

"Get your lazy ass out of bed, Mia" Fiona barked. My eyes fluttered and I squinted as I tried to adjust to the sight of the bright light in the room. "Good morning b." I said to her. "Good morning, to the bathroom, we're late for history." She said, irritated. I glanced at the pink wall clock that hung above my head, glaring at me as though it shared Fiona's anger. It was 9:00 am, and history started thirty minutes ago.

Fiona was not the type to miss classes. She hated it. I jumped out of bed and grabbed my toothbrush. I brushed my teeth hastily and ran back to the room.

I wore my regular; a black hoodie and a pair of jeans. I let my hair fall to my back and held the tendrils with some fancy clips I got from my mother on my birthday. I applied some powder and lipstick and slid into my worn out Vans. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. Satisfied, I threw my backpack over my shoulder. "I'm ready." I said to an angry Fiona. Without a word, she walked out to her Honda. We hopped into the car and she ignited it, making the aggressive engine roar back to life.

The silence in the car was deafening, and no one said anything to the other all through the drive to school.

When we alighted, I mustered enough courage and asked; "Are you mad at me?" She shook her head and kept going. "Fiona." I called after her. "What do you want, Mia?" She shouted. I jumped in fear. "I'm sorry, I was tired, and I slept late last night." I apologized. "No problem" she said without a glance in my direction. I gave up.

Fiona was my best friend for many years. Our parents used to be business associates, before my parents divorced. Her parents were stinkingly rich, just like my father. She knows all my secrets the same way I know hers.

When Professor Scott dismissed the class, she came up to me. I jumped into her arms, and we walked hand in hand to the cafeteria.

I saw Sam, the richest boy in Lancaster University with his friends, smoking and drinking with some girls that flocked around him, touching and kissing him every now and then. "Gross" I said with disgust. "It's Sam, are you surprised?" She replied.