
I can summon anime op characters

what happened when you can go into another fantastic World and you can summon anime op characters to be with you and can also have powers of anime character

lazygsj · Kỳ huyễn
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yeah so it was true a young boy in his 19 jumped from ground after seeing his new body and surroundings tall old medival houses

and he is now standing in Elly way with dogs sitting around

suddenly the rush of memories come to his mind with some great headache which cause his excitement to broke in mid way and cry out in pain after some time which seems like days he come to his scenes but even so he was still smiling like hooligan passerbys didn't care thought he has some screw loose or something

after some day dreaming he came to his scenes and accepted his memories which were not that special just like any other noble he had read a grown out adult with extreme introverted personality and adrain of anyone he comes to contact well kind a reasonable seeing that his parents sold him to slave traders everyone other person would also have sociological shadow for this

but he does have some great luck that after some weeks some knight of kingdom arrested them and leave that slaves on there own well kind a brutal but that's it what it is

this body is now in a town where those knights left him to be after all I am not a young child thet is pretty resonable hey well leave it aside

this body original name was volter zenth that name I am not gonna take at all well it might seems wrong but I am not his and like no one care about him not even his parents and most likely he had died I don't know how but seems like it

well I should think of some cool name right what should it be I was thinking but suddenly some sound came in my mind

[ding! strongest multi omniverse system has started ]

system yeah that's too freeking cool so what can it do wait does it have gift package or something well just give me infinite gontlent or Omnitrix well death note or hogyoku

[ding!! it has seems something is wrong with user checking for problems]

well forgive me ha ha I was just excited well just thought you have system that is cheat right so why can't you cheat it properly I mean why so much hassle for leveling from level 1 tho

[ding host does have point well I am not that kind of stingy system everything has a price and you had to pay it to get yourself that prize]

so what do I have to pay now you know to transmigrate to this world I had to die first I didn't expect that to be true well the thing was I got link by surfing in comments under some restricted animes when I open it it said if you commit suicide by by doing 100 push ups on 50 floor after that silute and say anime is great

well I was orphan with nothing and i doesn't like have no motivation to live so I did it

[ding !well that text was left by almighty one in every trillins of worlds for years but you were the first one to ever complete it]

ohh so that's it wait trillions of world and who is this almighty one well but the most importantly it seems that no one in those trillions of world is brave as me ha ha I knew it I was born to be greatest

[ding! i would not say brave like no one would believe something they got on that type of sites that is just stupid means you were the stupid and crazyest creature to ever exist in that trillion worlds]

no system you are just jealous of me but whatever I got the prize right so you didn't tell who this almighty one is

[ding! host please stay in your place do not make system let you make and system do not have capability to talk about great one ]

so that's how it is so you are useless but I had ocd so I am gonna die to know it hey system if you can't say about him why did you even start

[almighty one! ha ha kid you listening }

huh who is it system did you change your voice or whatt you sound like drug deeler in my street with tattoos all over

[almighty one! ahuh kid I am almighty one you are talking about and that was the link ]

yes sir so what should I call you sir thanks for giving me chance

[ almighty one! ha ha no need kid you can say whatever you want to me like just think you have just live forever mostly 20 years and don't you think world is boring so you start watching anime or movies to pass your time and just think I was first thing to ever exist and that's when time started and I had lived for trillions of trillions of years ]

fuck that too amm too bad or good I mean he is immortal or he is super strong he can have everything he want how can it make his bored

[almighty one! well you will never understand I am like that bored I like create billions of world every movement so they can create something for me to pass my time like anime or movies or stories so being immortal or all powerfull is not good some time I want to end my life but I can't die because death is concept that I had created so it can't work on me can it ]

that I can't understand your feelings but it seems bad so are gonna give me powers or what I came to important part straight

[ almighty one! well yeah you are really unique i would say I never thought some one would really do that ha ha but yeah I will give you powers but you have to intertaine me well ha ha ha]

so you gonna give me powers or like for just for fun what if I failed and died or destroye this world are you gonna intervine I said hesitatingly but I have to ask

[almighty one! ohh that I won't it is intresting to do something new but I can try again with someone else might not be crazy as you but world is too vast you can't even imagine as for world you can't even imagine how insignificant you and this little universe is for me like when I was too bored i even became demon lord or created some creaters that distroy multiverse for my fun ha ha it's nothing do what can you do I won't interfere ha ha surprise me if you can but I don't think you can ever do that]

well I thought he has some screw loose but I did underestimated him i shivered thinking this

well i think he can read my thoughts but I don't think he'll came about this but even so can I sleep thing that someone this strong if one day don't like what am I doing will he destroy me

