
I choose a C ranked hero in another world, I was mocked online

In a world besieged by monsters, humanity's survival hangs in the balance. But hope emerges when every individual comes of age, bestowed with the chance to forge a bond with a hero. These bonds grant them formidable powers to combat the relentless threats lurking in the shadows. Enter Chen Ye, a newcomer to this tumultuous realm. Amidst a sea of aspirants, he discovers an unexpected trend: everyone gravitates towards heroes from the legendary series "One Punch Man." While most covet the esteemed S-tier champions, Chen Ye discerns a truth hidden to others. He recognizes the unparalleled strength of the One Punch Man, a humble C-tier hero. Undeterred by societal norms and peer pressure, Chen Ye boldly selects the Saitama Physique as his ally during the pivotal graduation ceremony. However, his decision incites scorn and derision, broadcasted live for the world to witness. Mocked as a fool for his unconventional choice, Chen Ye retreats into a realm of silence, channeling his energy into rigorous training. Three arduous years pass, marked by relentless dedication and unwavering resolve. Then, as if scripted by fate, a transformation unfolds. The once-dismissed Chen Ye emerges not as a punchline but as an enigma—an indomitable force. Clad in the invincible guise of the Saitama Physique, he defies the very fabric of reality, rewriting the rules of engagement and carving his legend in the annals of history. join my patreon to read further p@treon.com/anish_44

anish_44 · Tranh châm biếm
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139 Chs

Chapter 21: The Art of Light Body

Chapter 21: The Art of Light Body

Everyone was enthusiastically discussing their weapon choices.

Only Chen Ye and Qian Fugui were without anyone to talk to.

Chen Ye appeared indifferent.

His young body housed a mature soul, allowing him to be unconcerned about these matters.

Qian Fugui, however, seemed quite dejected.

Eventually, their roommates Zhao Zheng and Lu Yong couldn't stand it anymore and came over to ask them.

"Chen Ye, Fugui, have you decided on what weapons to choose?" Zhao Zheng asked.

Chen Ye thought for a moment and said, "I'll choose a knife."

Qian Fugui followed, "Then I'll choose a sword!"

Suddenly, a laugh came from nearby: "Qian Fugui, I suggest you go to the hospital for a heart transplant first. Otherwise, with your talent, it's too dangerous to enter the Secret Realm. You'll attract monsters wherever you go."

It was actually a joke.

However, Qian Fugui, already sensitized by continuous setbacks, immediately bristled.

"Son of a bitch, say that again!"

Qian Fugui stood up, his eyes red with anger, staring at the speaker with a posture ready to fight.

The student who had just spoken was clearly taken aback and quickly said, "I was just joking... forget it, I apologize, Qian Fugui. I won't say anything about you again."

This person was smart, making it seem like Qian Fugui couldn't take a joke, leaving Qian Fugui in an awkward position.

Qian Fugui took several deep breaths, then packed up his things and left the classroom.

This left Zhao Zheng and the others feeling somewhat embarrassed.

Watching Qian Fugui's retreating figure, Chen Ye shook his head slightly.

The tragedy was already set in stone from the moment the little fatty chose to match with King.

The path Qian Fugui had chosen, he had to walk by himself!


After class.

The teacher created a class group, added all the students to the group, and then sent out a list of weapons.

[This is the list of all alloy weapons. Take a look first. If you're not satisfied, you can also design your own weapon blueprints for customization. However, custom orders take longer, and I don't recommend doing this.]



Students responded one after another.

Teacher Liu: [Also, a reminder to everyone, do not post the content of the course online. AI is very advanced now, and no matter how you try to post anonymously, you can be tracked. If caught, the starting penalty is three years. Content related to the Secret Realm will be instantly deleted, so don't do anything foolish.]



Chen Ye downloaded the weapon list file sent by Teacher Liu, which was surprisingly 1 GB in size.

Opening the file, he found there were thousands of weapons listed.

