
I can summon anime characters!

Nouflex was once a promising football player with dreams of making it big in the sport. However, after a devastating injury shattered his hopes, he found himself spiraling into despair. To make matters worse, most of his friends abandoned him when he needed support the most. At his lowest point, when it seemed like there was no way out, Nouflex receives a mysterious proposal. He is offered the chance to be transported to a new world of magic and fantasy, where he would have the power to summon characters from anime, manga, and manhwa to serve him. With nothing left to lose and intrigued by the possibilities, Nouflex accepts the offer. In this new world, he discovers that he has the ability to summon powerful characters to aid him in various tasks and battles. However, he soon realizes that this new world is not without its dangers and challenges. As Nouflex navigates this magical realm, he must confront his inner demons and insecurities while facing formidable foes. Along the way, he forms unlikely alliances and discovers the true meaning of strength and friendship. Will Nouflex be able to rise above his past and forge a new destiny in this fantastical world? [DISCLAIMER]: This book will contain a lot of gore and sexual content, so please if you are under 18 do not read this book. [DISCLAIMER]: I do not own any of the characters in this book, the only thing I own is the world and OG characters.

Nouflex · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: It was for real!

Opening the mail, I found a 50 question quiz. Some questions are multiple choice answer questions, while others are open questions with its title. "YOUR CHANCE TO LIVE IN A NEW WORLD!"

*Sigh* "This is what was left for me, a dumb isekai quiz... Even though I do hope something like that would actually happen to me... Anyways I have nothing better to do. I'll just play along to pass some time." *Sigh* "Boredom really can make you do dumb things." I commented to myself as I started by reading the introduction paragraph first.

"It indeed is your lucky day, fortune favors you greatly, for you have been selected among the multitude through the intricate verses of destiny. Your uniqueness shines brightly as the chosen bearer of this opportunity. With each step, may you realize the boundless potential that awaits. But to reach this boundless height, start by answering these questions.

Reading that, I scrolled down with my finger to read the first question.

1- What shall your name be?

'I hate my family name so I will stick with Nouflex. I'll thing of a last name later.' I wrote Nouflex on the empty typing space under the question.

2- How would you like to go to your new word?

A- Reincarnation.

B- Transportation.

"Ummm..." Placing my fingers on my chin, I said to myself. "Being reincarnated would indeed give me a good start with a family where I can live until I get used to the new world, but I want a fresh start, not know anybody and create everything myself. So I will have to go with transportation... Also I dont want to deal with learning to walk, speak and shit in my diapers hehe.'

3- What race would you like to be transported as?

 1-Human. 2-Elf. 3-Dwarf. 4-Ghost. 5-Slime. 6-Parasyte. 7-Beast man. 8-Energy... 136- Plant.

"Who the fuck would like to be transported as a plant? Anyways, I searched in this list for 15 minutes and the only truly interesting race I found was Higher Human and this is the one I selected."

Higher Human: Humanity but blessed with eternal life 'Infinite Life span'. They possess slightly heightened physical abilities and regenerative powers than humans. The average Higher Human is at the same level of top level athletes of humans at your world. Disclaimer: This race is not immortal, it can be killed by normal means like normal humans. Lost limbs, body parts and some organs can be regenerated with due time as long as he didn't die by blood loss before the healing or did not die instantly by destroying important parts such as the heart, brain or lungs.

4- Click HERE to start creating your new body for your next life. If you wish to keep the same body, IGNORE this and PROCEED to the next question.

"Go to a new world with this broken body? No thanks Id rather stay here than do that." Before I even realized it, I became invested in this mail and started answering seriously as if my life really depended on it.

Clicking on the button HERE, a new page appeared with a beautiful naked female in a T pose that I can customize however I like, and I really can customize every detail on her body. The first thing I did was to turn her into a male since I am one myself and started working on the new character not letting any detail escape my taste.

