

After Potions, Harry made his way up through the dungeons to the entrance hall together with his Gryffindor and Slytherin girls, where they slipped out onto the grounds.

The last week of March had granted a few pleasant days, so earlier today they had agreed to meet each other near the lake rather than in the Room of Requirement. Harry smiled to himself as he held hands with Hermione on one side and Roanne on the other side. Over the last few weeks, things had calmed down a little, allowing them to simply spend time together.

"Good afternoon," he greeted as he found the other five girls already waiting at the lake. Each of them – Ginny, Cho, Luna, Delphini and Gabrielle – of course wanted a kiss from Harry before he could sit down. Ginny, Pansy, Lyra and Roanne settled around him, while the others broke up in two other groups. With a flick of his wand, Harry even conjured some blankets to sit on.

Ginny nestled herself between his legs, and leaned into his kisses. "You think we could swim in the lake?" she asked.

Harry chuckled. "In March? Last month was enough cold for my liking."

Roanne shuddered. "I don't need a repeat of that, either."

"What about the summer?" Ginny asked. "I never actually thought about swimming here before…"

"I doubt that'd be much better," Harry said. "It's fed by mountain streams, remember. I mean, you can probably dip in a little during a heatwave, but even then it'll be a little cold."

He could almost hear her pout. "Shame."

Harry trailed a hand through her hair. "Agreed. I'd love to see all of you in bikinis. Maybe I can get a pool installed at Potter Manor when I get around to repairing it."

"There's a Potter Manor?" Roanne asked.

"It was destroyed in the war," Harry said. "That's why my parents were hiding in Godric's Hollow in the first place."

"What's a bikini?" Lyra asked.

Harry drew his wand and pointed it at Gabrielle, transfiguring her clothes into a cyan bikini. The girl let out a squeal and looked around. "Who did that?"

Harry grinned. "That would be me. The girls here wanted to know what a bikini looks like. Perhaps you could turn around a little to show it off?"

"Of course," she said with a smile as she stood and made a few twirls, making sure all girls got a good view.

"So they are used as swimwear?" Pansy asked.

"Yes," Harry said. "By muggles."

Gabrielle bowed down and gave him a kiss. "I like it. Can I have one?"

"Of course," Harry said, transfiguring the bikini back into the clothes she'd been wearing before.

"What about me?" Pansy and Ginny asked at the same time.

Harry chuckled. "I'll buy one for every one of you."

With the excitement over, other conversations sprang up again, though Harry lay back to enjoy the spring. Ginny, of course, took that as an invitation to turn around and lie on top of him, so he put his arms around her and enjoyed her gentle weight and her modest chest pressing into him. He closed his eyes, relaxing further, and after a few minutes started considering the benefits of taking a nap.

However, before he'd made a decision on that, he suddenly felt lips on his, so he opened his eyes again even as he returned the kiss to find a pair of beautiful, chocolate brown eyes.

"Hello, Bushy."

Hermione blushed at the nickname. The first time Harry had used it, he'd actually spent five minutes telling her that he loved her hair and that's why he wanted to use the nickname. She had eventually accepted it as the praise he meant it as and since then she blushed every time he used it.

Said blush deepened. "I wanted to have a moment with you as well."

Harry kissed her again. "As you wish."

"I think you're doing a really good job," she said. "You know, at managing us all."

"Thanks," Harry said. "I do feel like I'm spread thin, at times. In particular now that most of you want to drag me into bed."

She blushed even deeper.

"That's what I have Pansy for," Ginny said from where she was still lying on top of Harry. "If you're not available, she'll take care of me instead." She smirked. "And I of her."

Harry smiled. "But not all of you are bisexual."

"What are you talking about?" Gabrielle asked, turning around. "I'm bisexual."

"You are?" Harry asked, surprised.

"All veela are," she said.

"Same with metamorphs," Delphini said.

"Well, you could help out each other at least, if you don't feel satisfied with the time I can spend on you," Harry said.

"I could help out everyone," Delphini said as she morphed into a mirror image of Harry, up to and including her voice. She even transfigured her clothes. "If it's satisfaction they need, does it matter if it's the real you?"

"You know, that might actually be a good idea," Harry said.

"I want a threesome," Ginny stated.

"You mean like we had a few weeks back?"

"No, with you and Delphini while she looks like you."

Harry chuckled. "Claiming us all for yourself, are you?"

"No, wait, I didn't mean to—" she started protesting, but Harry placed a finger on her mouth to interrupt her.

"I was just teasing you, Ginny. If you want a date with me and Delphini while she looks like me, that can be arranged. What about the others? Are you okay with the idea of Delphini taking care of your needs when I'm too busy to?"

