
I can upgrade using my Experience Points!

Chris Drake , a young orphan who was forced into hiding and left fending for himself at such a young age. One day , he found something that will change his life for the better and even the world itself. Join Chris on his great adventure and rise to the top! ******* ps: my first time writing so no bashing please. i'll try to improve my writing as i advance.

eLReQuiem · Du hí
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72 Chs

--- Attacking the World Boss

[Blaze]! -1,-1,-1...[Frost Touch]! -1,-1,-1... [Heavy Slash]! -5 [Triple Strike]! -1,-1,-1 *Shiiing!* -1 *Wooosh!* -1 [Armor Break]! -250 *Bam!* -1 [Slam]! -1,-1 [Electro]! -1,-1,-1... *Pak!* -1 [Poison Field]! -1,-1,-1.....

"This is annoying! No matter what, we can only deal 1 damage!"

"I know, right? Do they expect us to kill this thing? Are those Game Masters crazy?"

"Haaah... we can't stop now. Even if you are only in the hundredth billionth place, you can still get a good reward."


"I'm so jealous of those players with defense-ignoring skills. I should've chosen an assassin or archer class before..."


"You girls, stop whining. One more hour, and we'll leave this place. Remember, we're just making quota damage so we won't get kicked from within the hundredth billionth place."

"Yeah, look at little Eri and little Misha. They didn't even whine. So move your asses!"


The Dark Divas and Radiant Wings are currently attacking the world boss. They have their own space where they can attack comfortably. The boys can only look from afar and dream at these beauties.

Even if there's a flood of players, there's still enough space to stand in front of the World Boss, as its size is just so massive.

Everyone was doing their best to deal as much damage as they possibly could, or rather, to land as many hits as they could. Even though it was nigh impossible to kill it, at least being at the minimum rank of the damage ranking that a player can get a reward for is more than enough for them.

This same scene was also playing out on the other 11 starting empires. A truly magnificent event that no one wants to miss.


[The Gift of all Gifts(SSS+) Lvl.250

HP: 50,000,000,000,000

Skill: Reboxed, Return Gift, Heavenly Trumpet, Divine Barrier, Unbreakable, God's Grace

Drop: 1,000,000 Spirit Coins, 10,000 Crimson Coins, 10-20 S-Ranked Item Tickets, 3-5 SS-Ranked Item Tickets, 1 SSS-Ranked Item Ticket, Ultimate Holiday Giftbox x3.]

"Level 250? Incredible!"

"The loot is plentiful as well, though I'm not sure if I'll be able to kill that..."

On top of the Empire Capital's outer wall, a handsome young man with black hair can be seen frowning while looking at the massive World Boss in the form of a gift box. It was Chris, and he was already thinking of ways to kill the god-ranked World Boss.

The World Boss was so massive that you could probably put the empire he was on inside and stack at least seven more on top of it, and there would still be more space inside that massive gift box. Even the mountains in the background looked like dwarfs compared to it.

"Man, there are so many players as well. But even with that, it's not making any difference at all."

A sea of players surrounded it, with more standing on top of it while attacking. It does not fight back, instead remaining stationary, which is advantageous for the players because if it does, no players will be within a few miles of its location. Even the Moon Empire will most likely cease to exist.

The World Boss was only using a skill that makes it invulnerable for a few minutes, a skill that stuns nearby hostiles, a skill that returns the damage it receives, and a skill to heal itself.

The healing was unnecessary though, as it has an incredibly high defense and regeneration rate, but it still does anyways to rub salt in the players' wounds.

Almost all of the players can be seen with frustration in their eyes, but they still attack nonetheless, as the promise of a sweet reward is too tempting to pass up. There are also some who have a triumphant and excited look, as if they can already taste the sweetest reward possible.


"Foooh... Let's test the waters first with my highest possible raw damage without activating my full berserk or drinking any buff potions..."

Taking a deep breath, he started to draw his newly upgraded longbow.

His target was about 3 miles away from the outer walls, and it seems that it will stay put in the same place for the duration of the event, so it's really convenient for him to attack from the top of the wall as he has a 6 kilometer attack range. It's all thanks to his high Perception attribute and weapon.

With this, it was very comfortable for him to attack from here because no one would disturb or mess with him as the wall is still technically part of a no-PK zone.

[Soul Conversion]! -494,898 HP, 2/494,900, +494,898 DMG, [Partial Berserk]! +100% DMG/ARM/Reduc.

