
I found a magic lamp and got 3 wishes.

Alex, an ordinary taxi driver, found a magic lamp and was granted three wishes. As he gazed at the genie in front of him, he was momentarily dazed until he finally made up his mind. "I wish to have an infinite number of wishes!" "No, that can't be done. My ability is limited to three wishes, and I can't do it, even if I wanted to," the genie sighed, feeling headache.

Mypantsisnotsquare · Thành thị
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 Wishes (Part 2)

Originally, only a few people were allowed to access it, but because of the genie's omnipotent power, he was able to access it briefly.

The knowledge around him was vast, as if endless, and in front of such vast knowledge, he felt small and insignificant.

However, he was not as scared as before. After absorbing a bit of information, he learned that he could exit the place whenever he wanted.

The Akashik Library is like Google, except that he only had access to various Magic Knowledge subjects...which is the limitation of the genie's wish.

'Hiss... Should I have stopped already?' Alex hesitated for a moment; he felt that the knowledge that he absorbed in a short period of time was enough to achieve low-level magic. But again, he gritted his teeth and decided to continue.

Knowing that through the effects of the genie's power, his perception of time slowed to an exaggerated level, allowing him to temporarily have unparalled computing power,

What's more, he had also learned a bit of information about the genie, so he was confident that he wouldn't let him become brain dead.

Moreover, being able to access the Akashic Library is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; there will be a second chance in the future, so he must make the most of it.

An unknown time passed.

"This is..." Blinking his eyes several times, he looked around him, and upon seeing that he was back in his room, he couldn't help but sigh in relief.

"You... did you just access Akashik Library?" The genie pointed at him in shock.

"Yes. How long did it take me?" Alex nodded, asking numbly.

In the process of absorbing knowledge, the genie's power granted him unparalleled computing power, allowing his mind and soul to experience a form of sublimation, giving him many unexpected benefits.

The most obvious one was the 'magic awakening,' an almost insurmountable threshold requirement for one to become a mage.

In ancient times, humans were innately sensitive to magic, and coupled with the abundant magic in the world, awakening was countless times easier than today. However, even so, only one in a million could awaken their innate magic.

Well, it might be due to various factors, such as the limited spread of awakening methods in ancient times and the gods not allowing many humans to access arcane knowledge.

Anyway, the point is that the fact that he can awaken his magic along with the process of absorbing knowledge is a great surprise.

What's more, he had also awakened various beneficial side effects, such as magic sensitivity, enlightenment, and many others, although most of them are almost useless.

"About 1 hour and 30 minutes," the genie said after calming down.

"That... that was longer than I expected," Alex's eyes widened, and he briefly calculated.

If 2.3 seconds in the outside world are equivalent to 72–73 years in the Akashik Library,the fact that he stayed in such a state for one and a half hours, which is 5,400 seconds...

The amount of time he had spent acquiring all kinds of knowledge about magic was equivalent to 168,451 years... 

Alex was stunned after the calculation.

He can't believe that he spent so much time absorbing knowledge... What's even more shocking is that he didn't even feel the passage of time at all.

"You guy.. I bet you know magic more than I do." The genie smiled wryly.

"That.. I think so?" Nodding his head numbly, he didn't deny it.

According to the information he got from the Akashic Library, the genie was one, if not the most powerful, mage in history.. He used to be very strong, to the point that even the gods themselves were scared of him, which led them to seal him in the lamp like many others... But that's a story for later.

Anyway, the point is that the knowledge he acquired from the Akashic Library transcends time and space. It was so vast that he knew more about magic than the genie, the strongest mage himself.

"It's pity..." Shaking his head, he didn't feel proud by one bit because he knew that most of the knowledge in his mind was only superficial and he had no ability to cast it in his lifetime.

Thinking of this, he already had an idea about his second and first wishes.

As long as it was achieved, there shouldn't be anyone who could threaten him except those gods and those few gifted people.

"I already know my second and third wishes," he said after calming down. Looking at the genie, a smile spread on his face.

"You know, I suddenly regretted my reminders a while ago... eh, anyway, it's not my problem. It will be another thousand years before I wake up. What's more, it's not like those gods can really do anything to me for granting you such a wish," the genie said in regret and then shrugged as if he didn't care anymore. "Go on, state your second wish."

"I want to have the greatest magical talent in the world," Alex said with a knowing smile on his face.

"Didn't I say I could only manifest wishes on a physical level?" The genie asked doubtfully.

"Hehe, don't trick me; I already know the principle of your ability, so please just do as I say." Alex's smile never vanished.

If it were before, he might really believe him, but he had learned all kinds of information about magic in the Akashic Library, and that includes the genie's true ability.

It is indeed true that the genie could only manifest wishes on a physical level, but that was only because those gods restricted him from accessing his true ability.

But now that the era of gods has ended, most of the restrictions on the lamp have been lifted, making him able to access a fraction of his true ability: reality manipulation.

That's right, his true ability is to manipulate reality, and even if he could only access a fraction of it, it should be enough to give him the highest level of magic qualification comparable to or even higher than the genie himself.

"You're really annoying.. Sigh whatever." The genie was depressed, but nonetheless, he still waved his hand and granted him his second wish.