Lavender looked her up and down. "It's a little weird, but if she can handle me as well as you can, I'm not declining." She blushed brightly. Harry had taken her virginity earlier this month, and the girl had very much enjoyed it.

"I just hope I won't have to make a roster at some point," Harry said. "At that point I definitely have too many girlfriends."

"I'm pretty sure you had too many girlfriends the moment your metamorph girlfriend felt the need to offer to change herself into you to help satisfy them," Lyra teased.

"Fair enough, fair enough," Harry conceded.

Ginny got her wish less than a week later. Delphini had actually slipped into Gryffindor tower – with Harry's help, of course – and morphed into him while in the boys' dormitory. She had come up with the idea of trying to keep Ginny from figuring out who was who – Harry suspected she had been inspired by Sirius or Tonks – and he had agreed to play along.

His part was of course the easy part, as he just had to be himself while Delphini, as the metamorph, would be the one acting different from usual. Apparently, it was common to teach metamorphs how to impersonate people, because their special ability gave them such a big advantage that they almost invariably ended up doing some kind of job where it was useful to be able to impersonate someone.

They hadn't practiced twin speak, though.

Harry purposefully descended the stairs behind Delphini after he realized that his first instinct was to take the lead. Not that it mattered much, as Ginny wasn't in the common room yet.

"What the hell?" Fred – or George – exclaimed. Harry had a habit of just labeling the first one that drew his attention 'Fred'. Funnily enough, the twins tended to play along with that.

"One of us is Delphini," Delphini said.

Harry smirked. "Surprise for your little sis."

The twins shared a look.

"No need to tell us any details," George said immediately.

On the other side of the common room, Seamus and Dean started laughing.

Ginny came down the stairs several minutes later, wearing a red blouse and a skirt made up of intricate red, white and gold patterns.

"Good evening, gorgeous," Delphini said, giving her a kiss on her hand with the exact same bow Harry normally made.

He repeated the action, of course.

"So who is who?" Ginny asked, looking between them.

They chuckled. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Harry teased.

Ginny grinned. "I like this already."

Harry slipped an arm around her waist, which was mirrored by Delphini moments after. They led her out of the common room and to the Room of Requirement, as was of course expected.

"You even feel the same way," Ginny noted. "Like, your arms, the way you walk."

"I'm glad to know Delphini is a good impersonator," Harry said.

"So you're Harry," Ginny said.

"I could be," Harry said. "Or perhaps I was speaking in third person about myself to confuse you."

Ginny remained silent for a few seconds, though Harry could feel from how she twitched that she was planning to do something. Then, suddenly, she turned, giving Delphini a passionate kiss.

The girl didn't show a moment of surprise, immediately answering it and bringing her arms up around Ginny. Harry stepped up behind Ginny, placing a few more kisses in her neck.

After they backed off from each other, Ginny pointed at Delphini. "I think you're Harry."

Delphini smirked. "You think kisses mean more than method of speech?"

"I don't feel like Harry?" Harry asked, faking disappointment.

"Ugh, whatever," Ginny said. "But I will figure it out."

Harry and Delphini both laughed. Inwardly, Harry was amazed at how well Delphini could impersonate him, even to the point of copying the pitch of his laugh.

"Well," he said as they arrived at the Room, "guess we'll have to reveal it to create the correct configuration, huh?" He looked at Delphini.

She smirked. "That, or we went here beforehand, and agreed on a configuration."

With that, they stepped forward together, walking back and forth as the Room required. Delphini opened the door and both bowed down to Ginny.

"After you, m'lady," Harry said.

She looked back and forth between them suspiciously, but entered.

The inside looked like a cabin Harry had once stayed in during a holiday in the Alps – together with Ginny, of course – and the view was absolutely magnificent.

"Dobby?" Delphini called as Harry sat Ginny at the table.

"Yes, Harry Potter sir?" Dobby said.

"So you're Harry," Ginny exclaimed.

"Please get us our dinners," Delphini told him.

Harry smirked at Ginny. "Perhaps."

Dobby appeared with the meals.

"Dobby?" Harry said, drawing his attention.

"Yes, Harry Potter sir?"

"Thanks for the help. Perhaps you could come back in… thirty minutes to see if we need anything?"

"Of course Harry Potter sir!"

He popped away.

Both Harry and Delphini were smirking at Ginny.

"This is unfair!"

The smirks turned into full-blown laughs. Both of them gave Ginny a quick kiss on the lips and sat down on either side of her – the opposite side of the table was occupied by the fake window and it's view.

