
I 39 I

'That is not what I meant,' Adrien corrects himself. 

'What he means is, girl who's a friend,' I say quickly to everyone who's currently listening, which is literally everyone in the class room. 'Space between words.' 

'And Cat Noir is not that powerful,' Marinette says. 

Adrien's mouth drops open. 'I wouldn't say that.' 

'And you also don't say that I'm your girlfriend,' I say through gritted teeth. 'That's for sure.' 

'Nothing to be confused about,' Mari starts loudly. 'Don't believe Lila and her lies.' 

'I wouldn't believe her for a second girl,' Alya says with a glare in Lila's direction. 

'Me neither,' Rose says. 

'Lila's caused trouble from the second she got here,' Juleka mutters under her breath. 

'And Y/n's not my girlfriend,' Adrien clarifies again.

'Right,' Marinette narrows her eyes, taking my hand and pulling me along with her. Once we get the hallway, she wheels around, facing me directly. 'Is Adrien Cat Noir?' She asks bluntly. 

'No-why would you think that?' I say, half laughing.

'Adrien never slips up on his words,' Marinette says suspiciously. 'Never. That's only me who does that.' 

'True, true,' I nod slowly. 'Maybe he's just tired today?' 

Mari doesn't look at all convinced. 'Or maybe he's tired because he's always sneaking out to see he's girlfriend.' 

'He doesn't have any girlfriend,' I defend. 'He just made a mistake.' 

'Adrien doesn't make mistakes,' Marinette insists. 

'Lila's a trouble maker, Mari,' I shake my head. 'She's just trying to stir up trouble that isn't there.' 

'I know, I know,' Marinette scratches her arm. 'But it still doesn't make sense why Adrien would call you his girlfriend.' 

'Everyone knows that Adrien doesn't know the difference between 'just a friend' and 'girlfriend,' I roll my eyes. 'That's common knowledge.' 

'Huh. You have a fair point with that one.' Marinette agrees. 'Fine. But if i hear anything else-' 

'You won't.' I promise. 'Because there's nothing going on. Adrien is just a friend.'