
I fell in love with the transfer student

Theodore Moss has a dream that is to truly fall in love still in school, just like the characters in the romance books. Living adventures, sharing sweet moments and overcoming obstacles are some things he hopes will happen to you. But it is not so easy when other students are prejudiced with their sexual orientation. But everything can change with the arrival of the transfer student, Gabriel Jones, who even under the spotlight of popularity tries to get closer and friendly with Theodore. That is, if the rich and popular girl Sadie let this happen! Will this friendship be able to unravel true love? This is a romantic cliché, to sweeten your imagination. {Boys Love | Omegaverse}

Alisgreen0107 · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
140 Chs

Another side of the coin

The athletes gathered for lunch at the tables arranged outside, where a small craft fair was held with snack stands for the hungry and bored. Although the team had gathered for lunch together, Theodore had been further removed shortly after handing over the players' lunch bag.

Holding his own snack, the blond man sighed again as he remembered the audacious request of his lover. Now he would be nervous the rest of the week, counting the days, hours and seconds for the moment when he and Gabriel would have the first time intimately.

Should he prepare throughout the week? He had the impression that Gabriel might not know what to do very well, needing to be guided. Although it was his heat, they would probably lose their consciousness and instincts would take care of it.

Shaking his head, the omega unpacked the snack giving the first bite.

― Theo.

Raising his clear eyes, the omega swallowed hurriedly jumping to the side giving space to the best friend.

― Sit there and eat. ― Leaning to move the bag next to him, Theodore took a packed sandwich and gave it to his friend.

Nicolas held the snack and smiled the swaying in silent thanks. From that lazy smile the blonde could already feel more relieved.

― How are you feeling now?

― Much better, of course. ― Whispered the other omega, biting the hungry snack.

― Did you work it out?

― Somehow.

Theodore arched his eyebrow with the evasive way his friend responded, and his eyes went straight to the table where the boys on the team had lunch. Milles came close waving at them, and the looks interspersed between Nicolas and the alpha did not go unnoticed by the blonde.

― It seems that he fought with someone ― Murmured Theodore to notice the bruise in the corner of the mouth of Milles, soon widening his eyes to Nicolas ― Did you fight?

Shaking his shoulders without looking bothered, Nicolas took his snack.

― He took something, I needed to relieve my stress. His mouth was the only thing I could get at the time.

― Nico... just today?

― He made me worse, don't you remember? ― Nicolas widened his eyes, and Theodore just agreed with his head giving up against arguing.

― About that... I'm sorry I kept it a secret.

Nicolas didn't look at him being too busy eating, but Theodore knew he paid attention to his words. He had promised to tell everything later, and it was probably that moment. The blond had eaten a little more before starting to get into the subject that had made him nervous.

— That day I already imagined that you would miss school, but when I arrived at school Milles came to apologize. ― Noticing Nicolas turning his head in his direction, Theodore had let out a muffled laugh ― I was also quite surprised, I even imagined that he was apologizing because he liked you.

― And what makes you think that bastard has a heart?

― He seemed worried when I said you had a fever. He left right after I mentioned you was home alone.

Nicolas sighs at the end of eating, kneading the packaging before throwing it in the trash can next to the bench.

― And then he entered my house while I was sick and without any conscience? And did I bite him?

— I have no idea how it happened, really. ― Theodore rummaged in the bag again to take a small bottle of natural orange juice and deliver it to his friend ― When I arrived with Gabriel we already felt a very strong smell and when we went to your room the scene... It was pretty deplorable.

The dark omega had let out a painful sigh.

― What the fuck. Don't you say I always sleep like a rock?

— With me. ― Hurried to answer the blonde. ― I'm an omega, why the hell would your instincts want something with me? Of course they ignore my presence and just sleep. Now... you had an alpha in your house, and even more....

― My possible soul mate. Why didn't you think of that before you told him to come?

— I completely forgot. ― Whispered Theodore, taking care that no one else heard his conversation. ― Listen, it's not like I knew things would come to that. I swore you'd sleep all day, and Milles just had to stay in the room until I got there. If I knew you were gonna try to seduce him, of course I'd keep my mouth shut.

