
I can summon characters, but also anything from books

Ravi_Sankhala · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


The morning sun cast a gentle glow upon the world as Vikram Chauhan rubbed his bleary eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. But as he sat up in bed, he quickly realized that something was amiss. The room around him seemed different, unfamiliar and he didn't recognize it.

he looked at the room, the walls of room are painted in a soothing shade of blue, creating a calming atmosphere and a wall mirror was placed at a wall. A window allows natural light to filter in, casting gentle rays that brighten the room. A simple wooden bed, a small desk stands against another wall, cluttered with notebooks, pens, and a books were there. A worn but comfortable chair sits nearby.

He stood up and came front of wall mirror and look at the mirror and found a reflection of a boy about seventeen year old then his mind suddenly flashed back to a time when he had died in a car accident on Earth and teleported to another planet, and he was shocked that he was in a young body.

In his memory, the previous owner of body also known as same name and lives in a dorm at the school because he moved to the city for his education while his poor family still lives in a small town and was an ordinary person, who died of a heart attack at night.

Vikram still reeling from the shock of finding himself in a different body on a foreign world, took a moment to absorb the information from the memories of the previous owner.

Because it is a different world from his previous world, Earth, where he lived, fantasy things like super powers, monsters, etc. exist here.

According to the memories of previous owner, this world is called Blue Planet and two hundred years ago, when the worlds of monsters and humans merged and spiritual power revived then the human race nearly perished by monsters, because modern weapons are ineffective against monsters at that critical time some people awaken innate abilities that could strengthen their power to oppose monsters from invasion and hardly protected a tenth of the entire population after those people had known as heroes of human race.

The previous owner had dreamed of awakening innate abilities, but before he passed away, the protagonist's soul occupied his body.

When he was thinking about previous owner's memories, a sound rang in his brain.


And a light transparent blue screen appeared in front of him and there was a some text and appeared on screen.

"The system is binding with host."

System bar progressed 1% 2 %... 98% it is slow down as it stopped.

"What is it?"

"Why is progress bar stop at 98% but it is still showing that it is loading? "

He have many questions in his mind but there are no one can answer his questions. Even though he waited for half an hour, there was no answer so he lost his patience.

After a few moments, his phone started ringing. His eyes moved to the phone and he walked over to the desk where his phone was, picked it up, and looked at its screen. He has 45 minutes to get to school, else he will be late for school.

He was formerly an adult man who had completed his education, but since he is now a teen boy, he must attend school in addition to wanting to learn more about this fantasy world. He set everything aside, bathed and dressed for school, and headed to the dining hall to eat break fast.

eight months later

Vikram already eighteen years old, he learned a lot about this world throughout these months and became familiar with it. He admitted that he was not awakened and that he was attending a ordinary university with ordinary and few low grade innate abilities students.

High school students were given the chance to awaken their abilities with a low grade-F awakening stone during their senior year for free, he also given a chance but but due to his lack of talent, he failed, and he is now in ordinary university. If he has gotten a high grade awakening stone then his chance could increased and even could get a high level innate abilities but can't with his poor background he can't afford a low grade which market prize is 50,000 Gold Coins (GC).

In this world, currency is the GC, and the annual income of a typical middle-class household is 100,000 GC.

Vikram had still waited and waited but the system progress bar remained firmly stuck at 98%. His hopes of making system progress now faded away. He also confirmed that only he is able to see this screen and other people can't see it.

"What the hell are you and Why are you hang on to me?"

He has frustrated with it and scolded it and smash a fist at blue screen of system and fist passed through system screen he didn't feel anything as it is just a light screen.

"Host, be aware; don't bully me and don't think i am easy to bullied"

But some changes happen in screen and a voice from the system was heard, and an angry emoji showed up on the screen.

"what??" Vikram was so surprised that the emoji on the blue screen could speak and interact with him like a human that he gazed at it with his mouth wide open.

"You can speak like a human" Vikram's voice trembles, he has to overcome from shock yet and asked to system screen.

"Yes, of course, I can speak like human. After all, I am the system lord and have my own consciousness." as system bragged and Vikram ignored it and asked him again.

"Why hadn't you spoken to me yet, then?"

"I didn't, since you never asked me."

Vikram doesn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing the tone of the system. because of this tone, he even wonders why this system has its own consciousness. If the system doesn't have it, then it is better.