
On A Walk

Jamal was wondering just how he gotten himself into this mess. He convinced the people to allow him to join their party, but the two knights had to be right next to him, side by side. It seemed they still hadn't trusted him, which he thought was fair.

At the very least a baddie was to his right. It had been hours sense they started walking, and their wasn't a single word exchanged in the group.

The atmosphere was silent, and the air was cold, piercing his lungs everytime he breathed. There was a thick fog that almost blinded his view, view of the healers ass!

//Down Bad\\

You can't blame for looking for real, Jamal spoke to the system. Over the hours spent walking, the only reason why he hadn't went insane was because he figured out a key aspect of the system, he could communicate through his thoughts, and the system could speak to him in his head.

The healer was thick, abnormally so, there was no way Jamal couldn't look. He's eyes were glued to them the entire time. The fact the healer didn't wear the appropriate clothes to cover them up was his lazy excuse, instead she wore white leggings that only went up slightly above her knees while she wore a skirt.

//Ain't no girl gotta cover up for up for your thirsty self\\

Jamal agreed, but he still wanted to latch onto something as an excuse.

There was a cold wisp of air that made his finger-coils dance in the area, as he covered his eyes before opening them back. He had a lot of things on his mind at the moment. First would the fact that everybody he was surrounded by was stronger then him, not mentioning the fact they most likely wouldn't fall for his tricks again like the knight did. There was indeed only one solution to this problem, he needed to get stronger, quick. His very life depended on it, there was no way he could put up a fight against them, but the question was how?

Is there anyway to see my stats? Jamal asked. Suddenly, a blue screen much like the first time appeared.

______________ ______________

||Basic Info||

||Host: Jamal Anderson||


||Hieght: 6,4||

||Weight: 190 pounds||

||Race: Human||

||Normal Qualites||

||Strength: 30||

||Agility: 35||

||Endurance: 20||

||Perception: 17||

||Charisma: 50||

||Intelligence: 19||

||Mana Production||

||External Mana Production: 0||

||Interal Mana Production: 0||

||Special Skills||

||Female Mana Extraction: User is able to steal mana from the other gender by making them fall in love with them, develope feelings over them, or have grow a positive perception of the user. This skill falls in the Dual category||

||More categories or changes of number listing will happen as the user grows||

______________ ______________

It was as Jamal expected, his physical attributes would be his strongest suit, taking away Charisma of course, which brought up a question.

I knew I was fly but damn, Jamal thought. He kept on walking, wondering on what to do next. He felt compelled to stop the repetitiveness of the situation, as he felt they had been walking for an eternity.

The group was tense, and Jamal could tell they were expecting him to do something, which he attempted to not take offense even though it was twenty-twenty-two.

Suddenly though, a loud deep voice coming from the giant in front of the healer erupted.

"Monsters! Unidentified!"

M-Monsters? Shit! Jamal immediately turned around, seeing if there was any way he could escape, but his spirit died when he saw black figures.

Though he couldn't vividly see them, he at the very least could see the outlining of ther bodies. They were skinny, their hands were long and went all the way down to their feet. They looked boney and unnatural, their distorted body parts casting a horrific spell onto the groups morale.

They all stood still as a statue, unsure of what the next course of action would be, up until the knight-mage lady chanted something. Some sort of Insignia appeared before her, it was blue and various shapes and letters decorated it.


Water, an insane amount appeared before her, with a force as strong as a tsunami. The monsters were decimated, or so they thought. What was left was a pathway cleared of trees, leaving a mess that was slowly diminishing from their view as the mist closed in once more.

The knight-lady fell to the ground once her spell finished, the bright blue insignia vanishing. Jamal picked her up, looking intently into her face before placing her on his shoulder.

Soon though, his attention was brought back to the monsters, who were somehow reincorpating their body parts back together. Jamal turned his head back to the giant-man's side to the front, seeing the monsters also appearing. They were encircled, and their strongest member was unconscious.

A different chant was heard, this time coming from the brown boy with curly hair, a red insignia appearing before him.


It was another wave, this time of fire that surrounded the group, bringing on warmth and security. Jamal could hear the monsters cry out.

But before long, his spell would die out, alongside the flames. There were patches of dark unknown matter that came back together, recreating the creatures as the midst once again blinded their view, giving them an uncomplete shadowy image.

And so they simply stood, expecting certain death, well "they" excluding Jamal. He urgently ran to the side, off of the dirt road they had been walking on for hours. The other party members soon followed, but the mist had already swallowed Jamal and the knight-lady, which made them run off in a separate direction into the forest.

In a couple of seconds, Jamal had not only found himself with a girl that he was now carrying to safety, but at threat of dying from those monsters.

Close call? No, I don't even know if my ass is gonna live yet, Jamal reasoned with himself. He passed through various trees, switching directions in whatever way fit him through them. As he walked and walked before, he ran and ran now, with a girl placed on his shoulder.

His lungs were killing him with every breath he took, his vision darkening but his will to move was too strong. He mindless ran for a couple of seconds blinded before eventually hitting a tree head first, finally stopping him.


Vindrick Von Erickson was a man of high prestige, known for his insanely large mana pool, added in with his excellent swordsmanship, he had become a man he found pride in. As of now, he stationed in the Clearers headquarters, which was established to band together all those who could defeat the various monsters that roamed freely in Everest.

"Pass me a drink," Vindrick said, he's personal servant immediately complying. "How is the new team doing?"

"They are expected to bring in many profits, considering they have two A rank members, Ashlyn and Darnavich," The servant went on. "There is also Walker, son of Theasus, who although isn't strong at any physical tasks, is good at magic alongside Rose of course."

Vindrick took a large sip of the alcholol beverage, burping rather loudly.

"How about Castle? Last time I checked he was B ranked but I expect him to get stronger."

"Sir, we checked Castles ranking once more, and unexpectedly it went down to B minus," The servant went on. "Regardless, even if the group doesn't bring in profits from the expedition, Walkers dad paid a lot of gold to allow his son to join, about two times then the expected profits."

The man sighed upon hearing that his sons rank went lower, remembering his late wife's wishes, Butthead, to let Castle get stronger, he was clearly failing. Castle was now around twenty-five, and he had no true purpose in life other then to run around in his guild, not mentioning he was weaker then he was five years ago.

"Sir, it's best you do not ask for hourly updates, I can assure they will be fine," The servant said, attempting to comfort the old man. But he had taken worry for guilt.

"Give me five cups of my drink."