
I don’t want to lose control In rewriting

An extraordinary and exceptional boy named Aim, well, it's how most people know him. After the sudden death of his parents, he found himself under the protection of his father's childhood friend, who guided him and helped him overcome his difficulties and differences. He meets four weird boys, who in some way are different from him, but each represents something positive that will help set in motion all the efforts his guardian has made to help him overcome his daily trouble. They participated in his fulfillment. And the day he crossed the path of Kenan... He is a young boy with an innate talent for classical dance and drawing, which has turned his life upside down with his physique, feline grace, and intoxicating beauty. His habits and desires have taken a turn that he never thought he could. With his intellectual heritage and enormous fortune, which threatens his life after living in hiding for more than nine years, will he make it or the same fate as his parents await him?

Quentin_ikanu · Thành thị
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51 Chs

Get Out Of Here

"So you came back. I hope you calmed down, hm?"

"How dare you talk to me like that?" he said with annoyance, as if I was too casual with him.

"You did it first, don't you remember?" I take back at him in a relaxed tone. He looks at me as if he is trying to remember.

"Ha! so we have a short memory, it seems, from what I see, hm?" This sentence annoyed even more him. He stepped in my direction and then stopped with a grimace that he tried somehow to hide.

"How can you talk to someone you don't know like that?" he retook his sentence differently as if it made a difference to me.

"Because you gave me the right forty-five days ago, one thousand eighty hours, twenty minutes, and ten seconds," I answer him calmly.

His expression goes from annoyance to confusion, and he starts scratching his neck, on which he leaves red marks. These are signs that he has fragile and sensitive skin.

I did not expect better at all. It's all him.

I put down the book I was examining and approached him slowly so as not to scare him because he looked like a little kitten now, with his pretty pouting cherry-colored lips.

Which, by the way, amazes me a lot, but why am I approaching him? What is wrong with me? Are you no longer afraid of being touched, Aim? I feel compelled to ask myself this question because my behavior leaves me speechless.

I was almost at his height when I stopped dead shot when I noticed how much I dominated him with my tall figure. Maybe he made the same remark at the same time as me because he jumped back like a kangaroo.

What an interesting little being.

I smiled before returning to my books.

"Are you always so precise in everything you do?" he uttered annoyingly. "What exactly?" I asked him back. "uh…. I don't know the everyday stuff." He said while shrugging his shoulders. "Are you always so cynical with other people?"

"Uh, what? Cynical, you said?" I snapped

He replied with a bathing eyelash, making him even prettier than he already was. 'Shit, he's angelic… he's lovely; it's impossible.'

"Yes, that's what you heard," like a child defying his parents. The way he carried his head to give more weight to his answer made me chuckle.

He noticed my amused look and scratched his neck while rocking from side to side.

With a bit of cockiness, I show him what he's doing to his skin before ordering him to stop altogether. " You should stop scratching your neck like this, or you'll get a nasty scratch."

He did this without flinching, yet he didn't look like the type to obey people's orders, but he listened to me, and I didn't want to give him another order.

He gently brushed the mark on his skin and then limply dropped his hand down his body.

"Won't you sit down?" I ask him while pointing to the swing. After all, it was the one he had chosen when he broke in here.

"No, it's okay, thanks. You avoided them all. Why don't you answer my questions?"

"I want to allow you to find out for yourself if I'm cynical and maniacal."

"I didn't say you were a maniac." He corrects me by glaring at me but with a very gentle gaze.

"Hhhmmmmmm!" It's only the answer that came out of my throat.

"But if I think carefully about it, maybe you are." He took back a bit cheerfully, pretending to think carefully.

Without bothering to answer, I head to the couch where I sit comfortably, leaving the swing on purpose to him.

I liked the image he left in my head. I want to see him slip into the shell again as he did last.

After long hesitation, he slowly approached the swing and slipped into it. I immediately left what I was reading to look at him discreetly.

And as I hoped, his grace is innate since he slipped into the swing with much more grace than last time. My mouth swung open involuntarily as he slipped his body in the swing as if my mouth had his own will without uttering a sound.

It would be too weird if a sound escaped me. I don't know what I would have said to explain this sound.

I shook my head from side to side as if I wanted to wake up from a dream and chase away this Aim, who was drooling over this bewilderingly charming boy.

When he finished getting comfortable, he immediately regained that cheeky air he had the day we met. "His majesty, in all his grace, I said to myself."

