
I Fabricated the Techniques, but my disciple really mastered them?

Li Xuan found himself in a predicament after transmigrating without the luxury of a system or plug-ins. To evade notice, he took refuge in a small mountain village. However, one day, he was mistaken for a reclusive expert, he was forcefully adopted as a master by an eager disciple who refused to take no for an answer. Struggling with his moral compass, Li Xuan initially rejected the disciple's proposal due to his commitment to honesty. Yet, faced with persistent insistence and tempting offers, he reluctantly crafted fictional cultivation techniques. Much to his astonishment, the disciple not only embraced these fabricated teachings but successfully cultivated with remarkable prowess. Witnessing his disciple's thunderous muscles, resilient bones, and potent vital force, Li Xuan couldn't fathom the inexplicable success. Bewildered, he exclaimed, "I fabricated it all! How did you manage to cultivate so successfully? What kind of monster are you?" To add to the perplexity, a mysterious Golden Finger manifested: "Your disciple mastered the technique you invented from scratch. Your flawless completion of the technique has enhanced your strength a hundredfold compared to others at the same level!"

Half a clear breeze · Huyền huyễn
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552 Chs

Chapter 280: The Strongest in the Thousand Martial Hall, Enlightenment of Divine Skills_1

Dịch giả: 549690339

Master Hong's face was gloomy. The strength of the opponent was so strong that it suppressed him. The power of the Star Remnants was indeed not to be underestimated!

"Which one of the Star Remnants are you?"

Master Hong struck with his sword again and again, but each attack was fended off by the old man.

The Alliance Hierarch of Luo State breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be a strong survivor of the Star Martial Arts Academy who had stepped forward to help. He bowed and said, "Thank you, senior, for your assistance!"

Then he turned around and attacked an elder from the Sword Sect.

The old man jabbed his cane. The halo of the moon behind him was getting brighter, but it was ultimately incomplete.


The moonlight collapsed, and the sword light of Master Hong seemed to be weakened, losing its sharpness and becoming slower.

Master Hong's expression changed.