[almighty one! do not worry I am not intrested do whatever you want as I said I won't interfere you can even think that I don't even exist if you want I can even erase your memory about this conversation]

no no need I think it's ok I don't think someone strong as you will ever go back on your words

[almighty one! well then I'll be leaving I had made system for you bye then ]

okk bye sir thank you for giving me chance after long time getting no response I breath out freely some time it's really hard to talk with some one this strong well whatever

well then where are you system came out and see your lord

[ding! first of all system won't take disrespect for next time and second thing I can also punish you and third thing if even after two warnings you didn't stop the system can tell you truthfully that it would cut some really important part of your body and you will really regret that]

ahem forgive me system i shivered at system extreme punishment and third one it's good to die then without that part for boys i shivered again

so my lord system can you explain your functions please

[ding! system has many functions like it has storel,achevements,summoning,complete template lucky draw,quests pannel and of course it has unlimited storage but yes it can store a planet or mountains if you want you need to have that strength to do so but system don't think host would ever had so why waste time ]

this fucking system why can't it stop bothering you how good system were in novels I had read like a silent one or sexy lady system but what did I get this it's dissopointing

so system do I have any gift package or something

[ding! you have gift package so does host want to open it]

yes ofcource I want to open it system how stupid are you tell me do you need to tell me things like this

[ding! system had given you your first warning so behave well]

ohh shit system will you take that back if I said sorry to you preety please

[ding! if host can lower his pants crouck and ace facing the sun and south I AM SORRY SYSTEM THREE TIMES isystem can take it back]

no need I said this system i too brutal I should not play with my little brother life or it would get sacrificed I thought

so system please open gift package

[ding! host has gotten 25,000 points and a beauty pill and clothes that can change into whatever clothes that host want and it can repair it self with shoes and accesories]

that's disappointed i thought there might be Omnitrix or sayian bloodline or something I can understand 25000 point but what about that beauty pill and clothes

[ding! host there was only point that were in gift package it was just your face is too ugly and poor clothes for this system so system had just pity you]

you you there was black lines on my face I was never himuliated this much even in my last life but I cant say anything so system give me that beauty pill of yours hey system will it change my face unrecognisable

[ding! no it will just make your skin smooth remove some unwanted hairs on face and make jawline and inline your nose or likes

well good then not thinking too much I just eat it too tell you the truth nothing special about taste but after some time I feel itchy on face and some seconds later it over well seeing my face in reflection on house window I do look handsome even zayn Malik would feel that I am much good looking in looks ha ha

ok then I'll take it so what should I wear a tecxido no too formal why not just tracksuit well why think too much anyway hey why not i always want to wear clothes of anime character should I wear akatsuki uniform no that's cursed they say if you ever take it off you'll die well why not goku training suit nah I don't think I would look good well thinking of this well leave it just black pants with white t shirt under black jacket now if I want I can play in Hollywoodwood on earth

and now most important thing is I should give myself a good name well it should be cool right

how about James bond or Thomas Shelby nah that won't suit me right

well I'll just say optimus prime just kidding let just say it's blaze maximus so let see the system

system explain me your functions thoroughly

[ ding! quest by completing tasks given by system you can get system points or rewards

[summon you can summon characters from anime, books,comics or movies]

[completed template lucky box -you can get full strength of that template character]

[system stor- you can bye anything on the store that you can find in this whole omniverse]

[achievement- by getting some titles or doing something deemed worthy by system]

ok so system do I have any achevements or tittle

[ding caruntly host has two titles]

[crazyest one- you have hight dominance over crazy people they would have slightly high respect for you ]

[otherwordly- you can adapt in any environment freely]

this otherwordly tittle is good but what about crazyest one it doesn't even do anything I thought well just leave it

system open quest pannel

[quest- rule world reward unknown]

[quest-make a girlfriend reward unknown]

[quest- marry a wife reward unknown]

[ quest-act super cool front of people 100 times reward unknown]

what are these quest i can understand to rule world but what is these two quests to make girlfriend or wife system would you please explain it

[ding! system give host task that are very diddicalt for host to do so it's you who have some problems please do not condemn system]

okk then system be ready I can make a girlfriend it just girlfriend how hard can it be huh I thought with tears in my eyes I'll prove you wrong system just wait

I don't even want to see this system open summoning panel

what one sumening box cost for 10,000 well after all it's to summon character ok then I this today luck should be better right I had meet almighty one if I got some rubbish character I won't believe it right system

[ding! ahem you are right host there will be best character and first spin is free for host and can buy it's template just for 10000 sp no matter what character it is]

well it should be like this I knew almighty one is lucky and won't disappoint me me so system open it for me ...