Each weapon came with high-definition 3D images and detailed descriptions of its size, weight, pressure tolerance, and destructiveness.

No wonder the file was so large.

He casually flipped through it and eventually chose an alloy knife, sending his choice to Teacher Liu.

Although Chen Ye had chosen a weapon, he might not necessarily use it. The choice was more about keeping up appearances to avoid arousing suspicion.

When the Secret Realm opens, Chen Ye plans to bring some glutinous rice and a peach wood sword to test whether the zombies in the Secret Realm are afraid of these items, just like in movies and TV shows.

This experiment is crucial.

Chen Ye suspects that all the monsters in the Secret Realm might be creatures he is familiar with from his extensive knowledge of films and shows.

If this is true,

Then Chen Ye could have an unimaginable advantage in the Secret Realm.

Despite already possessing the physique of the Bald Demon King,

Who wouldn't want more advantages?

Additionally, his Saitama physique does not allow for the growth of mental attributes, which he can conveniently develop through experiences in the Secret Realm.


Everyone gathered in the cafeteria for lunch, all four roommates together.

Zhao Zheng suddenly spoke up, "Chen Ye, Fugui, and Lu Yong, if you're free this afternoon, would you accompany me to the library? I want to choose a form of national martial arts, and I'd appreciate your opinions."

Hearing this, Lu Yong immediately said, "Bro Zhao, you must be joking. With our talents, how can we advise someone with your high-level talent?"

Chen Ye shook his head slightly.

Although Lu Yong liked to flatter, his emotional intelligence seemed a bit low.

Zhao Zheng's suggestion was clearly an attempt to engage his roommates in a collective study and research effort.

Chen Ye guessed that something Teacher Liu said to Zhao Zheng during a previous encounter might have prompted Zhao Zheng, a talented individual, to actively approach them, the "underachievers."

Chen Ye had to admit, Zhao Zheng's way of interacting with others was impressive and made Chen Ye appreciate the young man.

Currently, although other students with S-level talents would chat and laugh with classmates, the arrogance in their eyes when facing A-level talents was unmistakable.

Some didn't even bother to hide it, openly displaying a superior attitude.

Only a few S-level talents genuinely treated everyone as equals.

Zhao Zheng was one of these few.

"There is a teacher in three," Zhao Zheng said with a smile. "It's good to have you guys help me think it through."

Seeing Zhao Zheng's insistence, Lu Yong finally understood and agreed, "If Bro Zhao says so, I'll definitely go."

Chen Ye thought it over. He had nothing planned for the afternoon and was curious about the library of this special university, so he decided to go and have a look.

"Let's go, then!"

Qian Fugui, naturally, wouldn't dampen the mood at such a time.

So, the group headed towards the library.

Upon arrival, they found the library already bustling with people.

Instead of books, the library was equipped with individual computers, none of which were connected to the internet.

Although there was no network access, the computers stored a vast amount of information, more than enough for the new students to study and use.

The four of them found a spot and began researching.

Chen Ye initially wanted to check out the monsters in Secret Realm No. 2, but the system indicated that he didn't have access...

With nothing else to do, seeing Zhao Zheng researching national martial arts, he also opened related materials to browse.

This world had a wide variety of national martial arts.

Since the emergence of hero talents, national martial arts had rapidly developed. Over the decades, countless diverse and complex martial arts forms had evolved.


While browsing, Chen Ye suddenly came across an interesting martial art.

This martial art was called "Light Body Technique"!

After mastering it, one could control their muscles and compress their bones, making their body smaller and allowing them to move through extreme environments.

It was somewhat similar to the bone-shrinking skill.

Or rather, this Light Body Technique was an enhanced version of the bone-shrinking skill, much more sophisticated.

Once mastered, it could significantly reduce one's height without affecting strength and mobility.

Most importantly, the technique was easy to learn, especially for those with developed muscles.

Chen Ye's muscles, though unassuming in appearance, were incredibly powerful.

He felt it was essential to learn this martial art...

(End of Chapter)


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