Harry patted her on the knee. "How do you like it so far, Ginny?"

"You're both being absolutely infuriating," she said before moving in for a kiss. "But I don't mind."

Harry grinned. "I can promise you we're having a lot of fun."

"Who came up with this?" Ginny asked.

"Delphini," Delphini said. "I had absolutely no idea she could impersonate me that well."

"Sooo," Ginny drew out, "are you Harry?"

Harry laughed. "Or perhaps she's speaking in third person about herself to confuse you. Just like I might've been doing before."

Ginny snorted. "How am I ever going to catch you?"

"Definitely not while we're still on our guard," Delphini said. "You should let it rest for a bit, and then once we're relaxed try to strike."

Ginny nodded, redirecting her attention to her plate.

After they had finished their dinner – including a second drink, courtesy of Dobby – Ginny looked between them. "So, what else have you planned?"

"A movie," Delphini said. "And before you ask, Delphini and I have watched it before today to make sure you couldn't catch us."

Harry planted a few more kisses in Ginny's neck. "But you're welcome to try."

As they left their chairs, Harry and Delphini pressed Ginny in between their bodies, kissing her on the mouth and everywhere on her neck and cheek where they could find bare skin as they guided her to the adjacent room.

"I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the end of the movie if you're going to continue like this," Ginny said.

"Oh, is Miss a little horny?" Harry teased. "Well, worst case we don't finish the movie, right?"

By now, they had arrived at the couch and sat down. Harry grabbed the remote control and turned the TV on, then gave it to Delphini so she could make the movie play. Harry had actually had to teach Delphini how to use it.

Ginny started laughing. "You prepared everything, didn't you?"

"We have to live up to my Marauder heritage," Harry said. "And Tonks is no slouch in that department either, and surely you know how well she and Delphini got along during Yule. With both being metamorphs and all that."

They both pressed into Ginny slightly in a configuration that reminded Harry of his date with Ginny and Pansy – except he'd been in the middle, that time – and started watching. And of course, this also meant the popcorn was on Ginny's lap.

They indeed did not reach the end of the movie. Half of the way through, Ginny had started pulling them closer, encouraging them to start kissing her. Some fifteen minutes later, the redhead had been squeezed between the two of them, and Harry had absently paused the movie just moments before the first pieces of clothing started coming off.

The first session actually took place fully on the couch, however they moved to the bed afterwards to worship Ginny's body for several more hours before going to sleep – still with her squeezed in between them.

And she never did figure out who was who.

Two days after that unforgettable three-way date with Ginny, Harry had once again been called to Dumbledore's office, and this time he was truly at a loss for why. In the previous timeline, Dumbledore had called him into his office only once in the first four years, namely after Harry had been implicated in the petrifications in second year. This year he was at, what… four times? Five? Actually, he might be counting the time he had requested the meeting himself, now that he thought about it.

He pushed open the door.

"Good evening, Harry."

"Good evening, headmaster. You wanted to see me?"

Harry sat down in the chair in front of Dumbledore's desk, accepting a lemon drop.

Dumbledore nodded. "With everything that's going on, not to mention Alastor's inability to find a way to remove you from the Tournament, I thought it prudent to check up on you. So how are you doing?"

"It could be worse," Harry said with a smile. "I've had a lot of time with the girls recently, ever since that storm of contracts after the second task was over."

Dumbledore chuckled. "Yes, I imagine that must have been quite a busy time for you. My compliments for how you handled that situation."

"Thank you, professor." He doubted this was everything Dumbledore had called him for, though.

"And your preparation for the Tournament?"

"I'll first have to hear more about what the third task is about," Harry said, "but I'm also practicing some generic spells. Sirius and Tonks gave me a few pointers over the holidays as well." Okay, that was a straight up lie. He didn't need pointers.

Dumbledore smiled. "I also heard a rumor of two Harry Potters walking around the school a few days back, together with Miss Gryffindor."

"Ginny wanted a special date," Harry said, "with Delphini looking like me. We came up with that because it's rather a lot of work for me to take care of all of them by myself."

Dumbledore nodded. "I can imagine. You should know, I have recently been in a bit of a conundrum myself."

"How come?" Harry asked. This was probably the real reason why Dumbledore had called him here.

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. "Well, I do not have any children myself, and neither does my brother, who is my only living relative. That would mean the Noble House of Dumbledore would go extinct upon our passing, unless I designate an heir."

Harry nodded along.

"For some time, I intended to simply let that happen," Dumbledore explained. The twinkling seemed to get stronger. "But over this past year, you have shown yourself to be remarkably mature, not to mention that your girlfriends are already accustomed to the idea of sharing. Therefore, I have decided to name you my heir."

