

Cynthia left the boutique and headed to mikes house.it was close so she walked.on reaching the gate she saw a familiar car but did not take it to consideration besides cars looks alike.

On walking to the main entrance of the house she found out that the door was not locked so she just entered.

She did not find Mike in the living room or in the kitchen,so Cynthia thought that He was in the study.

Mike's study was upstairs opposite his room.on reaching the study room.Cynthia was on his way to open the door when she had noises in the opposite room.

It was like something had fallen on the ground and Cynthia knew something was not right.first the entrance door was opened and it was unusually quite and now she heard something falling to the ground.she immediately put her phone inside she short she had worn inside together with her credit cards .

She walked downstairs straight to the kitchen and took a knife.

Now her steps could not be heard since she was walking very quietly just like a trained soldier.

She went to the door and found out that it was locked.

If she tried to open it with force then the intruder would know that there is somebody outside hence even putting her life in danger.

She removed a pin in her messed hair and opened the lock slowly.she looked like somebody who was really trained in this kind of work .

She did not make any noise and when she did was to open the door which she opened and threw the knife to the shadow in the dark curtains leading to a shout.

She put on the lights and she was surprised who she had aimed with her knife.

It was Mike.now even though He was not much hurt he was scratched by the knife around his chest for Cynthia had aimed to his heart.

What made Cynthia very angry was that Sophia her workmate and her friend at the company was with mike making out.

On seeing Cynthia,Mike got up from his unfinished business and wanted to go to where Cynthia was but He was naked and did not want to frighten Her .since she has never seen him naked.

Cynthia was also not wanting to leave so she asked Sophia in a calm tone."for how long have the both of you been dating?"

Sophia was also surprised to see Cynthia here.

"Cynthia what are you doing here? We have been dating for 2 years now,why do you ask? And how do you know mike? Don't tell me you are that girl that he is been forced to marry by his parents because of kinship ? Sophia asked all the Questions at ago and the only thing that Cynthia was surprised to here is the parents part.

How did my parents know about mike? I have never spoken about him to them.how does mike know my parents .if he knows my parents it means he knows my identity as well and he has been sticking around because of the money.thats why he never even proposed me and always saying about this or that.I need to get out of here.cynthia thought.

Immediately Cynthia left the house leaving mike and sophia shocked for how quick she left it us like she was in the wrong house or she was being chased by somebody.

Mike put on his clothes quickly and followed Cynthia.on his way out Sophia asked,"are you going to just leave?you said you did not love her so why are chasing after her?if you leave you will not find me in this house when you return and you forget about me and my child.she said holding her belly.

Mike now was in a dilemma should he go after Cynthia who will make him rich in the future and loose his baby and the love of his life,or should he stay and loose the money.

'Besides right now she is very angry she will not talk with me ,let me give her time she loves me so much to separate from me so i go to her tomorrow'mike thought as he went back to sophia and kissed her lips lightly.

As soon as she left mike's apartment she wanted to call her father and give her a piece of her mind.They had an agreement that he would not meddle on who she dates so as to date the love of her life and go back to his empire as the vice president but looks like he still loves meddling in Cynthia's life.

As she was about to call her dad .Marco called.

She answered immediately,"hello,"

"Run!!" Marco said immediately cynthia answered the phone.

"You've gotta be kidding me,how did they know i am in this city"cynthia said as she started running.

"I don't know ,but i have to hung up ,let us meet at Gaza basement" marco said and hunged up the phone .

Cynthia run very fast and then so a car and stopped the car .

The car stopped and cynthia hopped in without wanting to care who owns the car.

Take me to Gaza basement and i will pay you as much as you want" she said immediately she got in without even looking who it was.

The driver started the car but the motor bikers had already gotten up with them.

"What the fuck !!!,drive!DRIVE!DRIVE" Cynthia shouted and the driver started to drive but he was driving very slowly.

Cynthia looked at the driver and said "bro do you have family?

The driver nodded .If you love your family from your wife to your parents heading to your grandparents drive otherwise this motorbikers they will kill both of us and your family will be wiped away all of it they don't care who you are so will you drive?" Cynthia asked.

"Drive! " somebody else said .that was when Cynthia noticed that there was actually another person in the car.

She looked behind her and saw the person .the person looked familia and but she had no time to rem