"Alright, here goes!"

[Power Shot]! 5...4...3...2... *Swooosh!* *Whistles!*.....

"Um... why is the arrow whistling? Is it some kind of special effect added after the skill upgrade?"

He was confused after releasing his arrow, as it was followed by a trail of whistling that resounded through the air. It's not that loud compared to the battlefield, but the unique sound was really noticeable, making most people look up.

"Oi, what's that?"

"Dunno. Maybe an attack?"

"It's fast!"

"Beautiful! It's like a shooting star..."

"It's going to hi-!"

*BANG!!!* -127,601,640




"Holy shit!"

"It's an attack!"

"So much damage..."

"Who the hell was tha-?"

And just as everyone was wondering who did the attack, a world announcement answered it.

[World Announcement: Player 'Despair' took the current first place of the World Boss damage ranking!]


"I-it's him!"

"Ahhh~ Lord Des! My Hero~!"


""Yay! It's Lord Des!""

Meanwhile, Chris had a darkened look on his face. He wasn't happy at all.

"What the hell, that attack barely tickled it! With this little damage, there's no way I can kill that!"

In truth, it was already amazing damage coming from a level 25 player, and yet he was dissatisfied with it. He didn't notice that there were some players on top of the wall who were looking at him with a twitching mouth after hearing what he said. Even Amanda was also nearby.

'''Oi, don't say such ridiculous words! Those players below deal only meager damage, and yet, you...''' They said it in their minds until they finally realized who it was.

"I-it's him..."

"Quick! Let's record him!"

"S-should we interview him?"

"Stupid! Stay where you are! Did you not see he's busy?"


In the end, they just stayed put and focused their recorders on him. Chris still didn't notice them, as he was busy contemplating what he should do.

"Hmmm... let's see what its skills can do first before going all out. It's good that its regeneration is expressed in flat numbers and not percentages. Still, it was pretty high despite being debuffed by players with reduced regeneration."

He had no idea about the World Boss' skill, and he didn't have time to look for some information in the forums either. And it is much better to see the skill in action, so its information will be laid bare in his eyes. With that, he can calculate the timings and form better plans.

[Power Shot]! 5...4...3...2... *Shwooosh!* *Whistles!* [Power Shot]! 5...4...3...2... *Shooosh!* *Whistles!* *BANG!!!* -38,520,000 [Power Shot]!.....

Because of the distance between him and the World Boss, his arrow takes at least 10 seconds to reach it, allowing him to shoot twice before one lands. He was also aware of the people around him, so he kept quiet and stopped talking out loud. 


'The damage became even lower without that one instance attack from conversion...'

His bombardment of charged whistling arrows continues, and the battlefield becomes silent while looking in his direction. Although he was too far away from them, they could at least see the silhouette of the person who was shooting.

They were also surprised at his incredible attack range, wondering how much perception this guy has in order to achieve that range. He was an ideal shooter, especially for the archers who already had stars in their eyes as if they had finally found their god.

"What are you idiota dozing off for? Go attack!"


"M-maybe this World Boss will die...?"

"T-the loots... and he's too faraway, and if he managed to kill this boss, m-maybe we... we can have it for ourselves?"


They gulped loudly after hearing the loot. They suddenly became energized.

"Go, go! There are millions of us here. Even if we only deal with a meager amount, it still accumulates. We can at least help him by mitigating its regeneration!"

"""YEAH!!!""" """OUUU!!!"""

Driven by greed, the players surrounding the world boss have renewed vigor and started to attack it with fervor. Madness can now be seen in their eyes. Who wouldn't? The World Boss has a chance to drop heavenly- to god-ranked items, which will change anyone's life instantly.

The drops of a monster can be looted by anyone, even if they didn't do the deed of killing it themselves. Little did they know that Chris has an automatic looting function, so they are bound to be disappointed in the end.

Meanwhile, a beautiful silver-haired girl was staring intently at the silhouette of Chris from afar. No one knows what she was thinking at the moment, but there is a clear longing in her eyes, along with a little bit of dissatisfaction. She snapped out of her stupor when the two little girls beside her spoke.

"Eriri, let's do our best to help Lord Des!"

"Hm! Let's also protect Lord Des' loot from these greedy people, Shasha!"


Smiling wryly at their conversation, she also attacked with fervor. She plans to confront him later, once this is done. There's actually no doubt in her eyes that this massive World Boss will fall today.