
I, Cut down Douluo, without Spirit Skills

Synopsis: Reborn in Holy Spirit Village, nicknamed Ah Man, whose 18 generations of ancestors were born only with zero-Level innate spirit power, awakened green hatchet with Level 3 spirit power. No spirit ring or no spirit bone skills, fights rely on cutting everything flat, if you feel uncomfortable, come and cut me. Also known as "Born as a commoner, the daughter of a rich family fell in love with me" "This man obviously has no spirit skills, why is he so fierce?" PS1: Entering the Spirit Hall, won’t follow Tang San, won't worship the master, and bring his wifu to build his own academy. So If you love Tang San you won't like it. PS2: His advantage or cheat is soul power and Dark Arts of Dark Ones from another world (Feng Shen Ji Manhua), power of Dark Ones complements well as a not-too-powerful cheat (no instant Op, need some growth). PS3: There's no need to read that Manhua, I will add an Auxiliary chapter to introduce the skills and other bits for both your and my convenience; Author will also introduce the cheat skill in chapter 5 and 6. === Author: Stir-Fried Qitian Pepper === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://www.69shu.com/txt/44424.htm You can support original author in Chinese site.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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365 Chs

Chapter 310 Three Years

"Good." Lin Manshan nodded and went back together with Bibi Dong on the return journey towards the village at the bottom of the mountain.

According to the village chief, the newly relocated villagers were all humble tenant farmers of the principality's nobles.

According to the usual practice, near the New Year should be the day when the nobles would send people down to collect the rent. This year, they were exempted from taxes for a year because they just moved to a new place.

They didn't send people over to collect the rent in the first year because someone just died here, so they might be afraid of being contaminated by bad luck. Lin Manshan guessed this in his mind during his previous conversation with the village chief, as he sensed the fearful emotion.

Whenever that nobleman was mentioned, the village chief panicked.

He should be terrified that the noble would send someone over.

Glancing back at Bibi Dong, and then thinking of her stunningly beautiful face during her adulthood, he couldn't help but fall into thought, 'The illusion is so well-devised, it might be a future pitfall.'

Not long after, the two of them returned to the house in silence.

In the following days, Lin Manshan was considered to have truly fulfilled his promise of saying that he would personally cook for Bibi Dong to eat and took the initiative to take over the cooking job. The reason was also very simple: one, it was a promise, and two, it was to pay the rent.

When Lin Manshan said this, Bibi Dong, who had been the Holy Maiden and the Pope for decades and did not need to cook for herself, agreed without hesitation but also expressed that she would help out if there was a need to do so.

Thus, Lin Manshan's career as a home cook officially began. Of course, the cultivation and training still continued, and because there was no need for classes in the morning, there was more time. The potions, too, had been stocked up long before he returned.

As for the venue, there was plenty of space in the back of the mountain.

Bibi Dong's life of losing many battles was once again started.

One of the days, the villager who passed by the courtyard saw Bibi Dong, who was walking a bit unnaturally because she was kicked in the thigh during training, and couldn't help but let out a lament.

"Spirit masters are different."

Bibi Dong's hearing wasn't bad, first, she was stunned, then her jade porcelain-like face flushed red, frowning as she looked over.

"." The villager fled.

The night was silent, and the next day, Lin Manshan, who went out to buy vegetables, sensed multiple pairs of strange gazes sweeping over him.

"???" With a dumbfounded face, he walked home.

After he finished cooking, when Bibi Dong came to the table, he couldn't help but ask, "Bibi Dong, has anything strange happened in the village in the past few days? How come I felt that the villagers' eyes weren't quite right when I went out today."

"I don't know." Bibi Dong lightly pinched the porcelain bowl and replied dryly.

"Also, in the future, you should stop addressing me by my full name, since I address you by your nickname, Ah Man, you can just call me Ah Dong."

"Good." Lin Manshan nodded.

A few days later, on the first day of the New Year's visit, a call sounded outside the house.

Lin Manshan got up and went forward to open the door, and when he looked around, it was the village chief who was carrying a fruit basket with a smile on his face, "Ah Man, Happy New Year."

As the only two spirit masters in the village, it was necessary to make good relations.

"Village Chief, you're polite." Lin Manshan had a smile on his face as he took the fruit basket and side-stepped to invite him into the house.

"I still have things to do at home, so I won't go in." The village chief glanced at Bibi Dong behind Lin Manshan and smiled.

"Alright then, village chief, take care." Lin Manshan nodded and watched the village chief leave.

Closing the wooden door, the two returned to the house.

Previously, when they were outdoors, it was cold and windy, so they couldn't smell anything. As soon as they returned to the warmth of the house with a charcoal fire, the two of them immediately smelled a faint fishy odour that came from the fruit basket. Lin Manshan could not help but lift up the fruit basket, and when he looked at it, something was pressed underneath the fruits knotted with rope, and he lifted it up to take a look.

It was two pieces of pig's loins packed in a greaseproof paper bag.

With a swift glance, Bibi Dong instantly turned scarlet, "I'm going to go cultivate." Then she stomped away.

