
I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community. Powerful wizards willfully capture gods, conquer planes, and transform civilizations. Lin En came to this world and after being exposed to the power of wizards, he gradually realized that knowledge is power and power is truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, I will always be a humble apprentice.

potz4ever · Kỳ huyễn
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70 Chs


Lin En was mentally prepared for what Angelet said, but it was just killing people.

His pitch-black pupils did not show any waves.

"Is this the price I need to pay, teacher?" Lynn paused and finally called out "teacher."

"Yes, it is my gift to you to let you embark on the path of a wizard, as well as this knowledge and magic." Angelet said.

Lin En said, "In the trial, is it normal to kill other contestants?"

Lynn needs to ask something in advance.

It will be convenient for him to plan when the time comes.

"Of course," Angelet said. "but-"

Lin En knew that what Angelet said later was the most important.

"However, those noble wizards who boarded the ship from the Kingdom of Erdoru will definitely regard you as an enemy." Angelet said.

Lin En was not surprised. When Angelet said the price just now, he had already thought of this possibility.

Judging from the information learned from Dybala, the nobles of the Kingdom of Eldoru should have some means to screen offspring for wizard talents.

Where there are people, there are factions. These descendants with wizard talents have boarded the ship for generations, and they must have formed their own factions in the wizard academy.

Then, my teacher, which faction do you belong to?

Still, this is just your own personal animosity.

"Too many deaths have been caused." You should only be able to enter the Black Wizard Academy. "Unless you have a relationship with the White Wizard Academy, there is a high probability that the White Wizard Academy has nothing to do with you." Angelet continued.

Lin En stood there and listened silently.

"Teacher, is there anything else I need to ask?"

"If you have anything you don't understand, you can come and ask me." Angelet said.

Lin En nodded; what the teacher meant was that he didn't have to live here.

Thinking that he and his family may only have the last five months to spend together, Lynn feels a little depressed and empty for no reason.

It was after noon when he got home.

Hamilton and the others hadn't returned yet, and Lynn rubbed the ring on his left index finger.

Then they entered the alchemy laboratory. Lynn picked up a book, and the next moment it disappeared in the palm of his hand. At the same time, Lynn felt that there was an extra book in the space ring.

After a series of experiments, Lynn roughly figured out the purpose and limitations of this space ring.

For starters, unlike the alchemy laboratory, it cannot contain living creatures.

Secondly, every time the space ring is activated, whether it is withdrawn or deposited, it will consume a small amount of mental power.

It is similar to opening the alchemy laboratory, because opening the alchemy laboratory will also consume a small amount of mental power, but Lynn does not have the need to use the alchemy laboratory frequently on weekdays, so he doesn't care.

In addition, the space in the space ring has no gravity, and all the items inside are essentially floating and stationary.

But Lynn can adjust the position of the items in the space ring arbitrarily through mental power, and the consumption is very low.

Items put into the space ring will be automatically stored in the free space and will not come into direct contact with other items.

After figuring out the rules for using the ring, Lynn stored all the books on the shelves in the alchemy laboratory in the space ring.

After all, compared to a metal Rubik's Cube, a ring that is worn close to the body is more private.

Then he entered the alchemy laboratory, and Lynn took out the four magic books that recorded spells in the ring.

"Secondary Fireball," "Hand of Mage," "Whip of Thorns," and "Secondary Illusion" are all secondary effects.

Flipping through briefly, Lynn had a general understanding of the effects of these four spells.

These four are zero-ring spells.

The most lethal fireball is the secondary one.

among countless others—the fireball—as the most classic work of magic.

Even if the word "secondary" is added in front of it, it cannot conceal its charm.

On the first page of the secondary fireball technique, the first-level spell fireball is mentioned. The article does not mention the specific power of fireballs but only mentions the most basic application skills of the fire element. Fireball is one of the first-level spells. The secondary fireball spell is one of the simplest to learn, and as a simplified version of the fireball spell, it is also one of the simplest lethal spells in the zero-ring spell, with only twenty-seven nodes.

Lin En almost cried when he saw this; he thought of the forty-seven nodes of the Sleeping Curse and then looked at the twenty-seven nodes that were nearly half missing.

Do you know how I lived when I was building skill nodes?

Based on your twenty-seven nodes, I will learn the super fireball technique this time!

Judging from the scale of the acid missiles that come with the staff, Lynn is quite optimistic about the power of the secondary fireball.

Moreover, it would be embarrassing for a wizard to always drool.

How can a real wizard know a few cool elemental spells?

The second spell, Mage Hand, is an amazing spell.

It is a continuous skill, and the effect is to create a non-attribute ghost hand composed of energy that can remotely manipulate objects and interact with them.

It is mentioned in the book that this is a zero-ring spell that many wizards will learn because the mage's hand has many uses and is very convenient.

However, maintaining the existence of the magic hand requires a steady stream of magic power consumption.

The third spell, Whip of Thorns, requires a casting medium.

It can be any plant seed, and the power of this spell has a certain relationship with the seed.

After casting the spell, the seeds can be activated to generate a thorny vine, which the wizard can manipulate to perform certain activities.

   can be used to whip, bind, and bind.

Ling En looked at it and felt that this spell seemed a bit indecent.

And he doesn't have plant seeds, but the magic book mentions how to cultivate and select seeds.

It is amazing to say that the method of cultivating seeds belongs to the knowledge of variation, and Lynn has no obstacles at all when reading.

The last spell is a lesser illusion.

This spell is to create an illusion mirror that can control movement. The illusion mirror can be any unit; it can be yourself, other people, or even an item.

However, it is mentioned in the magic book that this spell requires extremely high proficiency.

Otherwise, the illusion created will be full of loopholes.

And there is another disadvantage of the secondary illusion technique, which is that its essence is just an illusion simulated by magic power.

So don't expect it to resist damage; even this illusion can't even hold a sheet of paper.

All attacks and physical contact pass through the phantom.

And for wizards with strong mental powers, the mirror image produced by the secondary illusion technique is very clumsy.

In addition to the 27 nodes of the secondary fireball technique, the hand of the mage has 40 nodes, the whip of thorns has 36 nodes, and the secondary phantom has the most nodes, with a total of 50 nodes.

The number of nodes in the Sleeping Curse is actually quite high among the zero-ring spells I have come into contact with.