
I can upgrade using my Experience Points!

Chris Drake , a young orphan who was forced into hiding and left fending for himself at such a young age. One day , he found something that will change his life for the better and even the world itself. Join Chris on his great adventure and rise to the top! ******* ps: my first time writing so no bashing please. i'll try to improve my writing as i advance.

eLReQuiem · Du hí
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72 Chs

--- More pests to drive away and with her once again.

On top of the outer wall of the Moon Empire, a small drama is slowly unfolding...

When a certain blonde man, who had already lost all his rationality when he saw "his" woman being close to another man, shouted in the direction of Chris and the girls, accusing Hannah of "cheating" with another man, the group came to a halt.

Chris had a darkened face and was already gripping his bow tightly, ready to shoot the arrogant bastard at any moment. He was enraged by what he had just heard, but he managed to keep his cool.

Hannah, on the other hand, was agitated and had a darkened face. This delusional prince, whom she had rejected coldly live on air before, continued to harass her and even called her his fiancée in front of her beloved.

Just as she was about to speak, though, her best friend Rana stepped in and spoke in a loud tone. After all, they are currently being televised.

"Isn't that a bit too presumptuous, first prince of the Griffin Empire, Sir Ivan Gale? Or did you forget the embarrassment you received live on air a few weeks ago?"

The blonde man, named Ivan Gale, furrowed his brows. He didn't like this princess from the southern continent sticking her nose where it didn't belong.

"This is none of your concern, Princess Rana Le Sable! Will you please step back?"

"I am her best friend, so it's my business! You're out of line, so please stop declaring something that isn't true! We're currently live on air, so will you stop making a scene here?"

Ivan just snorted while glancing left and right, but with his current mental state, he didn't care anymore.

"What do you know? Whether she likes it or not, she doesn't have any choice here. Me proposing to her live on TV before was just a formality. No matter what, it's inevitable..."

Chris and the rest of the girls were suddenly confused about what Ivan meant by his words. It was as if he was trying to say something but keeping it vague. Only the two princesses and their aides knew what he meant.

But just before someone tried to ask a question, Hannah finally stepped in.

"Hmph! To hell with your empire's extortions and threats! I'd rather die than marry a disgusting, shitty pervert like you!"

"Your empire kept on threatening mine with war and secretly supporting those despicable traitors who were planning a coup."

"If you want a war, then bring it on! It's much better to die in battle than to become one of your sexdolls, you lusty degenerate!"


She fired curses and accusations continuously at the blonde prince and his empire, leaving the bystanders and the people watching live speechless. They didn't think this graceful princess had this side. Her friends and Chris were the only ones who knew her attitude, and she just smiled wryly.

But still, they finally knew what was going on, and it made their blood boil, especially Chris, who was already itching to just cast a heavenly spell once and for all.

The live viewers, on the other hand, were surprised at the information. They didn't know that the number-one empire just below the church was doing this kind of thing behind the scenes.


"Y-your Majesty, I-I think we need to fall back for now, or else the public might paint us as villains here..."

Ivan finally snapped out of his delusions and couldn't even refute anymore. He now realizes his error, and even his butler has a trace of anxiety while whispering at him, suggesting that he stand down as they have a good image to keep.

"What? Cat got your tongue now, huh?"

Ivan became pissed as this woman in front of him was getting on his nerves now. He was the next ruler of the strongest empire in Gilona. For a meager bedwarmer to talk to him like that is unforgivable. He then replied with a mocking grin.

"Hmph! I don't know what you're talking about right now. Isn't your empire's ruler so incompetent that some of your people want change?"

"The very fact that the daughter acts like a golddigging whore when she sees opportunity shows how low their integrity is."

"Hehehe...! I guess it runs in the fami-!"



Just as Ivan was in the middle of his nonsense, an arrow was fired towards him. It was the masked person behind the girls, which is Chris.

He immediately raised his shield while grinning. He's been on guard since the beginning, especially towards Chris, as he knew that this guy might shoot. As one of the players who holds the "Best" title, he has a top-notch battle sense. If he can't even anticipate this, then he won't be worthy of the title at all.

"Heh! The dog who loves to eat scraps finally made a move, huh? cowardly moves as always. Let's see how you will fare in a real comba-!"