With this naughty look, he scrutinized me with a sidelong glance before asking me. "Why do you take so long to come back?"

"I was busy. Did you miss me?" I said shamelessly without thinking twice.

Honestly, I don't know what's happening to me today. It's as if I was someone else. I no longer control anything since I found myself in front of him.

I'm spouting nonsense with such vigor that I don't even know where I will end up, and I'm thinking about things that aren't too orthodox. The height of stupidity!

"Of course you… huh, no... oh yeah, here I mean, you've been letting me clean your nest all this time. That's what I was trying to say." He said softly when he finally found how to voice out the thoughts that were fighting in his head.

"Am I troubling you?" This is the question that I found; I asked him if I disturbed him. Do you believe that?

Ah no, Aim, are you going to drop that nonsense? What's happening to you today? Why are you acting like Ethan? Did he possess you or something?

Yeah, that's probably it. I can't stop, and nothing changes despite trying to lecture myself about my attitude.

He tries to stay calm and fights against the blush that invades his cheeks little by little. I hear myself coming back to the charge for the most beautiful.

"You're cute when you're blushing, and pink suits you well. Don't hide it, and I like it." He startled and uncrossed his legs that he had brought back in the swing earlier. And he got out of the swing with such speed that I hastened to throw him point-blank.

"But no, let's see, you're not going to run away again on the same day? We didn't even get to know each other. Where did our manners go, huh?"

He stopped short on the action and then sat down, less panicked than before but amused. The complaining tone that I used indeed distracted him so much.

"Can we normally talk like, stop throwing those craps at me? You make me feel uncomfortable."

"My bad. I'm sorry it wasn't my intention."

"I imagine," he said sarcastically.

"You can call me Ewen, and what's your name?"

"Aim... call me Aim, Ewen!" He smiled when I said his name. "What's funny?"

"It's the way you say, Ewen! My father would have loved to hear that." He let go with a sigh.

"Are you German?" I ask him. "Only half," he said.

"And the other half?" I asked, putting the book aside. "Irish," he replied

"It's fascinating! Indeed, you are as interesting as your name suggests. I feel that I will not be bored with you. But, I don't believe you have the characteristics of the god of war, although sometimes you act like a cat with tiger syndrome," referring to his behavior earlier.

"I'm not saying you can't be strong and fierce, far from it."

He glared at me, which made me chuckle. Oh, you laugh a lot today, Aim. I thought to myself mentally. He didn't say anything, he only tensed a little when I mentioned the war god thing, but he relaxed a bit when I said the last line.

"What faculty are you from?"

"Art, don't you want to know more about my Irish side?"

"I didn't want to be indiscreet. I'm working on my discretion at the moment. But tell me more. I've only been dreaming about this for a while."

"You are very different from the person I met the last time, you're straightforward and franc," he said before embarking on a little explanation that I followed with interest, with far too much interest even I can say.

"It's Kenan! My father found it too sweet and light and unsuitable for his son. What egocentrism!" He said, rolling his eyes.

"He named me Ewen, so Kenan exists only in my documents. Everyone adopted Ewen to please him." Sorry, he said I talked too much today; he chuckled before whispering. "There's something wrong with me."

"No, no, I hasten to add, I like to hear you talk. It's rather..." I take a break pushing what I was going to say behind my head and returning to the conversation.

"Indeed, Kenan suits you better; your beauty and charm prove it. Your mother was right, I prefer it a thousand times, but your two first names are lovely."

"And from today, for me, you are Kenan. Are you okay with that?"

He gave a nervous chuckle and looked away for a moment before answering.

"I see you know a lot about names. Sir excels in etymology."

"You can put it like that," I replied. But I have an essential question: "Are you a holy ground, Kenan?"

He burst out laughing, a clear, fresh, crystalline laugh. The serious tone I took undoubtedly put him in this state. Then he says, while laughing...

"You're not going to believe everything the story of my name says, okay? You have to calm down a bit."

We stayed for a while, each lost in our thoughts. I wish I knew what he was thinking now; if only I could pry into people's heads. I would dive right away into his head to see his thoughts.

He was the first to break the silence that fell on us.

"Hey, Aim, are we friends now?"

I started thinking about my new friends. I already have four friends; why add more? It's hard enough as it is to understand them. Why add another one that, at first glance, seems much more complicated than these four together?