Harry sat there for several seconds, dumbfounded.

Then he started laughing.

And laughing.

And laughing.

It took him at least a minute to get himself under control while Dumbledore waited patiently.

"My apologies, headmaster. I have found that my life is, at times, rather ridiculous, and to see the humor in it and laugh it off is the only solution."

Dumbledore's eyes still twinkled madly. "There are worse coping mechanisms. You have no issues with this, then?"

Harry snorted. "Headmaster, I gave up trying when I found myself with four life debts over girls that all wanted them resolved by marriage."

"Best of luck in finding yourself a Lady Dumbledore then," Dumbledore said.

"That's the only reason you did this, didn't you?" Harry accused him playfully.

Dumbledore popped a lemon drop in his mouth. "We old men have to get our joy from somewhere, Harry."

"I think the Marauders have rubbed off on you."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled again. "Or perhaps I have rubbed off on them. Well, perhaps you should go and tell your future wives, Harry."

Harry nodded. "Of course, goodbye, headmaster."

"Goodbye, Harry."

He left the office, still barely able to keep in his laughter, yet at the same time already thinking about his options. This was just ridiculous. And so typical Dumbledore that Harry wasn't sure how he hadn't seen it coming.

Hannah Abbott, Tracey Davis, or maybe one of the Patils. Those would be the best options. Daphne Greengrass and Susan Bones both stood to inherit a title, so that wouldn't resolve any issues. One of the Patils might not be a good idea either, as it would be extremely strange to have twelve – twelve! – wives, and then only one of a pair of twins.

Harry briefly fantasized about asking to marry both, but decided he shouldn't let all this get to his head. Besides, if he wanted to have a threesome with two identical girls, surely Delphini could be of service to him. She'd already done it for Ginny after all.

"Good evening," Harry said as he entered the Room.

All girls were there and fell silent as they noticed him.

"What did Dumbledore want?" Roanne, who sat closest to the door, asked.

"Apparently, he wanted to name me his heir," Harry said.

"You're fucking kidding," Lyra said.

"Language!" That was Hermione, of course. "Though I do have to agree," she conceded.

"That was my first thought as well," Harry replied. "But no, he was completely serious. Which means I now – as I'm sure you've all realized – have to find a future Lady Dumbledore."

Everyone seemed to need a few seconds to process that.

"Do you have any ideas already?" Lavender asked. "I mean, you were getting to know girls for the other titles, earlier, right?"

"Yes," Harry said. "The six remaining girls that I feel I got along with best in our year are Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones and Padma and Parvati Patil." He sat down on a couch in between Gabrielle and Hermione. Gabrielle, of course, cuddled into him immediately. "Greengrass and Bones fall off because they're both the heiress of their House, so signing a contract with them would just move the issue like with Lyra. Padma and Parvati fall off because I honestly think it's just super weird to have twelve wives, and then have one of a set of twins."

"What if you just get them both?" Ginny proposed.

"They might not even want that," Harry pointed out. "And I don't want to go into the direction where I get more wives without good reason. That could be a slippery slope. Besides, it's not like I need that."

"Yeah, you'll get more anyway," Roanne said with a chuckle.

"Precisely. So that leaves Tracey Davis and Hannah Abbott. I haven't given it much thought beyond that yet."

"You should go for Hannah," Luna said.

"Why do you think so?" Harry asked.

"You don't have any Hufflepuffs yet. Besides, she has fewer blibbering humdingers."

Harry nodded, as if the second made as much sense as the first. "I like that argument, actually."

"The blibbering humdingers?" Luna asked.

"Mostly the Hufflepuff part," Harry admitted. Luna scuttled over and sat on his lap. "Any disagreements?" Harry asked.

"I agree with Luna," Lyra said. "And don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Tracey, it's just that… well, I'd be worried about the manor burning down or something like that. Like, the stunts she pulls sometimes…"

"She's also pretty much attached to Daphne," Pansy argued.

"I think it's a good idea to have a Hufflepuff," Hermione said. "If you're going to have so many girlfriends, you might as well make sure they represent all four Houses."

"And Beauxbatons," Gabrielle said, though she was a Gryffindor now with her transfer.

"And Durmstrang," Harry said, glancing to Delphini. "I suppose we're a pretty diverse group then. Well, that's assuming Abbott is interested. I wouldn't blame her for saying no."

That seemed to signal the end of the discussion, and Harry redirected his attention to Luna's delectable neck. She always squirmed so deliciously if he started nuzzling it.