
I can summon anime characters!

Nouflex was once a promising football player with dreams of making it big in the sport. However, after a devastating injury shattered his hopes, he found himself spiraling into despair. To make matters worse, most of his friends abandoned him when he needed support the most. At his lowest point, when it seemed like there was no way out, Nouflex receives a mysterious proposal. He is offered the chance to be transported to a new world of magic and fantasy, where he would have the power to summon characters from anime, manga, and manhwa to serve him. With nothing left to lose and intrigued by the possibilities, Nouflex accepts the offer. In this new world, he discovers that he has the ability to summon powerful characters to aid him in various tasks and battles. However, he soon realizes that this new world is not without its dangers and challenges. As Nouflex navigates this magical realm, he must confront his inner demons and insecurities while facing formidable foes. Along the way, he forms unlikely alliances and discovers the true meaning of strength and friendship. Will Nouflex be able to rise above his past and forge a new destiny in this fantastical world? [DISCLAIMER]: This book will contain a lot of gore and sexual content, so please if you are under 18 do not read this book. [DISCLAIMER]: I do not own any of the characters in this book, the only thing I own is the world and OG characters.

Nouflex · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: Felix the noble

 -Felix POV-

My name is Felix Donefiere, a 28 years old young man of humble origins who, through sheer effort and unyielding hard work, carved a path from obscurity to prominence in the grand Kingdom of Daloria. This is my story.

I was born in the bustling village of Enfield, the son of a modest cobbler and a dedicated seamstress. From an early age, I understood the value of hard work and the weight of dreams. My parents toiled tirelessly to provide for our family, and their relentless spirit was the cornerstone of my upbringing.

In those early years, our life was a constant struggle. We lived hand to mouth, each day a testament to the harsh realities faced by commoners in our kingdom. But it was also a life rich in lessons.

My father's craft taught me precision and patience, while my mother's sewing imbued me with an appreciation for detail and artistry. They nurtured in me a profound respect for honest labor and an unshakable belief that perseverance could overcome even the most daunting of obstacles.

As I grew older, my aspirations stretched beyond the confines of our small village. I yearned for more than the modest existence that had been our lot. The bustling markets of Enfield, with their myriad of goods and the constant hum of commerce, fascinated me. I began to see trade not just as a means of survival, but as a path to something greater.

At the age of sixteen, with little more than a few coins in my pocket and a heart full of determination, I left home to seek my fortune in the grand city of Valeria, the heart of Daloria's commerce. The city was a world unto itself brimming with opportunity.

I found work as a porter in the sprawling marketplaces, hauling goods and observing the intricate dance of trade.

It was during these formative years that I immersed myself in the world of commerce. I studied the ways of the merchants, the ebb and flow of supply and demand, and the delicate art of negotiation.

The turning point came when I secured a contract to supply grain to a local museum. It was a modest deal, but it marked the beginning of my rise. With each successful transaction, my reputation grew.

I expanded my network, forged alliances, and learned to navigate the often treacherous waters of business with a blend of caution and boldness.

Years passed, and my endeavors bore fruit. I became a well-known figure in Valeria's trading circles, respected for my integrity and shrewdness. My success was not without its challenges rival merchants, economic downturns, and the occasional betrayal but each setback only strengthened my resolve.

Felix Donefiere stood at the edge of the small town that marked the beginning of the road to Daloria, the capital city. The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden hue over the landscape. Felix, now a noble, felt a rush of excitement and anticipation.

His family had already been sent ahead to the capital, and he longed to reunite with them and settle into the grand manor the king had gifted him.

Beside him stood his most trusted butler, Brad, a man whose loyalty and wisdom had been invaluable throughout Felix's journey from commoner to noble.

"Brad, we've come a long way." Felix said, his voice filled with both pride and impatience. "It's time to take our final step to Daloria. I can't wait to see my family and begin our new life."

Brad, ever the cautious and thoughtful advisor, nodded. "Indeed, my lord. But I must reiterate my concern about taking the shortcut through the Whispering Woods. There have been unsettling rumors about strange happenings there. The longer route may be safer."

Felix waved a dismissive hand. "Brad, what are the odds of something happening to us? I'm in a rush, and the thought of taking the longer route is unbearable. We'll take the shortcut. I'm sure it's just idle gossip."

Brad sighed but nodded in resignation. "As you wish, my lord. I will follow your decision. My duty is to serve and protect you, regardless of the path you choose."

With their decision made, Felix and Brad set off towards the Whispering Woods. The path was narrow and less traveled, with thick trees on either side casting long shadows as dusk approached.

The forest was known for its eerie atmosphere, but Felix's excitement overshadowed any trepidation he might have felt.

As they ventured deeper into the woods, the trees seemed to close in around them, and the sounds of the forest grew louder and more unsettling. Despite the growing sense of unease, Felix pressed on, determined to reach Daloria as quickly as possible.

"Brad, do you remember the first time we set out on a journey together?" Felix asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Brad smiled faintly. "Of course, my lord. It was when you decided to expand your trading routes. We faced many challenges, but we overcame them all."