And after a few minutes I reached his dick length. I wanted to make it 11 inch long for fun like those dumb novels I read, This is not real after all, right? But a message popped up asking me if I wanted to be transported as a horse instead of a Higher Human. It made me chuckle a little bit and embarrassed so I made it 7.5 inches long, almost 20cm.

As I continued changing him to fit my taste for a perfect body as if it was to be mine, I finally finished him. Now I am looking at a 19 years old young man with blonde strands cascading like midnight silk, slightly curly, his raven black mullet frames a handsome visage with a sharp jawline. His chiseled features exude an air of confidence and charisma.

Standing tall at 185 centimeters, his physique looks like testament to dedication and discipline as if he trained calisthenics for decades, sculpted with the precision of a master craftsman. His frame boasts a perfect balance between power and grace, reminiscent of a seasoned athlete at the peak of his prowess.

Yet, it is his eyes that truly captivate the beholder. One, a piercing sapphire blue, holds the depth of the ocean's abyss, shimmering with an inner wisdom beyond his years and a certain calmness. The other, a fiery crimson red, glows with an intensity that ignites the soul, a beacon of hell and suffering. 'He looks like the cover with some differences'

"Perfect! it's true that he looks weird because of those eyes but I always wanted to be like those characters who hide their eye cause they hold some kind of power." Confirming the character creations, the customization panel vanished as I was directed to the next question. 

5- What kind of world would you like to be transported to?

A- Similar to your present one

B- Technologically advanced world

C- After peak destruction world

D- Fantasy world

E- Apocalypse world

'Well I guess the choice is pretty easy on this one' After choosing the world I desire, I read its description.

Fantasy world: In the heart of a sprawling fantasy realm, all kinds of magic energies flow like a river of starlight, weaving through enchanted forests and ancient citadels. Towering mountains kiss the heavens, their peaks shrouded in mist and mystery, while emerald valleys teem with mythical creatures and noble beings. Castles of shimmering stone rise against the horizon, guarded by knights of valor and wizards of wisdom. Dragons soar through cerulean skies, their scales gleaming in the sunlight as they guard hoards of untold treasure. Undead armies try to take over the realm guided by demons and more... In a world 10 times bigger than yours, from bustling marketplaces to hidden groves, every corner of this fantastical world holds secrets waiting to be discovered by brave adventurers and intrepid explorers.

6- Choose from these options:

A- Become the strongest warrior, someone who can split mountains with a single swing from his weapon.

B- Become a dangerous wizard, someone who discovers the secrets of energies and magic.

C- Become a king, a ruler, someone who orders subordinates to achieve his goals.

"Now this is a hard choice... To be honest, if I hadn't read Solo Leveling recently I probably would've chosen to be a warrior or mage. But the idea of having subordinates to do all the work for you is truly exciting. So I will go with 'C'. 

7- Choose your favorite:

A- Video games.

B- Movies

C- Movies

D- Anime

E- Cartoon

F- Novels

"Easy question again, Anime. Next!" I scrolled once again to get to the next question.

8- What you call 'Golden finger' or 'Cheat' is a must in this type of worlds, especially for someone from an ordinary one like you! Choose your power: 

A- System

B- Greatest talent

C- Unlimited potential

D- Legendary weapon

E- Advanced magic of choice

"What kind of dumb question is that? I can have all of those things if I have a system, so I guess my answer is obvious. I choose a system."

9- Write the functions you want your system to have:

'Okay, what I want my system to do is to give me quests and mission and reward me in order to grow stronger. I hate those systems with punishments, they basically make the MC a slave forced to do them. I want to have the choice to do whatever I want. I want to be free.' After writing that, I went to answer the next question only to find it the last one.

10- Do you have any questions?


"Do I have questions?" I asked myself, the only response I got was the buzzing machine sound next to me with many kinds of wires pluged into my flesh.


