
I Don't Want This Mate

Throughout Faye's entire life she has known one truth, Kieran Dusk hated her. She could not blame him, she was nothing that a wolf should be. She was not brave, a fighter, nor could she shift. She was not truly a wolf in the eyes of many in her pack, she was only a hybrid that had been adopted into an esteemed family. The Crescent Dusk pack was the biggest pack in all the realms. And the Dusks were the royal family for all wolves, with rumors of Lycan blood still running through their veins. If Faye had not been adopted into the Winter family, she never would have met the Dusks. But her father, Liam Winter, was the Beta of the pack, so her involvement with the royal family was inevitable. From the moment she met Kieran he had made it clear he never wanted anything to do with her. He had his sights on her Cousin Felicity, who was more than happy to be claimed by the second-born prince. So when Kieran suddenly marks Faye instead, her entire world is flipped upside down. She now must try to either find a way to escape her new mate or learn to live with her new title. But Kieran has warned her that there is nowhere she can run to where he cannot find her.

Autumn_Sururrous · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


Faye Winters stared at her reflection with scorn. She hated her heterochromia eyes more than anything, they were what marked her for what she was, a half-breed. With one being grey, the other a pale violet. The grey marked her as a rankless wolf, the violet was what she assumed was her human father's eye color. Her mother had been born into a beta family, but her running away and mating with a human male, is what cursed her to be rankless. She almost hated her mother for what she had done to her, a she-wolf running away to be with a human male was the scandal of the century, it made her wonder why her uncle Liam ever bothered adopting her. If he hadn't she would have lived as a human, never to fear the politics of the Crescent Dusk pack.

There were three main ranks in the pack. Alpha being the royal family, the head of the family being Alpha Daimon, the leader of the pack. Then there were the two warrior ranks. Betas being not only strong but reliable strategist. The head of the family, being Liam always worked close with the Alpha as his second in command. The Deltas were the soldiers. They were usually the first line of defense. Anyone born with green and blue eyes were instantly put into training to be the protectors of the pack.

Then there were the rankless, such as Faye. They would never hold any importance in court unless they make a name of themselves working from the bottom to the top, or they were imprinted on by someone of noble blood. Faye was both noble and common. Never to know where she truly belonged in the precious order of the pack.

But there was no point in dwelling on what could and could not be. She had to finish preparing for the royal party that night. The Dusk family had ordered all available females to attend their second son's twenty-first birthday. This was odd, they never held such a grand party for their second son before. Just like in most packs, the affection of the Alpha family was usually centered on the firstborn. But, Warrick had his mate and would be taking his place as Alpha in one more year. So Faye assumed this was just a party to tie the nobility over till then. It would be the last party of the social season, and Faye could not wait for it to be over.

"Oh, I just know this is going to be the day!" She heard her aunt gush as she helped fix Faye's hair. Her father had requested his last remaining sister to help Faye prepare. Poor Penelope Winters lost her mate before she could ever bear any children of her own. So she treated her nieces and nephew as her own, never once did she look at Faye as if she were a mistake like her Uncle Brock did.

"What do you mean?" Faye asked as she brushed her auburn red locks, another glaring contrast to her wolf family who all had golden blond hair.

"I think this party will be an engagement party for our Felicity and Kieran! The Winters and the Dusks will finally be united in more than just duty! Fee must be so excited!"

Felicity was her cousin and everything a Winter should be. She was a proud warrior she-wolf who could hold her own against any man. Faye had strived to keep up with Felicity their entire lives, but her human blood would never allow it. Faye was better suited for more domestic duties, she was far better at cooking and cleaning than in battle. Liam had tried to get her to train with the other warrior wolves, but she was so terrible that Kieran banned her from training after only three days. She was fine with it, trying to keep up with her peers while Kieran glared at her with disdain was too much for her to handle. She requested that she be trained in the arts instead, and found she had a love for playing the flute.

"I mean she has been living in the princess quarters for almost a year now! Kieran has to imprint on her tonight!" Penelope went on. Kieran was past the age a wolf should be to imprint on someone, but his wolf was stubborn. He had shown interest in Felicity a couple of years ago, and everyone thought that the daughter of their reigning Beta family would be a good choice. So the Alpha had her moved to the princess's palace to try and encourage Kieran to imprint on her.

