullible Miss wouldn't ditched or abandon him.

Oldman Feng ended up getting lost in the forest for hours and decided to go to a tall area like hills or on top of a tree where he could see the forest clearly. Later on as he stood on a hill he found his young lady afar who seems to be on her way to the capital without him. So he got down from the hill and chased after her but before he could get near the young miss he almost hit this young man right here. Thinking that maybe the Young Miss is still nearby he might as well just helped the boy up.

"No its okay sir, I was just shocked from what just happen. These little unique clothes that I am wearing is for me to train my body. I was on my way to find some herbs for my young master at home, which is South from here but after I finished up collecting the herbs I got lost and luckily I saw the road from the forest and saw someone and I hurriedly went to the road before I could look around I heard someone shouting at me and almost got hit" Primo said some gibberish things hurriedly. Hoping that this Oldman won't see right through his bluff and lies but it seems legit when he talked about it coincidentally mentioning 'someone' without knowing that made his answer justifiable.

Old Feng looked at the young boy from head to toe, seeing his cuts and bruises all around his body and a strange scent on his body assuming it was because of the herbs that he picking up. He felt a sympathy for him and decided he should help him.

"Okay young man, so south from here right? So you're from the capital then, you should go with me, let's go together I just saw my young lady not far from here and anyways its dangerous to be alone in this forest." Old Feng enthusiastically patted the seat behind him to the young boy motioning to sit with him.

"If you won't mind it sir then I would be gladly join your journey to the capital and find your young miss sir." Primo bowed down and appreciation was heard from his voice.

Primo fearfully approached the horse like beast that looked like it came from the Harry Potter movie, he was assisted by the old man to sit beside him.

The beast looked at him joyfully as if it's looking at his long-time owner who had fed him everyday. Old Feng didn't noticed the emotion of the beast because he was focusing on helping the young boy beside him and keeping an eye on his young miss.

'what a nice Oldman, I wish he won't steal my soul from me or turn me into a medicinal pill.'

"You should stop calling me 'sir' young man, my name is Feng Zheng you may call me old Feng"

"this little one's name is Primo"

"Hm, Pee Mo? Unique name, I've never heard of that name before which family are you? You don't know? Unique indeed. I'll just call you little Mo then"

"I-" Before he could speak he was interrupted by a loud femine scream from far away.


"The Young Miss is in danger, let's go help the young miss. go grab your herbs, never mind that I'll just compensate you later on"

Primo hurriedly grabbed the back of the clothes of old Feng as they sprinted to where the scream came from.

"Uhh okay"....