"And now look at us." Felix continued. "From a common trader to a noble, thanks to hard work and a bit of luck. I couldn't have done it without you, Brad."

"It has been my honor to serve you, my lord." Brad replied. "But I must admit, this place gives me an uneasy feeling. We should remain vigilant."

Felix nodded, though he still felt confident in his decision. "We will, Brad. We will. We have five of the royal guards here with us so everything will be alright."

"Yes my lord..." Bradd seemed to still have a weird feeling.

As they continued through the forest, the air grew colder and the shadows deeper. Strange sounds echoed around them, and Brad's unease turned to a palpable tension. Felix, though still determined, began to feel the first pricks of doubt.

Suddenly, a rustling noise came from the bushes nearby, causing both men to stop in their tracks. Felix reached for the dagger he kept at his side, while Brad instinctively moved closer to his master, ready to defend him.

A window of the carriage was opened, and one of the royal guard peeking inside while riding a horse. "It seems we have been ambushed, please remain in the carriage we will take care of this."

Felix's expression changed completely, it seems Brad's worries weren't simple exaggeration.

"O-okay, please be careful." As much as he tried to remain calm, he simply couldnt. He was a merchant not a fighter.

He knows very well how cruel this world is and how it works, so he could not afford die after all the hard work he had done, he also he had a loving family awaiting for him at Daloria.

Felix and Brad huddled inside the carriage, their breaths shallow and rapid. The sounds of clashing steel, anguished cries, and brutal commands filled the air outside. The five royal guards, handpicked by the king himself, were fighting valiantly against the bandits. Yet, the sheer number of attackers, approximately thirty or so, overwhelmed the elite guards.

Felix peeked out of the carriage window and saw a horrific sight, his guards, his protectors, were being mercilessly butchered by the ferocious bandits.

Felix's heart pounded in his chest, his hands trembling and his face lost color as he withdrew from the window. He looked at Brad, whose face was etched with fear and determination. They both knew that their situation was dire.

"Master Felix, stay calm." Brad whispered, his voice shaking. "We need to think of a way out of this."

But Felix was paralyzed with terror. He could barely process what was happening, his mind filled with the gruesome images of his guards being slain.

Suddenly, the carriage door was ripped open with a force that made it seem as if it were made of paper. A massive figure stood in the doorway, his presence dominating the small space. He was bald, with tribal tattoos snaking across his face and muscular arms. His body was covered in scars, and he wore barbaric clothes. A huge war axe was strapped to his back, a weapon that seemed almost too large to wield.

"Oh here he is, you were hiding while your dogs were getting butchered outside hehehe. Now it's your turn punk." The huge man said.

Felix screamed, his voice high-pitched and filled with desperation. "HELP! Somebody, please!"

The giant ignored Brad, who was shouting and pleading for the man to let Felix go. With a single, swift movement, the bandit leader grabbed Felix by the throat and lifted him off the carriage floor. Felix's scream was cut off as the bandit's grip tightened, cutting off his air.

"Please! Let him go!" Brad cried out, desperation in his voice. "Just take everythign you want from the carriage and let him go!"

The bandit leader turned his cold, piercing eyes toward Brad, but his grip on Felix did not loosen. It was clear that Felix was his intended target. The bandit seemed to relish the fear and helplessness radiating from Felix and Brad.

He exited the carriage while holding Felix like a hunted bunny. "Kill the old man inside boys, he's annoying! And take all the loot you find inside the carriage." The bald man who seemed to be the leader of these bandits ordered.

Following their boss orders two men went inside the carriage killing Brad with no hesitation, all we could hear from the outside was the sound of the sword cutting through the skin, and the splash of blood on the ground.

While 7 men went into the carriage to fetch for anything of value. They even robbed Brad's corpse from anything shinny he wore.

The boss threw Felix on the ground as he stepped oh his head in the process applying the force of his weight on him.

"Its nothing personal Donefirere, it's just that some people dont really appreciate you. Your head got quite the price though. After this we will all become rich, HAHAHAHA." The baldy laughed as if this was something very common for him, even funny.

On the other hand Felix who was under immense pain could only cry and regret his choice, But he was having questions too. 'Why me? Why it had to be me, I didnt even offend anyone. I was good and fair to everyone around me. Who could have done this to me? Why would they do it? I wanna know who did it! I want to kill him myself, I WANT REVENGE... The world is so unfair.'

Felix, drowning in his tears, thoughts and regrets decided to rage.


"Those are your last words? Haha so be it. Good bye my friend." The huge man lifted his huge axe in the sky, and Felix prepared himself to feel his head being chopped off.

Bring his axe down, the sound of it cutting the air could be heard, proof of the force applied in the chop using mana. Yet, It was stopped instantaneously mere centimeters away from Felix neck, a certain green aura surrounding it.

"Hmm? You want to kill him? Unfortunately I cannot allow that until my master decides otherwise." A feminine graceful voice played inside of my ear, even at death's door I still enjoyed hearing it.

Lifting my pupils to see who was she I was greeted by one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.

"Now submit yourself or die!" In confidence she stated.