"Perhaps he already has?" Faye suggested. She hoped so, the two people that hated her the most would make a wonderful couple, and it would keep Felicity from having any reason to taunt Faye any further. She would be too busy being a second princess, to ever think of Faye again.

"Oh, how romantic would that be! To surprise everyone with the news that the second prince has finally imprinted on someone, and then a wedding would not be far off! A wedding! Oh, it's been so long since I have been to one! Think how excited everyone will be! It will be just what we need till Warrick finally takes his place as Alpha."

Faye laughed as her aunt fantasized about her cousin's wedding like a little girl. It was true though, there hasn't been a wedding since Warrick found his mate, Olivia. Usually, a wolf would imprint on his mate, then claim her with a mark. But when someone from the Dusk family found their mate it had to be an event. It was the only time the wolves had a wedding as the humans did. They would say their vows to each other and to the pack, and then the male would claim the female.

"Come on, let's get you in your dress! I want to see how beautiful you will look!" Penelope ordered, shifting her attention back to Faye. Penelope walked to the beautiful blue ball gown that waited for Faye. Blue was the color of the Winters for it matched their vibrant eyes, they would all be dressed in the color at the ball to show their rank in the pack. Faye always felt like an imposter when she wore anything in blue. It did not suit her and she knew it, but her father had it specially made for her, so she would not disappoint him.

Her aunt carefully helped her get dressed and fix her hair in a stylish braided up-do. "Oh, you look gorgeous!" Penelope's eyes sparkled with pride, it almost made Faye look down in embarrassment. Praise was something she was not used to, but Penelope never shied away from showering Faye with it. "I would not be surprised if it gets announced someone has imprinted on you tonight."

"Hah, wouldn't that be a miracle," Faye scoffed. "I am twenty now Penelope, no wolf has imprinted on me yet, I don't think one will."

"Oh, don't talk like that, you may be a hybrid but you are still a Winter. And a Winter never holds her head down and sees herself as less than. If a wolf has not imprinted on you yet it is because they know they are not worthy."

'Or, I'm not worthy,' she thought to herself, but she did not have the heart to argue with her aunt.

"Thank you," she said instead. This seemed to placate her aunt who began busying herself by going through Faye's jewelry. A soft knock at the door interrupted the girls as her father entered the room.

"You look beautiful," Liam moved a lock of hair out of Faye's face as pride danced behind his blue orbs. "But I think you are missing something."

Faye inspected her reflection wondering what was missing, "What?"

"This," he answered, pulling out a black velvet box. He slowly opened it before her and revealed a beautiful chained necklace with a single blue pearl charm decorating it. It was simple but that was what Faye liked. She marveled at the necklace, daring not to touch it.

"Oh, Liam you saved it!" Penelope covered her mouth as tears threatened her eyes. "That was Layla's"

At the sound of her mother's name Faye fell silent, "Are you sure it's ok for me to wear this?"

"Of course, it's your birthright. Every winter has something they pass down to their firstborn. This is rightfully yours." Her father said as he placed the piece around her neck. Faye felt her body heat up with pride, she remembered when Penelope gave Felicity her heirloom, sapphire bracelet, because her older brother Chase, got his from their father.

With that Faye studied her reflection one last time, she felt complete with having a small piece of her mother with her. Her red lips formed a smile and she quickly finished her makeup before she could ruin her face with sentimental tears.

"Well ladies, the sun is starting to set, I think we should make our way to the palace before we miss the main event," her father instructed as he offered his arm to Faye.

"What exactly is the main event?" Faye questioned. "Is Kieran really going to imprint on Felicity this time?"

"I don't know, the Dusks have been very secretive about tonight. They won't even let me in on what is going on."

Faye found this very odd. Her father being the Alpha Daimon's beta, had a hand in everything that happened in the pack. What could be so special about tonight that even he was left in the dark? Faye decided to push her questions to the back of her mind, for it surely had nothing to do with her. In her mind, she was only going out of duty, and for the food.

Just as always the Dusks never failed to impress nobility. The ball was being held outside so that there was enough room for all the invited guests. This was odd, usually, only noble families attended these events, but when Alpha Daimon said he wanted all eligible she-wolves to attend, he meant all of them.

