
I choose you

"We were strangers, then upgraded to being friends, then we started liking each other, and the next thing I knew, I was already in love with this man... Even being away from him, still didn't kill the feelings we had for each other. I wonder what the future has in store for us, as for now, I just want to be happy with him...". I said at a length. A true love story of Chikamso and Chinonso. The setting of this story is in Nigeria, but as the story progresses, scenes from the UK are added. Warning: Steamy scenes are included. Criticism isn't allowed, but ideas are welcomed.

Chris_the_writer · Thành thị
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15 Chs


Christabel's POV 

Him again. 

Sooo… Here we are in school. Extension period. It was a rule in the school, that before the exams started (WAEC & NECO), all SS3 students had to stay over at the school for a month or two, for intense reading.

It was a hassle getting the money from my dad, but the principal gave us a discount, and here my twin and I was, in school, doing our best to make our father proud.

It was night time.

The bell was rung for us to get something to eat, before classes continued. I quickly dashed for the stairs, so as to get food. The food vendor, always sold nice meals, and if you so much as get there late, her food would be sold out, and as a proud FOODIE, I needed her food in my belly.

Running down the stairs, I almost lost my footing, I had to hold the wall, and halt in my steps.

"Christabel, Calm down na". I heard a voice say. I lifted my head up to see who was talking. It was lanre, and he wasn't alone, he was with three of his friends, Mohammed, Joel, and the cassanova Chinonso.

They all looked at me, like they wanted to laugh. I just smiled at Lanre, and continued on my run for food. They don't know what it's like to love food.

I got there in time, to buy Iya dammy's Food. I happily ate my food. After I was done eating, and chatting with a few friends,

I headed up the stairs, to class. But my innocent eyes were blinded by who, you may ask?!. CHI TO THE FREAKING NONSO.

He was with his girlfriend. His arms were around her waist. I just gave them the stink eye, and walked away. It was dark, so there was no way in hell they saw me.

Don't they get tired?. 

I seriously wonder what she saw in that guy, yeah sure, he is dreamy, handsome, brilliant, basically every tennage girls dream, but not mine.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate him, I just disliked how he lived his life. It irked me, and for what reason, I don't know. 

It's not like we were close buds, or I cared about what he did, it's just that, I was this naive and strong headed girl, who believed that, your body was meant for your husband, and no one else.

That's what you'd get stuck in your head, if you were properly trained by a Nigerian mom. 

I mean, you are meant to keep your body for your spouse, right?. So it's quite irritating to see him and her doing, only God knows what on that staircase.

I walked into class, and sat down, ready for the next lecture.

Someone walked by, and slightly touched my cheek. I turned around to see who that was. I smiled knowing it was the guy I liked.

I slightly touched my cheek, with the feeling of happiness and giddiness in me.