

When Jayden is sacrificed by a misleading internet boyfriend he trusted, he is killed but not dead. When he returns from the dead, his body had changed. His power is now pure potential. He must feed and survivor of eating other males but that's just the beginning. What of Jayden could die? What if he did and met his reaper? What if they fell in love and knew it was love at first sight?

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25 Chs

Chapter Ten

When I met death, it was... Kinda more confusing than you'd think.

I saw him in fear and stood to my feet, and managed to stop crying long enough to realize that I had died, and not only that I got my boyfriend killed, and there stood the reaper to take me home.

But he said nothing.

When I looked up, it hit me.

It was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. There stood the most handsome human looking man, standing at almost six feet tall, broad shoulders and a strong build.

But at the same time he looked young and happy. He looked just dead enough to let you know he was dead, but handsome enough to still show a human kinda of touch.

"I am your reaper." He spoke pulling down a mask he was wearing above his head, but hidden in the hood of his black cloak.

"You can come with me."

The mask he was wearing was revealed to be a mask of a skull, as if it was a real skull made into a mask. It made me flinch for a second and I didn't realize how scared I was until I realized I had looked away and couldn't make myself look back.

He nods his head in confirmation, and begins to walk past me.

We walked so far I became more tired than I was afraid all while I was trying to figure out what I had done.

I was eating and next thing I know I found Charles' body and he was dead.

I still couldn't believe it.

I had lost my best friend..

We reached what seemed like a old cathedral building that was the opening to a giant graveyard.

He stops and turns to me and says "You will stay here, until your trail." He says in a low voice. "It will only take three or four days."

"Wow. A graveyard." I said sarcastically "How fitting."

So he sends me inside, and follows closely behind me.

After walking down the old hallway and past the living room, it seemed like a old house, even though the outside looked very different.

And into a room with a small bed, and tv and a couch on the other side. "This is your room." He says in his low monotone voice. "Stay here."

"But wait!" I call before he disappears, "What is happening? Why am I on trail?" I asked in a huff.

"In death, you are judged by your life actions weather you get into the afterlife, or not, or even become a reaper." He let out a sigh. ,"You're on trial because you are being hunted."

"So there's an afterlife?" I asked meekly. "And I'm being judged.." I asked.

He simply nods his head yes and says no more.

"Then who are you?" I asked solemnly..

"I am THE grim reaper, Xavier Graves."

He said taking off his mask.

And so he locked me in this room, with nothing to do, nothing to eat, and no bathroom, for three days.

I hated this. I was this powerful being, a demon, with actual values, and I was being sentenced to be judged by a council and I didn't even do anything. It sucked because I had just figured out what I was, my whole life has been a complete disaster, and I couldn't even figure it out as an immortal.

I was a gay boy, we get stepped on, spit on, and completely ignored because we are different. I just wanted for my life to matter.

For my life to work out.

But now all this comes crashing down on me. Was it my fault Charles was dead?

I looked around the room. It was gonna be the day of the trail soon.

I had to figure something out. I had to do anything to save myself from this disaster.

Even if it meant seducing a grim reaper.