And that's how I hear myself answering him after my little reflection

"Well, we'll see," with so much indifference that I want to break my legs to shake myself up a bit.

Hey, but are you dumb or what, Aim? Why didn't you answer him yes? to be honest, I don't even know what I did. It's not long since I was engulfed in spouting nonsense non-stop, but now that I have the chance to be his friend, I'm acting stupid.

"Ah, okay," he said, "sorry for the inconvenience. It's been a pleasure. I have to go."

He was already up when he said his last sentence. He headed for the door heavily as if he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, his undefined grace lost in his hunched shoulders.

What a fool you are. Not an hour ago, you were on fire; now that you have the chance to widen your circle, as painful as you are, you didn't grab the pole he gave you.

Realizing the extent of my raw stupidity, I wanted to rectify the situation. Joining words and deeds, I jumped over the couch in a light jump while calling him by his first name, let's say by what I think I chose as his first name.

"Ken… Wait…" my voice was hoarse. I didn't even recognize it.

I was behind him when he whirled around and bumped into my chest, his supple, soft body all against me.

I heard the surprise "oh!" that slowly came out of his mouth to give way to a curious hand that began to trace a path of fire on my chest, touching my chest from bottom to top.

Then, he lifted his head towards me, delivering to me the explainable beauty of his eyes and his mouth, and.... My breath caught in my lungs, I hadn't seen someone so close in a while, and this was different from the first time I saw someone so close to me, and it was so destabilizing and wonderful.

He had to speak as if the devastating confusion that invaded me was not enough. In a soft, almost inaudible little voice, he whipped.

"You are tall, very tall, and much too tall." With an innocent little voice like a little girl, without stopping to touch me with his right hand... "And very firm, too," he adds in a light breath.

Suddenly realizing what he was doing, he abruptly pulled away from me, leaving a void between us.

I approached him slowly. I urgently need him to be close to me to eliminate the hole he left between us. I want to feel his naughty hand all over my body. It's an emergency.

I took his hand and put it back on my belly, which made him blush like a peony. He moistened his lips, taking on a candy shine that strongly attracted me.

This captivating image of him made me close my eyes at first, and the next moment I found myself leaning over him, raising his chin with my right hand towards me. He couldn't even react and understand what was happening, so I pressed my lips against his soft lips for a moment.

Then slowly, I begin to tenderly place small kisses on the corner of his lips, which relaxes him a little, but he still doesn't do anything. So, I open my mouth and imprison his lower lip, almost forcing the entry.

The moment of surprise completely fades away, I feel him even more relaxed under the pressure of my lips on his, and little by little, he begins to open up to me, leaving me more freedom.

I slid my tongue into his mouth gently. I don't want to strangle him; I just want to kiss him and taste his indescribable saliva repeatedly until he screams for mercy.

But why do I have such thoughts?

As I explored the back of his mouth, playing with his tongue, teasing his soft lips, I felt him falter under pressure.

I had to hold him with my left hand without taking my mouth off him. He moaned when I stuck him against me and put his arms around my waist.

As he continues to moan under the caress of my hand on his tiny waist at his lower back and my eager mouth, I pull him away a bit to look at his face. And the sultry expression I read all over his pretty face and beautiful almond eyes sent a wave of wild sensation through my body, which until now had been unknown to me.

They invade my body and my whole being, almost making me lose my head, and once again, I draw him towards me to kiss him much more passionately than the first time.

I completely lost my mind and sanity this time. I gave free rein to my obscene thoughts, which only aggravated the situation already out of control.

With a superhuman effort, I pull him away from me, a little too abruptly, while collecting all my will. Short of breath, he looked at me while questioning me with his pretty, sensual gaze. I feel he was lost and more confused than I was myself.

And in a hoarse whisper, almost like a beast, I told him:

"You should go now," and I yelled, "please get out of here."

Without asking any questions, as if he could place any word, he begins to walk away backward, then turns quickly to flee towards the door.

I am a beast, an asshole. I didn't even know that fact about me.

Dear reader, I know you are not many here but I am delighted to have you all. this is my second book in English that I try to write correctly.

Loll, then, I would like to ask you to leave me your opinions, comments, and anything that crosses your mind that will be useful and informative that can help me move forward and improve the novel to give you a better job every day any further.

So have fun, I'm waiting for your comments and suggestions. big hugs I love you guys.

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