
Chapter 4 How does PLOT ARMOR work



Level 1 (level 1)

Strength Ex 5700 Endurance EX 10000

Dexterity SSS 3300 Agility SSS 4500

Magic EX 5700

Total stats 31000


Luck EX

Gamers body EX

Gamers mind SS

Plot Armer ??? Error

Zenkai EX

Bloodlines: Ancient Sayian]

So System why don't I have a tail or spiky hair like Goku or Vegeta

[System has removed any negative factors or things that would affect the hosts subconscious and physical body. The Battle craze and Violent nature of Sayians fits into that category and the Spiky hair and Ape like body is unnecessary and was removed]

Thanks system I definitely didn't want a tail or anything😭😭😭


Ok your no fun. Open the map and show me the the route to Orario and exchange some of my UNLIMITED HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA "cough" "cough".... Exchange some of my System points of Vali 100 million will we enough

[ Echange rate is 1SP for 1000 Vali exchanging 100 thousand SP for 100 million Vali

Exchange Succesful Vali is in your inventory]

Ok but System How Strong am I compared to the people here like which level would I be

[.... Host would be at the Standard of a Peak level 7 like Bell or a regular level 8]



No please Almighty Author leave me be I was just caught up in the moment I wasnt serious You are the best you are my Creator

(I'll let you live for now)

😰😰😰 Close call but what was I saying before that..... oh yeah so I'm pretty strong but System do I have to join a familia??

[No on host back there is a Familia Symbol courtesy of the Author]

Ok but do I earn Flana like regular adventurers

[Yes and no]

What do you mean😑

[ So if host uses magic to kill a monster will gain stats in magic but If your magic is maxed out at 10000 then it will turn into a Flana point where you can put wherever you want]

That make sense but then again I'm just can't help but ask what doe PLOT ARMOR do I've seen it in anime and have an idea about it but I still want to ask

[ .....Getting permission from Author...]

(Permission granted)

[ Plot armor basically let's you get in Troublesome scenarios where your life will be on the line but you will always escape on bullshit or you will get into cliche situations like a girl falling from the sky or saving the damsel in distress but she has a big background that you have to get over to be with her or other filler and it is reccomend that host turn it off]

What do you mean turn I can turn it OFF do it immediately I don't want to encounter any of those situations.

[ Are you sure Host]

Yeah I'm sure or is there some down side to turning it off

[The down side of turning it off is that you can die]

Wait I can die i thought i was the main character of this novel

[Host is right you are the main character of this novel but not the MC of Danmachi so If you die Bell will just get more buffs]

Whatever turn it off I don't care I'm already OP if I die it's my fault

[Turning PLOT ARMOR off...]

(I don't think's so what kind of MC doesn't have PLOT ARMOR ITS EVEN MORE POWERFUL THAN ME the AUTHOR)

[Error Error plot armer permanently turned off]

What the fuck...How


I'm really pushing the bullshit 4 chapters of dialogue but the next chapter won't be like this hopefully

Matthew_Coloncreators' thoughts