I can't remember if Y/n and Marinette share a room so I'm going to say that they do.
"You wouldn't believe the interview I just had to go to," Marinette fumed to me, pacing around her room. She sat down on the bed, lowering her voice dramatically. "As Ladybug, I mean." She stood up again, throwing her hands in the air. "I mean, Nadia's questions were so unprofessional I was practically talking to like, one of my friends."
I gulped, nodding. She still hadn't realized I was right there beside her. "Yeah. Sounds terrible."
"And on top of that, there's this whole new superhero named 'Ladynoir' of all things," Marinette rolled her eyes. "Who comes up with a name like that?"
I lowered my eyes. "I thought it was okay." I inhaled deeply, crossing my legs and folding my arms. "What do you think of the new superhero?"
"She's okay," Marinette turned to me, tapping her chin. "But it's weird because Cat Noir never mentioned having other friends when he's a superhero. Other than you of course."
I thought for sure she was going to get it there and then, but of course. Blind af Marinette. She continued on another tangent.
"—so then Nadia starts talking about relationships and trying to stir up drama between you and Ladynoir."
"Why would she do that?" I asked, baffled. "how would she do that?"
"She kinda made it seem like Ladynoir might be close to Cat Noir," Marinette paused. "
"Oh." I said. "."
"Yeah," Marinette huffed. "Do you know who Ladynoir might be?"
"No clue," I shrugged, *awkwardly smiles at the wall*. "But I was watching the interview. She seemed fine...I don't think I have anything to worry about with Cat."
"You sure? He can be a major flirt—"
"Talking about me, Mari?" A voice came from the other side of the room.
I spun around, coming face to face with Cat Noir. He leaned in, kissing me quickly before sitting next to me.
"So, who are we gossiping about?"
"You can't just come in here when we're trying to have a private discussion," Marinette rolled her eyes, sighing.
"Y/n doesn't mind," Cat smirked, turning to me and placing a hand on my thigh. "Do you?"
I gulped. "Nope. Nope, not at all."
Marinette pursed her lips, staring at Cat's hand. "Any further with that hand and you'll be missing several claws, Cat Noir."
"I certainly wouldn't want that," Cat Noir said offhandedly, but he left his hand there.
"We were talking about the interview this afternoon," I said, giving him a significant glance. "The one with Ladynoir and Ladybug."
"Ladynoir..." Cat Noir trailed off. "That's a terrible name," He winked at me when Marinette wasn't looking and I punched him on the arm. "Ouch."
Marinette narrowed her eyes. "What I don't understand is why you're letting some random girl borrow your powers for a day. It's just so random. Plus, does she know your identity?"
"First of all, I wouldn't let some random girl take my miraculous," Cat Noir pointed out. He slid his hand slightly further up. "And she doesn't know my identity."
"There must be something against handing out your miraculous though," Marinette crossed her arms. "Also, if you're so close to this girl..." She glanced between Cat and I.
"Well, I'll assure you the girl and I are not in that kind of relationship," Cat lied. For a split second I forgot the girl was me.
"Who is she?" I asked.
"What?" Cat Noir's face went blank and he raised an eyebrow. "Y/n....I can't tell you."
"Oh," I said. "Right. "
Marinette narrowed her eyes. "I'm highly suspicious of you, Cat Noir."
"Don't be," Cat Noir said, laying down on my bed. "I'm tired."
"So you're just going to sleep here?" Marinette sighed. ""She thought about it for a couple of seconds. "I'm going to go hang out with Juleka. Tell Mom and Dad where I am."
I smirked. "Right. Juleka. Definitely not the older brother she has..."
"Shut it." Marinette pointed at Cat Noir. "Not that you can talk."
"Use protection!" Cat Noir yelled as Marinette walked out the door. She stuck her middle finger up at him.