*Tink!* -246,848,000

The only thing he didn't anticipate was that blocking an attack from Chris would be a no-no. He instantly turned into a mote of light the moment the arrow landed on his shield while he was in the middle of his arrogant speech.


"""Your Majesty!!!"""

His Elite Royal Guards, as well as the Butler who was with him, were dumbfounded at what happened. They didn't understand what the heck just happened. They saw that it was blocked completely, but their prince still died?

But as Elite Royal Guards, they shrugged that off and immediately prepared for battle while some were trying to revive him, which was impossible as Chris' special trait was still on.

Meanwhile, on Chris' side...

[You killed Savage Fortress!]

[PK point +1(x1,000 for doing it on a non-PK zone.). PKP Count: 3,000.]

[You obtained 3,250,000,000 Gold Coins, 100,000 Platinum Coins, 500 Spirit Stones.....]

'Heh! You might be good at combat, but it doesn't mean anything if my attack lands.'

Chris had a smirk on his face while looking at the wonderful loot he just obtained.

With a terrified look, the butler pointed his finger at Chris and asked him while stuttering.

"Y-you! D-d-did you know what you'd done?"

"Hmmm? Well, I just killed a rude fly... Also, stop doing that. Your prince will be offline for more than three months. Hehe..."


He answered with a nonchalant tone as if he had just killed a bug, leaving the butler speechless. The butler wanted to ask about his latter sentence, but Chris spoke once again, and this time it was in a heavy tone. His hand also formed a fist, which started glowing.

"You see, calling my woman names is pretty much seeking death. Maybe you should teach your prince some manners later?"

The silver-haired girl who was in the front became as red as a tomato when her beloved declared her as his woman. The rest, excluding two certain girls, were confused about it. But they unsheathed their weapons as things were about to go down. They'll just ask later, after this farce is over.

The butler and the Royal Guards were already fuming in anger, ready to attack at any moment. But they held back and stayed their ground, as they could see the masked man's fist was shining like crazy, as if ready to cast a spell at any moment. If they ran away, though, they might get shot one at a time.

'''Oh my god, for this guy to even cast a spell in a place full of NPCs! He's too ruthless!'''

They've become even more terrified, knowing that they will definitely suffer a terrible loss at his hands. Even the onlookers who saw his fist glowing ran away as far away as possible. They don't want to get caught by that terrifying spell he was about to unleash. Only the girls with him remained, as they are still in his party.

The butler was about to speak when one of the royal guards spoke first. Although they can't use force because the enemy is extremely strong, they can still use words and hope to at least threaten him.

"Y-you just killed the imperial prince of the Griffin Empire. Are you no-!"

*Sooo!* *Pak!* -246,848,000


Another kill. The man didn't even manage to dodge, or at least block, because of his current mental state.

[You killed One Cast!]

[PK point +1(x1,000 for doing it on a non-PK zone.). PKP Count: 4,000.]

[You obtained.....]

"So noisy! as if your "Do you know who I am?" card will work on me. I even slapped the church's face. Do you think your empire was exempted? Heh! Fool!"



The butler stepped in and prostrated at Chris and the girls, making them frown. His hands can be seen shaking.

"I-I'm sorry for this, Lord Despair and Your Highness, Princess Hannah. T-this is just a misunderstanding and an error on our part. S-so please let us go..."


"Y-you lot! What are you waiting for? Follow what I'm doing right now!"


The butler had no choice but to swallow his pride; these hundreds of thousands of people with him are the best of the best of their empire.

It cost them nearly three-quarters of their empire's total wealth just to equip these elites. So if they get annihilated here, the consequence will just be too severe. He also knew that if Chris still attacked despite their apology, he would definitely be publicly deemed evil.

The viewers watching this scene were amazed to see hundreds of thousands of elite royal guards of the strongest empire in Gilona prostrating in front of 25 people. This was definitely a massive loss of face.

"Hmph! How shameless to do that after you fools try to make trouble!"

Hannah has a disdainful expression but is delighted inside at the sight she is seeing right now.

"I guess I'll be depicted as an evil man if I still pursue this matter, huh? Well played, old man."


Chris had a thoughtful look inside his mask but the sneered and spoke again in a very heavy tone.

"But if any of those fools try to push their luck against me, then I'll just kill them all! Just like that, old man... So... what makes you think that I care about being depicted as evil by the masses?"

