
I do not know how to live normally as a student

Aoi Hoshi Raitorozu, a thrid year high school. in a young age he became an otaku that never goes out of his room. his mother and father couldn't accept what happened to their son and kicked him out of their house and forced to live in an apartment. After being kicked out of their own house, Aoi realized that he has to change. but it will be hard for him because he has no experience of talking with anyone.

LivingVoid03 · Khoa huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Part 1

My name is Aoi hoshi, hair color? 'Gray' height? hmmm not sure but I think it's 1.73m.

One day on June 1, first day of school, I was making dinner.

I took the hot frying pan, the other snapped the egg and put it on the prying pan.

I took another looked on the egg and sighed.

---This is kind of irritating

In order to understand what's going let me tell you what happened.

Back then when I was still living on my parents house, I was an all day otaku and my parents got irritated what I became, and so they decided to kicked me out of their house, kind of irritating right?

After they kicked me out of their house, they sent me in this one story room apartment in Trece Martines Cavite.

But thanks to them I realize something. I realized that I need to change or else I wouldn't be able to go back to my back then lifestyle.

I continue to spaced out at the hot frying pan and soon realized that I overcooked the egg and shouted:


I looked at my wraistwatch and began to panic.

"W-whoaaa, 7:48.. teachers began to teach lessons at 8:00, I didn't know I'm already late. I have to hurry."

I went to take a quick bath, puts my school uniform on and goes to school.

Saint Jude Parish is the school my mother enrolled me to, which is beside the church.

I stared at how the school looked like and sighed:

"So, this is where i'm going to attend everyday from now on.. huh?!"

I went to the hallway to look which room my name was stationed, And enters the classroom.

"AaaaAAaaA, what's this.. am I really this late?!"

Everyone in the class stares at me and I said.

"Oh, are you from this class?!"

While our home room teacher stopped his lesson for a second and said.

"Yes, I am.."

"I'm supposed to give a punishment for those who are late for class, but I guess I'll let you go. Since it's first day of school."

I nodded my head and taken an empty seat and sighed:

"This is quite troublesome, if only I've woken up a bit early.."

"You're right, first day of school is really hassle right..?"

The person beside my chair spoke and said.

"Yeah, yeah.. uh-huh!, who are you?!"

I took a glance at her and stunned how she looked.

A blonde woman and has a sweet scent of smell, her blue eyes and beautiful face.

She looks exactly like a model or an idol.

"Hah! I am the one who's supposed to be saying that!"

Her glaring eyes pierced into mine.

..Is she an idiot?

I place my palm into my chin and yawns.

"My name doesn't matter, if you don't have any question to ask. I'll be going to sleep now"

"Heh! Wait! I'm quite bored so please entertain me~"

This bitch! Who do she think she is, asking someone to entertain her. I'm not a toy didn't she know!

"Humm, i am aoi hoshi raitorozu. Aoi for short.... And also, I am not a toy, if you want something to entertain you then go to an amusement park!"

"..." 2x

So that's our home room teacher, huh?! He looks like an old man, furthermore he's bald tho.

"Oh, sorry. I think I haven't introduced myself didn't i..? My name is Utsu Minyori, from now on i'll be your new homeroom teacher."

"Nice to meet you, sensei!" Everyone on the class said.

"Uhh.. for now, we should get to know each other by introducing ourselves one by one!"

"write your names on a 1/4 sheet of pad paper, i'll call every single one of you to introduce yourself once you do!"

Utsu asked for our names and said:

Hmmm, this is quite hard. Maybe I shouldn't pass mine.

"Humhumhumhumhummm~ It looks like you've given up on passing your paper, I can tell by looking~"

How did she found out, does it looked obviously?!

I hugged my head and sat on the ground.

"You bitch! How did you found out?!"

"Hah! Look at your face on the mirror, you looked pale, and how dare you call me bitch?! You've gone too far!"

"This woman!!"

I clenched my fist and said:

"Hah! What did you say?!!"

Utsu thrown a chalk on our heads and shouted:

"What are you two doing! Don't fight each other and pass those papers your holding!"

The class was filled with laughter after they saw us, we couldn't help ourself but to feel embrassed.

She approached me and whispers on my ears:

"I'll never forget this! I'll make you pay someday!"

And came back to her seat.

This woman! Getting cocky just because she's a little bit cute.

'Dong, din, don, dun' the bell rang as the all the class has come to an end.

Part 2

*Turumturumturumturum* "thank you, please come again~"

I looked at what I brought on the convinience store and sighed:

"Haaah, hah.. I forgot to eat this morning, and also forgot to eat on lunch break.."

Stomach growls.

I place my right hands on my stomach as well as the person beside me and says,

"Why do misfortune seems to be following me, today."

"Such a bad day"

"Uhuuummm!! You again!"

I looked at her with a stunned looked on my face and said:

"..." 2x

A moment of silent.

She glares at me and says, "are you a stalker? Who do you keep following me, disgusting!"

"I don't want to hear that from you!"

AaaaAAa! This is getting kinda irritating.

"Good bye!"

I raised my hand and waved as I walked away from her and said.

I wander all around the place and found a park.

"Hah.. finally, I can now eat in peace~"

I climb to a big stone that is in front of me and said.

But what's with that woman earlier! The God of misfortune must be on my side today..

I sighed and looked at the sky.

"Give me a break..."

...And suddenly, something caught my eyes. It was a red haired woman wearing a tracksuit running around this street, repeatedly.

Eh! What's that... A woman running this late, she should have done that at the day. Can't she see it's dangerous to walked around at night?!

Heh, its none of my business. Guess i'll just leave her alone.

She suddenly stopped and looked at me while trying to regain her normal breathing.

"Heyy!! You on the top of the stone!! Be careful, I heard that, that place is full of moss"

"Eh! Thank you, I should get off here now-"

I stood up and said.

Unfortunately I lost balance of my footings and fell on the ground.