"I am beginning to believe Penelope is correct in her assumption of Felicity's engagement. I cannot imagine why Alpha Daimon would invite so many if he were not going to make a grand announcement."

"But why all mateless wolves if he has already imprinted on Felicity?" Faye asked.

"That is a good question," her father pondered. His eyes then scanned the sea of wolves till his eyes fell on the Alpha family. Kieran was sitting in his usual seat, on the left side of his mother. He did not seem too interested in the event, and he did not spy Felicity at his side. "Kieran's reluctance to imprint on anyone has been a growing concern to the Luna, perhaps ... no that hasn't been done in years..."

"What?" Faye questioned.

"Well...it is very rare we have a wolf of the Alpha family, unable to imprint on anyone, but it has happened in the past. There was only one way to fix that, and it's a little ... unsavory." Liam paused in his explanation as he was greeted by passing wolves. It was the Aaron family who was of the Delta rank. They pointedly ignored Faye as they addressed her father. He gave his polite greetings and then continued to lead Faye to a more secluded spot where he could continue his theory.

"What did they do?" Faye asked once they were finally alone.

"They would force the boy to take some kind of concoction that would temporarily force their wolf to the surface and drive them to imprint on someone. It can be very dangerous if the wolf has been suppressed from a mate for too long, it is another reason why they force it. Any wolf with Lycan blood in it can be dangerous without a mate for too long, but Kieran has been stubborn in remaining mateless all these years."

"I guess no girl is good enough for the second prince," Faye scoffed. Her father gave her a warning look to watch her words. She looked away quickly, realizing her mistake. But she couldn't help but be reminded that Kieran had a reputation of being a play boy. They say his wolf is not easily satisfied and he is often found sneaking off somewhere with some eager She-wolf. Only lately that wolf has continually been Felicity, even without an imprint.

"Let's go find your cousin, I'm sure she is excited for tonight's events at least."

Faye groaned inwardly as her father sniffed out Felicity. Faye would have been fine going the whole night not having to speak to her cousin, but that would never be a possibility.

"Oh, uncle Liam, cousin! It's so good to see you!" Felicity hugged her uncle and gave Faye a once-over. "Cousin, you look so cute in that dress!" Felicity loved calling everything Faye did as cute, it sounded like a compliment while reminding her that she would always be beneath her. She strategically moved a piece of hair behind her ear, allowing a beautiful sapphire ring to be in view, it matched the bracelet her aunt Penelope had given her.

Faye ignored her attempt to show off, but Liam took the bate, "That is a beautiful ring."

Felicity smirked proudly as she waved her hand in front of the two, "Oh this? Thank you so much! It was a little gift from Kieran! He is always thinking of me." It took all of Faye's strength to keep from gagging.

'Just hurry up and get marked by him then so we can stop hearing about all the little things he does for you!' Faye's inner voice shouted.

"Oh, I'm sorry Faye, I know this is hard for you, but I promise there will be a sweet boy who will happily imprint on you. Who knows maybe he is here tonight!" Faye could see the taunting glint in Felicity's eye. She did not truly believe Faye would find anyone, for no one with any rank would want a half-breed.

"Thank you cousin," Faye said returning Felicity's fake sugar-sweet tone back to her. "And I'm sure this is the night Kieran finally imprints on you. I mean I would have given up on him a long time ago, but you have the patience of a saint! And don't worry I'm sure he has a good reason as to why it's taken him so long!"

"Ok, I think that is enough," Liam interrupted. "It was a pleasure seeing you Fee, enjoy the party." Faye was then led away by her father, whose temper had flared only a little. "I know she is not your favorite, but she will be royalty soon, so you must try and be nice to her."

"It's hard to be nice to a snake that wants nothing more than to bite you," Faye retorted.

"Faye," her father sighed, but before he could get his next words out a familiar face interrupted them.

"Tristan!" Faye's face lit up in a genuine smile at the sight of her best friend. Tristan Ashe always knew how to liven up a party. He was rankless but the Ashe name was still a respected one. He never cared about the opinions of others and openly had a friendship with Faye. Faye always wished he would imprint on her, but it never happened. He was defiantly handsome, all the she-wolves flanked to have him imprint on them. His piercing grey eyes, light brown hair that always seemed to glisten in the sunlight, and his tall slender frame, always stole the attention of any mateless she-wolf.

