
I Dragged My Fiance's Uncle off the Altar

To exact revenge on her fiance who cheated on her, Xing Shu plotted against her fiance's uncle, Cheng Lang. "Was my nephew unable to please you?" On a large, messy bed, Cheng Lang pinched Xing Shu's chin. The black Buddhist bracelet around his wrist swayed from side to side. Everyone said Cheng Lang was a religious man who stayed away from women. However, after sleeping with him for a night, Xing Shu expressed how it was actually easy to manipulate him. She only needed to say sweet things to him in a soft, gentle voice, and he'd give her anything she wanted. "Mr. Cheng is only putting on a show with Xing Shu. He'll dump her very soon!" "Xing Shu is a shameless woman. Mr. Cheng would never fall for someone with ulterior motives like her!" Everyone in Jing City waited for her to make a fool of herself, but nobody knew how Cheng Lang pinned her against the bed at night. "Xing Shu, mention getting a divorce again if you dare." Ever since then, Cheng Lang, a man who once belonged on the altar, was brought down by Xing Shu. He experienced what it felt like to be in a relationship like a normal person, and he found joy in it.

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Under-the-table Deal

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

He continued, "The blond man over there is the President of AN Group. I heard that AN Group will be making a move. Let's see who he will be interacting with tonight. By the way, I bet you are very curious about the young master of K Group. I heard that he won the last auction lot with 900 million US dollars and is completing the purchase backstage now. He'll probably come over later."

At the mention of Xiao Zhuo, the viewership increased instantly. Xiao Zhuo was indeed very handsome and rich—not an everyday phenomenon. Everyone wanted to seize the opportunity to see him at the gala.

The live-streamer turned his camera around and continued. Unbeknownst to him, he had caught a fleeting shot of Xing Shu when he turned the camera. A viewer asked, "Was that Xing Shu? Her family doesn't seem to be so rich."

"Xing Shu? The top finance graduate from Beijing University? I remember that someone on the school forum said that her family was poor."