I stayed silent for a while, not because I did not have questions, but it actually is because I do have a lot of questions, But only one really needed an answer in this situation... 'In case this was real, how would my mother be? If I just disappeared like that... She is the only one in this word I actually love so...'

As if hearing my thoughts, I received a new mail answering my question, it said. 'In case you accept the offer, you will not disappear. A clone will take your place, have the same emotions and behavior as you. As a bonus for accepting the offer, you and your mother and family will have a great life full of joy and wealth. Do you have any other questions?

I ignored the fact that this... Thing can read my thoughts since it has already done it before, and simply said with a voice filled with despair and excitement at the same time. "I-If that really is the case then I dont care anymore. I want to take this opportunity!"

A new mail appeared in front of my eyes. "Then it's settled, thank you for your time and enjoy your new life!" Right after reading that, the mails app closed as I kept staring at my phone wallpaper. I opened teh app again, but the mail was nowhere to be seen, as if it never existed.

"That's it...?" I waited for a minute and yet nothing happened. *Sigh* "Seriously? what did I expect to just wake up in another world? Sometimes I really suprise myself by how dumb I can be, maybe that's why all of this happened hehehe..." I cracked a joke on myself hoping to cope and feel better as I closed my eyes, since when I finished the quiz it was already dark after all the time invested to answer it, as I drifted in the dream world.




"Umhh, its cold..." I muttered still asleep, feeling the cold on my skin. I stayed like that for a while as it became unbearable, bursting my eyes open, I shouted. "Where is the blanket, so fucking cold..." My voice became immedietly mute the moment I realised where I was.

Looking right in front of me, instead of looking at the white wall I had gotten used to by now after looking at it 24 hours a day for a week by now, I was greeted by the sight of a squirrel getting frightened by my sudden agitation when waking up as it quickly ran to climb onto a tree.

Looking left and right, the same greeny sight was everywhere as grass blades were dancing due to the cool breeze going through them, reaching me, crawling on my skin making chills virbrate on my body. "Where am I..." Was all I could say, I was currently completely shocked by the beautiful scene of nature at it's full glory unfolding in front of me. It's true that Canada's nature is very beautiful from what I saw during my short stay there, but this... This is otherworldy. 

Looking down at myself I observed the obnormal state of my body. I was completely naked like the day I was born. This explains why I felt chills on my body after that small cool breeze. But this is not what attracted my attention. It was the muscles on my left quads, they were present! Present and very defined musculary, as if I did not have that operation that took 50% of my quad muscles.

Closing my eyes, I extanded my left hand towards my left quad. I softly touched my leg skin searching for a particular thing, something that should be there, and to my delight, it was gone!

"No way... The scar is gone! My muscles are back! What is going on?" After this unbeleivable discovery, there was only one thing I still needed to confirm. Something I could not do for months now and I really missed it so much.

Turning to my side, I pushed the ground with my arms, and with the assistance of my legs I stood up on my feet. Taking a deep breath, I took a step, then a second one, then a third. And slowly I began increasing the pace until I started sprinting, 

"YES! YYEEEEESS! I CAN RUN! IM BACK TO MY OLD DAYS! NO IT'S EVEN BETTER, I FEEL LIKE A SUPER HUMAN!" As I said that, a late realisation struck me. "Was it real, was that mail real? There is no other explanation for this, it must be real then!"

I was beyond happiness. Beyong excitement. I felt like I was myself once again. I felt like all this accumulated frustration, depression and pain being lifted out as if I was lying to myself this whole time. I felt an extreme gratitude towards that mail I received.

As those overwhelming sensations and emotions built over the last years reached their limited, my eyes couldn't help but burst out in tears rolling down my face and neck reaching my body, tears of happiness accompanied by a wide smile. So wide that it showcased my set of white teeth.

"I was human after all, I did have emotions, I was like you all. I AM HUMAN! AAAAAGGGGHHHH!!" My voice echoed through the forest as I crawled in a ball, my forehead on the floor, and my tears flowing from my eyes like a fountain.