This, so embarrassing.

Lin Manshan froze in place with a dumbfounded look on his face.   

In the evening, Lin Manshan ultimately did not have the guts to serve the two pieces of loins on the dinner table, but instead waited for Bibi Dong to return to her room to cultivate, and opened up a small stove for himself, a dish of stir-fried pork loin went into his belly, and it tasted pretty good.

Time passed day by day, and the vacation quickly came to an end, and the two of them packed up their things and returned to the academy.

Everything went on as usual, and they continued their academy life. The only difference was that two of the dormitory mates had already graduated, and there were no new work-study students that year, so the dormitory was more empty.

Time rushed by and two years passed.

The dormitory was even emptier, all of last year's dormitory mates had reported for graduation, and now only Lin Manshan and Bibi Dong were left. In addition, the two of them had managed to break through to level 10, and the breakthroughs were only a few days apart. Honestly, Lin Manshan was still quite surprised at this result.

He had to work at the restaurant in the afternoon, and Bibi Dong clearly had more time to cultivate than him, and Bibi Dong's innate spirit power was still higher than his. The effect of the Meridian Skill on soul body cultivation could be described as minimal. According to reason, Bibi Dong's cultivation speed had to be faster than his in any case.

Did Bibi Dong deliberately suppress her cultivation speed? Or did she spend most of her time on improving her melee combat abilities?

Although he was a bit puzzled, over the past two years, Bibi Dong had indeed made great progress in her melee combat ability.

Even though her perception ability was still inferior to his, she was already able to fight him back and forth in actual combat. Of course, the end result hadn't changed, and she still hadn't won a single time.

In a duel between masters, even a slight advantage could be transformed into a huge lead.

It wasn't that he hadn't thought about releasing water, but seeing that Bibi Dong wasn't the slightest bit discouraged by the defeat, he dismissed the idea.

Amid his thoughts, he continued to walk in the direction of the faculty building.

Now that both of them had broken through to level 10, it was time to obtain their spirit rings.

On the other side, Bibi Dong looked at Lin Manshan's side face with her spare glance and her gaze flickered, and her mind churned with emotion.

It was true that she had progressed a lot in these two years, but not winning once, this result obviously did not satisfy her.

There was always a small lead in physical combat, so what about adding cultivation? Wasn't it possible to expand the lead and directly kill with a single strike? Every time she thought about this, she didn't dare to slack off a bit, and thus, she still demanded her actual combat training with Lin Manshan to be carried out every day.

Moreover, she really didn't want this training program where she could spend time with Lin Manshan in close contact to stop, and even, she hoped that this illusion would continue for a longer period of time.

Three years, three years of spending time together, she had to admit that she was somewhat indulged in this illusion. These three years were the happiest time she had spent in years.

Sure enough, time is the most potent poison in this world. Glancing at the trace of tenderness in Bibi Dong's eyes, the Rakshasa God couldn't help but sigh softly.

The other students in the work-study dormitory had all departed a year ago, and now only Lin Manshan and Bibi Dong remained.

In other words, the two had been alone in the dormitory for a year.

On top of that, they were alone during the training in the back of the mountain, and they were also alone when they went back to live in the village for the New Year, and it was still three whole years.

She could tell that Lin Manshan had long since perceived some of the essence of the Sin Reincarnation. Therefore, in order to prevent Bibi Dong from eventually embarking on the path of corruption, he has always been showing Bibi Dong the good side, trying to make Bibi Dong's heart move towards the light.

However, Lin Manshan had forgotten the power of time and what his goodness meant to Bibi Dong who had experienced pain and trauma, especially after spending time with him day and night.

Joy, Anger, Sorrow, Fear, Love, Evil, and Desire, the four of the seven emotions assessed, anger, sorrow, fear, and evil, Bibi Dong can be considered to have been deeply felt them during the first half of her life, and it is not difficult to invoke it with an illusion realm.

Originally, Yu Xiaogang was a good choice for the three aspects such as joy, love, and desire, because Bibi Dong still had an obsession in her heart back then. However, a series of subsequent changes caused her to suddenly break her obsession and become disappointed in love. For this reason, she had not been able to find a suitable point to trigger Bibi Dong's three emotions.

Especially when it comes to pushing Bibi Dong's three emotions to the extreme to achieve the final scenario, which is also the final assessment, the final decision that decides everything.

But now, it was almost time for the final game to be played. The Rakshasa God's gaze flickered, and then with a thought, her fingertip lightly tapped the water. At that moment, within the pool of the great hall, Bibi Dong's physical body changed once again, "This is considered to be a piece of my atonement to you."

"I didn't expect that you Rakshasa God would also have moments of weakness." On the other side, the Shura God raised an eyebrow, "Rather clever, calculating so ruthlessly, if you don't do something to make amends, even if things come to fruition, in the future, it's inevitable that you'll be hunted down everywhere you run."

"These two little guys, none of them are a kind person."

Between his thoughts, the water in front of him suddenly rippled.


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