
I fell for the healer

An assassin on deaths door meets the kindest healer who he falls for after she saved his life. She was also the only one willing too save him as his infamy deterred others from doing so. After being gifted a second chance at life he decides to try a more honest life as a vanguard to protect instead of annihilate.

Bigbrainplays · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

I woke up in a pitch black cell, in nearly every shackle you can think of all chained to the wall. The only thing I could move was my head a bit, this might be tough to escape from. For normal people anyway.

For ten years I was trained to death every day, I'm no mage, but I know a couple of magic tricks. In this world there's certain classes that people are predetermined to fit into. The main two sections of classes are physical and magical, physical would classes that include archers, warriors, assassins, and others like them, magical classes would be the obvious, mages, healers, summoners, and some others. It's relatively rare to have any magic, it's even more rare to be in a magical class. I have higher than average magic capabilities, but not enough to be in a class. Selecting a class can only be done once in a persons lifetime, unless they mastered everything in that class, then they can pick another while retraining everything they've learned already. As an assassin I'm exceedingly good with locks, hence why they've given me so many.

They severely underestimated me though, with a little bit of magic. I concentrated on the chains and tendrils of my magic coiled around them searching for any weakness, any little chip, knick, or blemish. After my magic completely covered the chains the links around my neck started falling off, loudly clanking to the stone floor. The links continued down towards my chest, then waist, finally all of them peeled right off of me. It took maybe 30 seconds start to finish. Although it was pitch black, as an assassin I was able to see in the dark with a skill, each class has their own skills, as you master each skill new ones unlock, each skill also has their own stages. Starting with novice, work your way up to master, then proceed on to the next one. I have mastered every single assassin skill, but dark vision was one of the first skills for assassins anyways.

I could see the door they used to put me in here, completely stone, and completely sealed shut. Only small air slits could be seen in the ground there was nothing else in this room.