Messing up his hair, Nicolas sighed relaxing his shoulders afterwards. There was no point in discussing what they could or could not have done to avoid the problems they had at hand. It was already done.

― There's no point in complaining about spilled milk, is there?

Looking from the corner, he was curious to know how his best friend had recovered so quickly. The colour had returned to his face, and even seemed to have gotten rid of the pain. Had they fought enough to take out the anger they felt for each other? No... Theodore did not imagine that a simple fight would solve everything.

― How'd you guys work it out? ― Asked the blonde fearfully, facing the curious best friend.

Sighing low, Nicolas had let out an incredulous laugh.

― The way I least like it, of course. ― Turning to his friend, Nicolas smiled sideways. ― We reached an agreement.

― What deal do you make?

― Accept that boring fate typical of Disney film.

Choking on his own saliva, Theodore coughed up getting pats on his back. For a moment imagined to have heard wrong, after all it was the same to admit... By heaven, he and Milles were together now?

― Wait, Nico... what does that mean?

― Exactly the shit that went through your head. Even though we know we're not gonna go for each other's faces.

― How could that work? I mean, it's not like you're going to hold hands... or anything.

— And I there want to walk hand in hand with that turd? ― Complained Nicolas in a grimace. ― If I feel the need for something physical, I will look for it. And vice versa. This is how our game will play.

— Except that this is not a game, but a relationship for the rest of your life. ― Remember the omega with a sigh, holding your friend's hand. ― Nico, be honest with me. You really don't like Milles?

― But of course not!

Theodore had peeked at the clear eyes suspicious of those words. If he had found his soul mate, then it would already be a sign from the universe that they were both perfect for each other. They would find the complicity and the necessary happiness in the other person. Wouldn't it be a matter of time before they get real and fall in love?

The blonde could even cite millions of romantic films he had watched, and that could point out the signs of the disease of love. Surely your friend would twist his nose and fake dementia by not believing anything he said.

― What's so bad about him that you don't give yourself up?

Rolling his bored eyes, Nicolas raised his hand.

― Noisy, sassy, disturbing you, just his existence is already an offense to human beings.

Stifling laughter at seeing his fingers lowered as the list was cited, Theodore pushed his friend's hand into his lap.

― Okay, okay. It's very easy for you to find reasons to hate him, but that can only mean one thing.

― What, O lord of glory?

— That you recognize the existence of Milles. ― Theodore murmured with simplicity. ― If his existence mattered little to you, Milles would not gain your attention as he earns yours hatred. You recognize him as a talented person, and you hate yourself for it.

Nicolas swallowed hard pulling the hood of his sweatshirt to wear. Theodore even suppressed his laughter at the familiar fleeing gesture of his best friend, but had not dared to say anything about it. It made him think too much about that simple conversation.

― Stop talking nonsense.

— I'm just advising you to look at the other side of the coin, Nico. Since you intend to follow this arrangement because of the bite, then what does it cost to know a side of the Milles you've never seen before? It might surprise you.

― And have you met the other side of Gabriel's coin?

The blond's ears turned red in an instant. And he would even look away if Nicolas's were not so attached to his own, making him an investigator at the police station. He wanted to hear an answer, not being pleased not to hear it.

With regret and giving up, Theodore moistened his lips by agreeing with his head.

― I saw some things that shock me. But I admit I'm enjoying figuring it out little by little.

― I still think he's rotten inside.

— Not that I'm wonderful. ― Laugh Theodore, adjusting the bag when he saw the team organizing closing lunch. ― I'm selfish and I think I'm jealous. Even though we're just being together, I found out I'm jealous.

― Is this about the lachrymose?

― Look at those nicknames, especially with your sister-in-law.

― Fuck off before I forget.

Theodore laughed at Nicolas's hair before getting up.

― Come on, we got a game to win.

Drinking the last sip of orange juice, Nicolas threw the empty bottle in the trash and stood by following his best friend into the gym. This time the game would occur without headaches.