The butler lost all the colors on his face. He didn't know what to say anymore.

'Damnit! I'm too old for this shitty job! I'll definitely retire after this and just enjoy this game with my family.'

The butler didn't know what to do anymore and was sweating profusely, occasionally cursing at the hedonistic prince he was assigned to. But then he heard Chris speak again, which somewhat lightened his somewhat heavy shoulders.

"Tell your prince that if your guild steps on the Moon Empire again, I will visit the Sun Empire to annihilate you all there..."


"Scram! Or I might change my mind..."


The butler and the elite royal guards stood up and scurried away like rabbits. Even though the royal guards are feeling really heavy right now, they can't do anything about it.

Either they ran away with their tail between their legs or tried to uselessly fight and died instantly, making their empire lose a lot of military power. It was obvious what to choose.

Only the butler breathed a sigh of relief. After all, if they all die here, he and his family will definitely be executed due to his prostration in public.

"Hmph! Good riddance!"

"Heeeheee! Run like idiots, you perverts from the pervert empire!"

"That's right! Shooo! Shooo!"

**Clap!** ""Yay!""

"These little girls! Haaah..."

"Anyway, let's go back to headquarters, as these two lovebirds have a lot of explaining to do."

"Ah! That's right! What's going on between big sister Hannah and Lord Des?"


After the farce was over, the girls remembered the thing that was going on between the mysterious masked man and their leader. Their curiosity suddenly grew, and their ears perked up, waiting to get an answer.

"Let's go back, and you'll know."

"""Ehhh!? Alriiiiight...~"""

Their curiosity will be answered later, though, as they are still in public. Their curiosity increased even more upon seeing the two holding hands and getting quite sticky.


A few hours later...

Between the headquarters of Radiant Wings, Dark Divas, and Lazy Dragons, where the lake was, two people can be seen sitting nearby. It was Chris and Hannah. Hannah was sitting in front of Chris with her back facing him. while Chris was hugging her from behind. They're just silently enjoying each other's warmth.

'Man, I can't be too reliant on ranged attacks. I have to master my melee combat as well.'

Chris, who was staring at the lake, had a sudden feeling of urgency to train his combat skills as he feels that there will be a lot of challengers in the future.

'If I fight that guy in a one-on-one melee fight, I'll definitely lose. In terms of combat ability, I am way weaker than that guy.'

Although he has overwhelming stats right now, his skills are pretty much subpar, and he admits it.

His eight years in hiding made him stagnant, and as no one guides him anymore, he didn't improve that much, not to mention that he was malnourished before because of his struggle to save money for the last two years and their anxiousness towards other people for the past six years before that made him really weak.


"What are you sighing about? Are you thinking of your enemies?"

"N-no, not really..."

He was snapped out of his daze by Hannah. She knew that this guy is a worrywart and always thinking of what he will do next. One of the things that she liked about him was that he really looked cute when he thought about what he should do next with a troubled face.

They are currently having a moment in front of the lake, which is next to their headquarters. The rest of the girls who were with them gave them space to have their own time together and catch up after Chris introduced himself to them.

They were surprised after he removed his mask and saw how handsome the man who was hiding behind the mask was, and even more surprised when they learned his identity. The little pinkhead cried like there was no tomorrow after seeing her big brother once again. It took a while to actually hush her and make her fall asleep.

"Hmph! You never changed since we were young..."


Hannah then looked up at him. She had a look that seems to finally decided on something.



"I decided!"


"I'll go to Glaze City and live with you."

"Okay...do wha- Wait, what!?"


"Oi, oi! What about your empire? What about Uncle Henry and Auntie Aya?"

"They'll be fine. What's with that reaction? You said you missed me, and now you're freaking out?"

"N-no, I'm not actually..."

"Hmph! It's not like you're hiding a woman in your house right?"





Chris was in a dilemma as this silver-haired girl in front of him was on point. Now, he doesn't even know how to answer her. He had no idea that she already knew, as she interrogated a certain fatty using the private chat and even confirmed it with the girl in question afterwards.

She became jealous that her fiancé was living with her other childhood friend now, so she decided to fly to his city to live with him too. She won't let anyone take her number one spot, even if it's a friend of hers.

From now on, Chris' life will be more colorful than before... Or maybe chaotic?