"Beta Winter, Lady Faye, it is an honor to see you both this lovely night. May I be so bold as to ask for a dance?" He asked addressing Faye. Faye looked to her father who nodded his head, and she offered her hand to her friend.

Tristan led Faye onto the dance, as soon as they joined the other dancers Faye felt the familiar tingle of eyes following her every move. She looked around trying to find who was spying on her, but she found no one.

"I must be paranoid, it feels like someone is watching us."

"Someone is always watching," Tristan reminded her. "But I think I see who it is this time," he spun her around, making her have a clear view of the Dusk family. Warrick was speaking with his mate Oliva, and the Alpha and Luna were paying no mind to the dancers. But as her eyes shifted further left, they locked with Kieran's scornful gaze. She sighed and glared back at him openly. She hated the little flutter she felt in the pit of her stomach when she looked at him. It was not fair that someone who detested her so could still make her blush if she was not being careful. The Goddess was also cruel for making him so breathtakingly handsome.

He had dark obsidian hair, which was common in the Dusk family, but his appeared darker than any of his family members. He had a strong jawline and a mouth that always seemed pressed in a disapproving frown. He was also very tall, taller than his brother, which was rare for the second son to pass the Alpha Heir. For some reason, Faye's attention always turned to his adam's apple that bobbed up and down when he spoke. It was either that or focus on his menacing crimson eyes, that bore into her whenever she was near. There was no doubt about it, Kieran Dusk was dangerous. He had the earliest shift in their pack's history, his brother shifted at sixteen while he had his at fourteen. People rumored his early shift is what triggered him to become so big and strong so quickly. Warrick had to rush and find his mate before people could spread the thought of having Kieran be Alpha instead.

Faye caught herself staring for too long and she quickly averted her eyes to focus on her friend once again. She tried to ignore the goosebumps that were crawling up her arm, as she felt Kieran still glaring in her direction. He never failed to make her feel small and vulnerable in a way no other wolf could.

"Can we have one party where he doesn't openly remind me how much he hates me?"

"Perhaps it is me he hates?" Tristan offered. "I would be jealous of me too if I were him. Of course, I pity any wolf who is cursed to have to gaze upon my greatness, "He bragged.

"If you are so great then why have you not found a mate yet?" she asked.

"It's not my fault my wolf has picky taste!" he said as he spun her again. They were slowly making their way to the center of the dance floor, Tristan always found himself in the center of things, but he was such a good dancer people naturally parted for him. "You know, I had hoped my wolf would choose you," he confessed.

"Hey, you deserve better than a halfbreed," she laughed. "Or is your plan to try and mate with someone who gets you more stares and whispers?"

"Oh, I just would like to always have a good dance partner," he confessed with a jovial laugh.

"So, can you tell me what all this is about?" Faye asked in a hushed whisper. "Why are there so many wolves for a birthday party for Kieran?"

"Isn't it obvious? Alpha Daimon wants to force his son to find a mate. I think he hopes he will find someone among all these people, but Kieran hasn't left his seat unless his brother forces him to dance with some random girl. Oh, perhaps I spoke too soon?" He pondered as he directed Faye's gaze to her uncle Brock leading her cousin to Kieran. Kieran did not seem to need to be forced to take Felicity's hand and lead her to the dance floor.

"I guess he just needed the right partner," Faye suggested.

"I feel bad for his wolf, being cursed with a boy with poor taste," Tristan teased as he lead her away from the dance floor. He knew Faye well enough to know she would not want to share a dance with Felicity and Kieran.

"What makes you say it's Kieran's fault and not his wolf?"

"If his wolf wanted to imprint on Felicity he would have done it by now. Unless of course, the rumors are true and he's fighting his wolf back so he can remain mateless. Who knows when it comes to Lycans." Tristan led Faye to the food table and stole one more glance at the dancers, "Whatever the reason for all this, I'm sure we will know soon and it will be the scandal of a lifetime, or at least, I hope it will be." He confessed with a small laugh.